#### Ansible systemd_mount This Ansible role configures systemd mount files. This role requires the ``ansible-config_template`` collection to be available on your local system. To get collection you can use use the ``ansible-galaxy`` command on the ``requirements.yml`` file.. You need to install collection **before** running this role. ``` bash # ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml ``` Release notes for the project can be found at: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/ansible-role-systemd_mount ---- ###### Example playbook > See the "defaults.yml" file for a full list of all available options. ``` yaml - name: Create a systemd mount file for Mount1 and 2 hosts: localhost become: true roles: - role: "systemd_mount" systemd_mounts: - what: '/var/lib/machines.raw' where: '/var/lib/machines' type: 'btrfs' options: 'loop' unit: ConditionPathExists: - '/var/lib/machines.raw' state: 'started' enabled: true - config_overrides: {} what: "" where: "/var/lib/glance/images" type: "nfs" options: "_netdev,auto" unit: After: - network.target ```