Allow a venv to be downloaded from a URL

In order to enable the ability to build venvs on a target,
then serve them via http(s) from a central storage host,
we enable the ability to set the path to be a URL. If this
is done then the venvs will be sourced from that URL when

Change-Id: I166de361f568bfdf28c0f5d916ff8175827c45f4
This commit is contained in:
Jesse Pretorius 2018-03-29 18:28:56 +01:00 committed by Jesse Pretorius (odyssey4me)
parent 58f0eaa468
commit 879ae97343
5 changed files with 44 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -70,10 +70,13 @@ venv_reuse_build_only: no
# venvs.
venv_reuse_build_wheels: yes
# The path where a built venv should be stored on the
# deployment host. By default, ensure that the location
# separates venvs per distribution and architecture to
# prevent re-use of venvs between them.
# The path where a built venv is stored on the By default,
# a path on the deployment host is used which ensures that
# the location separates venvs per distribution and architecture
# to prevent re-use of venvs between them. If the path set
# begins with http(s):// then the install process will
# recognise this and deploy from a URL instead of the
# deployment host.
venv_reuse_download_venv_path: "{{ lookup('env', 'HOME') | default('/opt', true) }}/cache/venvs/{{ venv_reuse_download_subfolder }}"
# NOTE(hwoarang): ansible_distribution may return a string with spaces
@ -81,7 +84,8 @@ venv_reuse_download_venv_path: "{{ lookup('env', 'HOME') | default('/opt', true)
# in order to create a more sensible repo name for the distro.
venv_reuse_download_subfolder: "{{ (ansible_distribution | lower) | replace(' ', '_') }}-{{ ansible_distribution_version.split('.')[:2] | join('.') }}-{{ ansible_architecture | lower }}"
# The owner of the venv_reuse_download_venv_path
# The owner of the venv_reuse_download_venv_path if it is
# housed on the deployment host.
venv_reuse_download_path_owner: "{{ lookup('env', 'USER') | default('root', true) }}"
# The path where the wheels are cached on the target host

View File

@ -79,7 +79,8 @@
- venv changed
- name: Package the venv when venv_reuse_enable is enabled
when: venv_reuse_enable | bool
- venv_reuse_enable | bool
- name: Clean up the virtualenv before packaging
@ -124,5 +125,6 @@
- src: "{{ venv_destination_path }}.checksum"
dest: "{{ venv_reuse_download_venv_path }}/{{ venv_destination_path | basename }}.checksum"
- _venv_source == 'file'
- _venv_package_build is mapping
- _venv_package_build | changed

View File

@ -18,14 +18,33 @@
src: "{{ venv_reuse_download_venv_path }}/{{ venv_destination_path | basename }}.checksum"
dest: "{{ venv_destination_path | dirname }}/"
register: _venv_checksum_copy
- _venv_source == 'file'
- name: Retrieve checksum for venv download
url: "{{ venv_reuse_download_venv_path }}/{{ venv_destination_path | basename }}.checksum"
dest: "{{ venv_destination_path | dirname }}/"
return_content: yes
register: _venv_checksum_download
- _venv_source == 'url'
- name: Attempt venv download
url: "{{ venv_reuse_download_venv_path }}/{{ venv_destination_path | basename }}.tgz"
dest: "{{ venv_destination_path | dirname }}/"
checksum: "sha1:{{ _venv_checksum_download.content | trim }}"
- _venv_source == 'url'
- name: Remove existing venv on target host if it is changing
path: "{{ venv_destination_path }}"
state: absent
- _venv_checksum_copy is mapping
- _venv_checksum_copy | changed
- (_venv_checksum_copy is mapping and _venv_checksum_copy | changed) or
(_venv_checksum_download is mapping and _venv_checksum_download | changed)
- name: Create venv directory on the target host
@ -40,6 +59,7 @@
remote_src: no
- (_venv_checksum_copy is mapping and _venv_checksum_copy | changed) or
(_venv_checksum_download is mapping and _venv_checksum_download | changed) or
_venv_dir_create | changed
- venv changed
@ -53,6 +73,7 @@
warn: no
- (_venv_checksum_copy is mapping and _venv_checksum_copy | changed) or
(_venv_checksum_download is mapping and _venv_checksum_download | changed) or
_venv_dir_create | changed
- skip_ansible_lint

View File

@ -32,6 +32,10 @@
- venv_reuse_build_only | bool
- not venv_reuse_enable | bool
- name: Check whether the venv_reuse_download_venv_path is a URL or a file path
_venv_source: "{{ (venv_reuse_download_venv_path is match('^https?://.*')) | ternary('url', 'file') }}"
- name: Ensure that venv_reuse_download_path exists on the deployment host
path: "{{ venv_reuse_download_venv_path }}"
@ -40,6 +44,7 @@
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: yes
- _venv_source == 'file'
- venv_reuse_enable | bool
- name: Check if venv tgz is present on the deployment host
@ -53,6 +58,7 @@
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: yes
- _venv_source == 'file'
- venv_reuse_enable | bool
- name: Ensure that virtualenv is installed on the destination host

View File

@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
- (_venv_checksum_copy is defined and
_venv_checksum_copy is mapping and
_venv_checksum_copy | changed) or
(_venv_checksum_download is defined and
_venv_checksum_download is mapping and
_venv_checksum_download | changed) or
(_install_venv_pip_packages is defined and
_install_venv_pip_packages is mapping and
_install_venv_pip_packages | changed)