Added Keystone federation spec

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Liam Young 2016-06-03 12:03:01 +01:00
parent fd9143a419
commit c94ae71831
1 changed files with 179 additions and 0 deletions

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Keystone Federation Support
Keystone Federation is a maturing feature and charm support for it is a
frequently requested.
Problem Description
Single identity across a cloud with multiple, geographically disparate regions
is complex for operators; Keystone federation provides the ability for multiple
clouds to federate identity trusty between regions, supporting single identity
either via keystone or via a 3rd party identity provider. The use of Keystone
Federation will help us build bigger, more manageable clouds across
Proposed Change
The design of this solution is predicated on the use of the Keystone federation
features introduced in OpenStack Kilo; these allow Keystone to delegate
authentication of users to a different identity provider (IDP) which might be
keystone, but could also be a solution implementing one of the methods used for
expressing assertions of identity (saml2 or OpenID).
If IDP is keystone, then this is the current straw man
- A single global keystone is set-up as the IDP for the cloud; this service
provides authentication for users and the global service catalog for all
cloud regions.
- Region level keystone instances delegate authentication to the global
keystone, but also maintain a region level service catalog of endpoints
for local use
An end-user accesses the cloud via the entry point of the global keystone; at
this point the end-user will be redirected to the region level services based
on which region they which to manage resources within.
In terms of charm design, the existing registration approach for services in
keystone is still maintained, but each keystone deployment will also register
its service catalog entries into the global keystone catalog.
They keystone charm will need updating to enable a) operation under apache
(standalone to be removed in mitaka and b) enablement of required federation
components. There will also be impact onto the openstack-dashboard charm to
enable use of this feature.
There is also a wider charm impact in that we need to re-base onto the keystone
v3 api across the board to support this type of feature.
The packages to support identity federation will also need to be selected and
undergo MIR into Ubuntu main this cycle; various options exist:
- SAM: Keystone supports the following implementations:
Shibboleth - see Setup Shibboleth.
Mellon - see Setup Mellon.
- OpenID Connect: see Setup OpenID Connect.
The Keystone Federation feature should support:
- Federation between two keystone services in the same model
- Federation between two keystone services in different models
- Federation between keystone and an identity provider not managed by Juju
Identities can be kept in sync between keystone instances using database
replication. The keystone charm also supports using LDAP as a backend, keystone
charms in different models could share the same LDAP backend if there service
users are stored locally.
Primary assignee:
Gerrit Topic
Use Gerrit topic "<topic_name>" for all patches related to this spec.
.. code-block:: bash
git-review -t keystone_federation
Work Items
Keystone Investigative Work
- Deploy multiple juju environments and define one IDP keystone and the rest as
SPs. Configuration will be manually applied to units
- Test OpenID integration with keystone. Configuration will be manually applied
to units
Keystone v3 endpoint enablement
- Define intercharm protocol for agreeing keystone api version
- Enable Keystone v3 in keystone charm
- Enable Keystone v3 in client charms
- Update Openstack charm testing configuration scripts to talk keystone v3
- Create Mojo spec for v3 deploy
Keystone to keystone Federation enablement
- Switch keystone to use apache for all use cases on deployments >= Liberty
- Enable keystone to keystone SP/IDP relation using a config option in the
charm to define the IDP endpoint (in lieu of cross environment relations)
- Mojo spec to deploy two regions and test federated access
Keystone to OpenID 3rd party enablement
- Backport libapache2-mod-auth-openidc to trusty cloud archive
- Expose OpenID configuration options to keystone charm, and update keystone
apache accordingly.
- Create bundle for deploying a single region using UbuntuONE for authentication.
- Mojo spec for multi-region UbuntuONE backed deployment
Keystone to SAML 3rd party enablement
- Expose SAML configuration options to keystone charm, and update keystone apache
- Create bundle for deploying a single region using SAML for authentication.
- Mojo spec for multi-region SAML backed deployment
No new repositories
The Keystone charm README will be updated with instructions for enabling
federatioon. A blog post is optional but would be a useful addition.
Security review may be required.
Code changes will be covered by unit tests; functional testing will be done
using a combination of Amulet, Bundle tester and Mojo specification.