Merge "Add repo scm"

This commit is contained in:
Jenkins 2013-10-11 00:23:41 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit e43ef64500
2 changed files with 84 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -217,6 +217,89 @@ def git(self, xml_parent, data):
XML.SubElement(bc, 'url').text = data['browser-url']
def repo(self, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: repo
Specifies the repo SCM repository for this job.
Requires the Jenkins `Repo Plugin.
:arg str manifest-url: URL of the repo manifest
:arg str manifest-branch: The branch of the manifest to use (optional)
:arg str manifest-file: Initial manifest file to use when initialising
:arg str manifest-group: Only retrieve those projects in the manifest
tagged with the provided group name (optional)
:arg str destination-dir: Location relative to the workspace root to clone
under (optional)
:arg str repo-url: custom url to retrieve the repo application (optional)
:arg str mirror-dir: Path to mirror directory to reference when
initialising (optional)
:arg int jobs: Number of projects to fetch simultaneously (default 0)
:arg bool current-branch: Fetch only the current branch from the server
(default true)
:arg bool quiet: Make repo more quiet
(default true)
:arg str local-manifest: Contents of .repo/local_manifest.xml, written
prior to calling sync (optional)
- repo:
manifest-branch: stable
manifest-file: repo.xml
manifest-group: drivers
destination-dir: build
mirror-dir: ~/git/project/
jobs: 3
current-branch: false
quiet: false
local-manifest: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project path="external/project" name="org/project"
remote="gerrit" revision="master" />
scm = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
'scm', {'class': 'hudson.plugins.repo.RepoScm'})
if 'manifest-url' in data:
XML.SubElement(scm, 'manifestRepositoryUrl').text = \
raise Exception("Must specify a manifest url")
mapping = [
# option, xml name, default value
("manifest-branch", 'manifestBranch', ''),
("manifest-file", 'manifestFile', ''),
("manifest-group", 'manifestGroup', ''),
("destination-dir", 'destinationDir', ''),
("repo-url", 'repoUrl', ''),
("mirror-dir", 'mirrorDir', ''),
("jobs", 'jobs', 0),
("current-branch", 'currentBranch', True),
("quiet", 'quiet', True),
("local-manifest", 'localManifest', ''),
for elem in mapping:
(optname, xmlname, val) = elem
val = data.get(optname, val)
# Skip adding xml entry if default is empty string and no value given
if not val and elem[2] is '':
xe = XML.SubElement(scm, xmlname)
if type(elem[2]) == bool:
xe.text = str(val).lower()
xe.text = str(val)
def svn(self, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: svn
Specifies the svn SCM repository for this job.

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@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ setuptools.setup(
'jenkins_jobs.scm': [