Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: Deckhand Version: 1.1.0.dev717 Summary: Storage service for YAML-based configuration documents, which are managed through version control and automatically validated. Home-page: Author: The Airship Authors Author-email: Classifier: Intended Audience :: Information Technology Classifier: Intended Audience :: System Administrators Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux Classifier: Programming Language :: Python Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10 Requires-Python: >=3.8 License-File: LICENSE License-File: AUTHORS ======== Deckhand ======== |Docker Repository on Quay| |Doc Status| Deckhand provides document revision management, storage and mutation functionality upon which the rest of the `Airship`_ components rely for orchestration of infrastructure provisioning. Deckhand understands declarative YAML documents that define, end-to-end, the configuration of sites: from the hardware -- encompassing network topology and hardware and host profile information -- up to the software level that comprises the overcloud. * Free software: Apache license * Documentation: * Source: * Bugs:!/project/1004 * Release notes: Core Responsibilities ===================== * layering - helps reduce duplication in configuration by applying the notion of inheritance to documents * substitution - provides separation between secret data and other configuration data for security purposes and reduces data duplication by allowing common data to be defined once and substituted elsewhere dynamically * revision history - maintains well-defined collections of documents within immutable revisions that are meant to operate together, while providing the ability to rollback to previous revisions * validation - allows services to implement and register different kinds of validations and report errors * secret management - leverages existing OpenStack APIs -- namely `Barbican`_ -- to reliably and securely store sensitive data .. _Barbican: Getting Started =============== For more detailed installation and setup information, please refer to the `Getting Started `_ guide. Integration Points ================== Deckhand has the following integration points: * `Barbican (OpenStack Key Manager) `_ provides secure storage for sensitive data. * `Keystone (OpenStack Identity service) `_ provides authentication and support for role based authorization. * `PostgreSQL `_ is used to persist information to correlate workflows with users and history of workflow commands. .. note:: Currently, other database back-ends are not supported. Though, being a low-level service, has many other Airship services that integrate with it, including: * `Drydock `_ is orchestrated by Shipyard to perform bare metal node provisioning. * `Promenade `_ is indirectly orchestrated by Shipyard to configure and join Kubernetes nodes. * `Armada `_ is orchestrated by Shipyard to deploy and test Kubernetes workloads. Further Reading =============== `Airship`_. .. _Airship: .. |Docker Repository on Quay| image:: :target: .. |Doc Status| image:: :target: