=============================== certbot-dns-openstack =============================== OpenStack DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot To Install: ``pip install certbot-dns-openstack`` To run: ``certbot -a certbot-dns-openstack:dns-openstack certonly -d example.com`` This uses ``os-client-config`` ``clouds.yaml`` for configuring the user access which by default will look in ``~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml``, and ``/etc/openstack/clouds.yaml``. If your ``clouds.yaml`` file is stored else where, you can add by adding ``--certbot-dns-openstack:dns-openstack-config /path/to/clouds.yaml`` to the command. * Free software: Apache license * Source: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/certbot-dns-openstack * Bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/certbot-dns-openstack Features -------- * dns-01 ACME challenge