Convert command line clients to openstackclient

A prerequisite for Newton is to move to openstackclient for interfacing
with the OpenStack services.

Change-Id: I80a10bc1a3a50501306c16e278b960e43e9e9a59
Implements: blueprint openstackclient
This commit is contained in:
Samuel Cassiba 2016-07-24 13:57:15 -07:00
parent 51ac5f8b9f
commit da21e16aa0
2 changed files with 14 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ module ::Openstack
def get_uuid(client, type, key, value, env, args = {}, uuid_field = 'id') # rubocop: disable ParameterLists
output = openstack_command(client, "#{type}-list", env, args)
output = openstack_command(client, "#{type} list", env, args)
prettytable_to_array(output).each do |obj|
return obj[uuid_field] if obj.key?(uuid_field) && obj[key] == value
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ module ::Openstack
# TODO: update openstack-identity register provider to use these functions.
def identity_uuid(*args)
get_uuid('keystone', *args)
get_uuid('openstack', *args)
# return id for a glance image.
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ module ::Openstack
# @param [Hash] optional command argument/values pairs
# @return [String] id or nil
def image_id(name, env, args = {})
get_uuid('glance', 'image', 'Name', name, env, args, 'ID')
get_uuid('openstack', 'image', 'Name', name, env, args, 'ID')
# return uuid for a network resource.
@ -128,6 +128,6 @@ module ::Openstack
# @return [String] uuid or nil
def network_uuid(*args)
get_uuid('neutron', *args)
get_uuid('openstack', *args)

View File

@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ describe 'openstack-common::default' do
'OS_AUTH_URL' => ''
allow(subject).to receive(:shell_out).with(
['keystone', 'user-list'],
%w(openstack user list),
env: env
).and_return double('shell_out', exitstatus: 0, stdout: 'good', stderr: '')
result = subject.openstack_command('keystone', 'user-list', env)
result = subject.openstack_command('openstack', 'user list', env)
expect(result).to eq('good')
@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ describe 'openstack-common::default' do
'OS_AUTH_URL' => ''
allow(subject).to receive(:shell_out).with(
%w(keystone --key1 value1 --key2 value2 --key3 user-list),
%w(openstack --key1 value1 --key2 value2 --key3 user list),
env: env
).and_return double('shell_out', exitstatus: 0, stdout: 'good', stderr: '')
result = subject.openstack_command('keystone', 'user-list', env, 'key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => '')
result = subject.openstack_command('openstack', 'user list', env, 'key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => '')
expect(result).to eq('good')
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ describe 'openstack-common::default' do
'OS_AUTH_URL' => ''
allow(subject).to receive(:shell_out).with(
['keystone', 'user-list'],
%w(openstack user list),
env: env
).and_return double('shell_out', exitstatus: 123, stdout: 'fail', stderr: '')
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ describe 'openstack-common::default' do
'OS_TENANT_NAME' => 'tenant',
'OS_AUTH_URL' => ''
allow(subject).to receive(:openstack_command).with('keystone', 'user-list', env, {})
allow(subject).to receive(:openstack_command).with('openstack', 'user list', env, {})
allow(subject).to receive(:prettytable_to_array)
.and_return([{ 'name' => 'user1', 'id' => '1234567890ABCDEFGH' }])
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ describe 'openstack-common::default' do
it 'runs glance command to query valid id' do
allow(subject).to receive(:openstack_command).with('glance', 'image-list', :env, {})
allow(subject).to receive(:openstack_command).with('openstack', 'image list', :env, {})
allow(subject).to receive(:prettytable_to_array)
.and_return([{ 'ID' => '87f38e15-9737-46cc-a612-7c67ee29a24f', 'Name' => 'cirros' }])
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ describe 'openstack-common::default' do
it 'runs glance command to query invalid id' do
allow(subject).to receive(:openstack_command).with('glance', 'image-list', :env, {})
allow(subject).to receive(:openstack_command).with('openstack', 'image list', :env, {})
.and_raise("No image with a name or ID of 'test' exists. (1)")
expect { subject.image_id('test', :env) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError)
@ -145,11 +145,11 @@ describe 'openstack-common::default' do
'OS_TENANT_NAME' => 'tenant',
'OS_AUTH_URL' => ''
allow(subject).to receive(:openstack_command).with('neutron', 'net-list', env, {})
allow(subject).to receive(:openstack_command).with('openstack', 'network list', env, {})
allow(subject).to receive(:prettytable_to_array)
.and_return([{ 'name' => 'net1', 'id' => '1234567890ABCDEFGH' }])
result = subject.network_uuid('net', 'name', 'net1', env)
result = subject.network_uuid('network', 'name', 'net1', env)
expect(result).to eq('1234567890ABCDEFGH')