Merge "Remove vagrant setup"

This commit is contained in:
Zuul 2018-02-07 22:12:20 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 494f6ab19c
5 changed files with 0 additions and 148 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ ChangeLog
# Local settings
# IDE settings

Vagrantfile vendored
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@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "trusty64"
config.vm.box_url = "" :forwarded_port, host_ip: '', guest: 3306, host: 3306 :forwarded_port, host_ip: '', guest: 15672, host: 15672 :forwarded_port, host_ip: '', guest: 5672, host: 5672
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v| = "storyboard_dev"
config.vm.provision "shell", path: "vagrant/"
config.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet|
puppet.manifests_path = "vagrant/puppet/manifests"
puppet.manifest_file = "site.pp"
puppet.options="--verbose --debug"

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@ -147,51 +147,6 @@ manually due to a current bug in Storyboard.
update users set is_superuser=1;
Optional steps: Launching the development VM with Vagrant
StoryBoard has certain server dependencies which are often complicated to
install on any development environment. To simplify this,
we've provided a vagrantfile which includes all required services.
The vagrant machine will handle mysql and rabbitmq (and set them up
automatically) however be aware that it is not set up for actually running the
api in the vagrant vm.
Using the vagrant machine is useful because you can run the test suite against
the database it provides.
1. Install [vagrant](
2. Install [VirtualBox](
3. Run `vagrant up` in the storyboard root directory.
If you choose to go this route, the appropriate configuration values in
`storyboard.conf` will be as follows::
rabbit_login_method = AMQPLAIN
rabbit_userid = storyboard
rabbit_password = storyboard
rabbit_port = 5672
rabbit_virtual_host = /
connection = mysql+pymysql://storyboard:storyboard@
Note that the VM will attempt to bind to local ports 3306, 5672,
and 15672. If those ports are already in use, you will have to modify the
vagrant file and your configuration to accommodate.
This VM has also been set up for unit tests.
Optional steps: Seed database with base data

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
apt-get update
apt-get install puppet
if [ ! -d "/etc/puppet/modules/mysql" ]; then
puppet module install puppetlabs-mysql --version 0.6.1
if [ ! -d "/etc/puppet/modules/rabbitmq" ]; then
puppet module install puppetlabs-rabbitmq --version 4.1.0
if [ ! -d "/etc/puppet/modules/erlang" ]; then
puppet module install garethr-erlang --version 0.3.0

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@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
node default {
$dev_user = 'storyboard'
$dev_password = 'storyboard'
include 'erlang'
package { 'erlang-base':
ensure => 'latest',
before => Class['rabbitmq']
## RabbitMQ
class { 'rabbitmq':
service_manage => true,
manage_repos => false,
delete_guest_user => true,
default_user => $dev_user,
default_pass => $dev_password,
rabbitmq_user { $dev_user:
ensure => present,
admin => true,
password => $dev_password,
require => Class['rabbitmq']
rabbitmq_user_permissions { "${dev_user}@/":
configure_permission => '.*',
read_permission => '.*',
write_permission => '.*',
require => Rabbitmq_user[$dev_user],
## MySQL
class {'mysql::server':
config_hash => {
bind_address => ''
mysql::db { 'storyboard':
user => $dev_user,
password => $dev_password,
host => '%',
database_user{ 'openstack_citest@%':
ensure => present,
password_hash => mysql_password('openstack_citest'),
require => Class['mysql::server'],
database_grant{ 'openstack_citest@%/storyboard\_test\_db\_%':
privileges => ['ALL'],
require => Database_user['openstack_citest@%']