# Testing pyflakes>=2.1.1 amqp~=2.6.0 pytest==3.5.0 pytest-cov==2.5.1 responses==0.10.2 testfixtures==5.1.1 # Had to upgrade apache-airflow as 1.10.1 requires a version of jinja too old # for promenade apache-airflow[crypto,celery,hive,hdfs,jdbc]==1.10.2 # install postgres seperately as apache-airflow 1.10.2 forces postgres to use # psycopg2 instead of psycopg2-binary which requires additional apt packages # to be installed, i.e. postgres-devel. Otherwise the following error is seen: # Error: pg_config executable not found. Only seems to be an issue in xenial postgres>=3.0.0 # TODO(bryan-strassner) Pin to version for airflow when added to the # requirements.txt in the airflow images directory git+https://opendev.org/airship/promenade.git@master#egg=promenade # Linting flake8<3.8.0,>=3.6.0 # Security scanning bandit>=1.5.0 # Apache-2.0