Change gerritbot to install from git

Previously gerritbot installed from a release version. So any change
to gerritbot requires a new release of gerritbot before it can come
into effect.

Change it to install the current git master branch for gerritbot and
use that.

Change-Id: Id229306960a9aa6ccf6241662e7172fce8150d33
This commit is contained in:
John L. Villalovos 2018-02-21 09:04:50 -08:00
parent 4e969c5808
commit d434fd93d0
2 changed files with 22 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -9,21 +9,38 @@ class gerritbot(
$ssh_rsa_key_contents = undef,
$ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents = undef,
$vhost_name = $::fqdn,
# Where to fetch the git repository from
$git_source_repo = '',
# Destination directory for the git repository
$git_root_dir = '/opt/gerritbot',
# The git branch
$git_revision_branch = 'master',
) {
include ::pip
package { 'gerritbot':
# Clone the git repository
vcsrepo { $git_root_dir:
ensure => latest,
provider => openstack_pip,
provider => git,
revision => $git_revision_branch,
source => $git_source_repo,
require => Class['pip'],
# Install gerritbot using pip
exec { 'install-gerritbot' :
command => "pip install -U -r${git_root_dir}/requirements.txt && pip install --no-deps -U ${git_root_dir}",
path => '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin/',
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => Vcsrepo[$git_root_dir],
file { '/etc/init.d/gerritbot':
ensure => present,
group => 'root',
mode => '0555',
owner => 'root',
require => Package['gerritbot'],
require => Exec['install-gerritbot'],
source => 'puppet:///modules/gerritbot/gerritbot.init',
@ -33,7 +50,7 @@ class gerritbot(
hasrestart => true,
require => File['/etc/init.d/gerritbot'],
subscribe => [

View File

@ -8,5 +8,6 @@
"project_page": "",
"issues_url": "!/project/717",
"dependencies": [
{"name":"openstackinfra/vcsrepo","version_requirement":">= 0.0.8"}