# Overview The glance-simplestreams-sync charm keeps OpenStack cloud images (in Glance) synchronised with the latest available images from a Simplestreams mirror(s). It uses Cron to do this. The charm places simplestreams metadata in Object storage for future use by Juju. It then publishes the URL for that metadata as the endpoints of a new OpenStack service called 'product-streams'. The charm installs Simplestreams from a [snap][snap-upstream]. # Usage # Configuration This section covers common and/or important configuration options. See file `config.yaml` for the full list of options, along with their descriptions and default values. See the [Juju documentation][juju-docs-config-apps] for details on configuring applications. #### `run` The `run` option enables the synchronisation cron script. This option accepts Boolean values ('true' or 'false') with the default value being 'false'. Changing the value from 'false' to 'true' will immediately schedule an image sync. > **Note**: Enabling this option at cloud deploy time may cause a race condition with the set up of a possible storage backend for Glance. #### `frequency` The `frequency` option controls how often the sync cron job is run. It is used to link the cron script into `/etc/cron.`. Valid string values are: 'hourly', 'daily', and 'weekly'. The default is 'daily'. #### `region` The `region` option states the OpenStack region to operate in. The default value is 'RegionOne'. #### `mirror_list` The `mirror_list` option is a YAML-formatted list of Simplestreams mirrors and their configuration properties. The default behaviour is to download images from [https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com][cloud-images.ubuntu.com]. #### `ssl_ca` The `ssl_ca` option verifies (optionally) the certificates when in SSL mode for Keystone and Glance. This should be provided as a base64 encoded PEM certificate. ## Deployment To deploy to an existing OpenStack cloud (that already includes Glance, Object storage, and Keystone): juju deploy glance-simplestreams-sync juju add-relation glance-simplestreams-sync:identity-service keystone:identity-service > **Note**: Charmed OpenStack commonly employs Ceph-backed Object storage (see the [ceph-radosgw charm][ceph-radosgw-charm]). Otherwise, a vanilla Swift-based solution can be used (see the [swift-proxy charm][swift-proxy-charm]). ## Actions Juju [actions][juju-docs-actions] allow specific operations to be performed on a per-unit basis. This charm supports the single action `sync-images`, which allows for a one-time image sync from the currently configured mirror list. ## Juju resources The charm support juju resources, which is handy in offline deployments. Prefetch the snaps: snap download --channel=stable simplestreams Provide downloaded snaps as resources to the application: juju deploy cs:glance-simplestreams-sync --resource simplestreams=simplestreams_27.snap # Bugs Please report bugs on [Launchpad][lp-bugs-charm-glance-simplestreams-sync]. For general charm questions refer to the [OpenStack Charm Guide][cg]. [cg]: https://docs.openstack.org/charm-guide [cdg]: https://docs.openstack.org/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide [lp-bugs-charm-glance-simplestreams-sync]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-glance-simplestreams-sync/+filebug [juju-docs-actions]: https://juju.is/docs/working-with-actions [juju-docs-config-apps]: https://juju.is/docs/configuring-applications [snap-upstream]: https://snapcraft.io/ [cloud-images.ubuntu.com]: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com [ceph-radosgw-charm]: https://jaas.ai/ceph-radosgw [swift-proxy-charm]: https://jaas.ai/swift-proxy