# Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Tests for the default node_lookup provided with the deployment group functionality. """ import mock import pytest from shipyard_airflow.common.deployment_group.deployment_group import ( GroupNodeSelector ) from shipyard_airflow.common.deployment_group.errors import ( InvalidDeploymentGroupNodeLookupError ) from shipyard_airflow.common.deployment_group.node_lookup import ( NodeLookup, _generate_node_filter, _validate_selectors ) class TestNodeLookup: def test_validate_selectors(self): """Tests the _validate_selectors function""" try: _validate_selectors([GroupNodeSelector({})]) _validate_selectors([]) except: # No exceptions expected. assert False with pytest.raises(InvalidDeploymentGroupNodeLookupError) as idgnle: _validate_selectors(None) assert "iterable of GroupNodeSelectors" in str(idgnle.value) with pytest.raises(InvalidDeploymentGroupNodeLookupError) as idgnle: _validate_selectors(["bad!"]) assert "all input elements in the selectors" in str(idgnle.value) with pytest.raises(InvalidDeploymentGroupNodeLookupError) as idgnle: _validate_selectors(["bad!", "also bad!"]) assert "all input elements in the selectors" in str(idgnle.value) with pytest.raises(InvalidDeploymentGroupNodeLookupError) as idgnle: _validate_selectors([GroupNodeSelector({}), "bad!"]) assert "all input elements in the selectors" in str(idgnle.value) def test_generate_node_filter(self): """Tests the _generate_node_filter function""" sel = GroupNodeSelector({ 'node_names': [], 'node_labels': ['label1:label1'], 'node_tags': ['tag1', 'tag2'], 'rack_names': ['rack3', 'rack1'], }) nf = _generate_node_filter([sel]) assert nf == { 'filter_set': [{ 'filter_type': 'intersection', 'node_names': [], 'node_tags': ['tag1', 'tag2'], 'rack_names': ['rack3', 'rack1'], 'node_labels': {'label1': 'label1'}} ], 'filter_set_type': 'union' } sel2 = GroupNodeSelector({ 'node_names': ['node1', 'node2', 'node3', 'node4', 'node5'], 'node_labels': ['label1:label1', 'label2:label2'], 'node_tags': ['tag1', 'tag2'], 'rack_names': ['rack3', 'rack1'], }) nf = _generate_node_filter([sel, sel2]) assert nf == { 'filter_set': [ { 'filter_type': 'intersection', 'node_names': [], 'node_tags': ['tag1', 'tag2'], 'rack_names': ['rack3', 'rack1'], 'node_labels': {'label1': 'label1'} }, { 'filter_type': 'intersection', 'node_names': ['node1', 'node2', 'node3', 'node4', 'node5'], 'node_tags': ['tag1', 'tag2'], 'rack_names': ['rack3', 'rack1'], 'node_labels': {'label1': 'label1', 'label2': 'label2'} } ], 'filter_set_type': 'union' } sel3 = GroupNodeSelector({}) sel4 = GroupNodeSelector({ 'node_names': [], 'node_labels': [], 'node_tags': [], 'rack_names': [], }) nf = _generate_node_filter([sel, sel3, sel4]) assert nf == { 'filter_set': [{ 'filter_type': 'intersection', 'node_names': [], 'node_tags': ['tag1', 'tag2'], 'rack_names': ['rack3', 'rack1'], 'node_labels': {'label1': 'label1'}} ], 'filter_set_type': 'union' } nf = _generate_node_filter([sel3, sel4]) assert nf is None @mock.patch('shipyard_airflow.common.deployment_group.node_lookup' '._get_nodes_for_filter', return_value=['node1', 'node2']) def test_NodeLookup_lookup(self, *args): """Test the functionality of the setup and lookup functions""" nl = NodeLookup(mock.MagicMock(), {"design": "ref"}) assert nl.design_ref == {"design": "ref"} assert nl.drydock_client sel = GroupNodeSelector({ 'node_names': [], 'node_labels': ['label1:label1'], 'node_tags': ['tag1', 'tag2'], 'rack_names': ['rack3', 'rack1'], }) resp = nl.lookup([sel]) assert resp == ['node1', 'node2'] def test_NodeLookup_lookup_missing_design_ref(self): """Test the functionality of the setup and lookup functions""" with pytest.raises(InvalidDeploymentGroupNodeLookupError) as idgnle: NodeLookup(mock.MagicMock(), {}) assert 'An incomplete design ref' in str(idgnle.value)