Variable search for resources now uses resolved variables.

Implements a filter addition for vars such that each key-value pair in
the vars is searched for a possible match, regardless of associated
resource; then chases the associated resources for the specific
resource being searched for, thereby implementing the resolution
algorithm (but in reverse). Finally all such resources are checked to
see if they intersect with respect to their rooting key-value pairs in
the original search.


$ GET v1/hosts?vars=openstack_release:juno

$ GET v1/hosts?vars=foo:abc,bar:xyz

To disable this feature in your request, you can supply
'resolved-values=false', for example:

$ GET /v1/hosts?vars=foo:bar,baz:zoo&resolved-value=false

Filter values are not currently encoded for JSON; but this will fixed
in a subsequent patch that is addressing generalized JSON matching via
JSON path.

Change-Id: I1d40d734e60b5563dfb01da05ffb6494ed9a919c
Closes-bug: 1661226
Closes-bug: 1669493
This commit is contained in:
Jim Baker 2017-03-02 21:56:28 -07:00 committed by Thomas Maddox
parent ec52862ec6
commit 3d0506b69c
3 changed files with 234 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import enum
import functools
from operator import attrgetter
import sys
import uuid
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import session
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import utils as db_utils
from oslo_log import log
from sqlalchemy import or_, sql
import sqlalchemy.orm.exc as sa_exc
from sqlalchemy.orm import with_polymorphic
@ -154,17 +156,119 @@ def model_query(context, model, *args, **kwargs):
model=model, session=session, args=args, **kwargs)
def add_var_filters_to_query(query, filters):
# vars filters are of form ?vars=a:b
query = query.join(models.VariableAssociation)
query = query.join(models.Variable)
var_filters = filters['vars'].split(',')
for filters in var_filters:
k, v = filters.split(':', 1)
query = query.filter_by(key=k)
query = query.filter_by(value=v)
def _generate_or_clauses(kv_pairs):
or_clauses = []
for k, v in kv_pairs:
((models.Variable.key == k) & (models.Variable.value == v)))
return or_clauses
return query
def _matching_resources(query, resource_cls, get_descendants, kv):
# NOTE(jimbaker) The below algorithm works as follows:
# 1. Computes the generalized descendants for each k:v var in the query;
# 2. Computes their intersection, returning a set of matching
# resources (empty set if conjunction of kv matches does not
# match)
kv_pairs = list(kv.items())
matches = dict((kv_pair, set()) for kv_pair in kv_pairs)
# NOTE(jimbaker) this query can be readily generalized. Some
# options could include:
# * Key existence (good for treating vars as if they are labels)
# * JSON path matches on the values
# * Nested queries that use JSON paths for the underlying implementation
# But for now, simply find all variables that explicitly match one
# or more key value pairs.
# Regardless of any generalization, this means at this point we
# need to construct the disjunction ("or") of all the supplied kv
# pairs. (The next step will then compute the conjunction, but
# with respect to resolution.)
q = query.session.query(models.Variable)
q = q.filter(or_(*_generate_or_clauses(kv_pairs)))
variables = set(q)
for variable in variables:
match = matches[(variable.key, variable.value)]
if isinstance(variable.parent, resource_cls):
for descendant in get_descendants(variable.parent):
for level in descendant.resolution_order:
desc_variable = level._variables.get(variable.key)
if desc_variable is not None:
if desc_variable in variables:
# NOTE(jimbaker) For now, we simply match for the conjunction
# ("and") of all the supplied kv pairs we are matching
# against. Generalize as desired with other boolean logic.
_, first_match = matches.popitem()
if matches:
resources = first_match.intersection(*matches.values())
resources = first_match
return resources
def _get_devices(parent):
if isinstance(parent, models.Device):
return parent.descendants
return parent.devices
_resource_mapping = {
models.Project: ([], None),
models.Cloud: ([models.Project], attrgetter('clouds')),
models.Region: ([models.Project, models.Cloud], attrgetter('regions')),
models.Cell: (
[models.Project, models.Cloud, models.Region],
models.Device: (
[models.Project, models.Cloud, models.Region, models.Cell,
def matching_resources(query, resource_cls, kv, resolved):
def get_desc(parent):
parent_classes, getter = _resource_mapping[resource_cls]
# NOTE(thomasem): If we're not resolving, there are no descendants
# to process, so return an empty list.
if resolved and any(isinstance(parent, cls) for cls in parent_classes):
return getter(parent)
return []
return _matching_resources(query, resource_cls, get_desc, kv)
def _add_var_filters_to_query(query, model, var_filters, resolved=True):
# vars filters are of form ?vars=a:b[,c:d,...] - the filters in
# this case are intersecting ("and" queries)
kv = dict(pairing.split(':', 1) for pairing in var_filters)
resource_ids = set(
for resource in matching_resources(query, model, kv, resolved)
if not resource_ids:
# short circuit; this also avoids SQLAlchemy reporting that it is
# working with an empty in clause
return query.filter(sql.false())
return query.filter(
def add_var_filters_to_query(query, model, filters):
var_filters = filters['vars'].split(',')
resolved = bool(filters.get('resolved-values'))
return _add_var_filters_to_query(query, model, var_filters,
def get_user_info(context, username):
@ -333,7 +437,7 @@ def cells_get_all(context, filters, pagination_params):
if "name" in filters:
query = query.filter_by(name=filters["name"])
if "vars" in filters:
query = add_var_filters_to_query(query, filters)
query = add_var_filters_to_query(query, models.Cell, filters)
return _paginate(context, query, models.Cell, session, filters,
@ -392,7 +496,7 @@ def regions_get_all(context, filters, pagination_params):
if "vars" in filters:
query = add_var_filters_to_query(query, filters)
query = add_var_filters_to_query(query, models.Region, filters)
if "cloud_id" in filters:
query = query.filter_by(cloud_id=filters["cloud_id"])
@ -464,7 +568,7 @@ def clouds_get_all(context, filters, pagination_params):
if "vars" in filters:
query = add_var_filters_to_query(query, filters)
query = add_var_filters_to_query(query, models.Cloud, filters)
return _paginate(context, query, models.Cloud, session, filters,
@ -558,7 +662,7 @@ def hosts_get_all(context, filters, pagination_params):
query = query.filter(models.Device.related_labels.any(
models.Label.label == filters["label"]))
if "vars" in filters:
query = add_var_filters_to_query(query, filters)
query = add_var_filters_to_query(query, models.Device, filters)
return _paginate(context, query, models.Host, session, filters,
@ -642,7 +746,7 @@ def projects_get_all(context, filters, pagination_params):
session = get_session()
query = model_query(context, models.Project, session=session)
if "vars" in filters:
query = add_var_filters_to_query(query, filters)
query = add_var_filters_to_query(query, models.Project, filters)
return _paginate(context, query, models.Project, session, filters,
@ -653,7 +757,7 @@ def projects_get_by_name(context, project_name, filters, pagination_params):
query = model_query(context, models.Project)
query = query.filter(
if "vars" in filters:
query = add_var_filters_to_query(query, filters)
query = add_var_filters_to_query(query, models.Project, filters)
return _paginate(context, query, models.Project, session, filters,
@ -786,7 +890,7 @@ def networks_get_all(context, filters, pagination_params):
if "name" in filters:
query = query.filter_by(name=filters["name"])
if "vars" in filters:
query = add_var_filters_to_query(query, filters)
query = add_var_filters_to_query(query, models.Network, filters)
return _paginate(context, query, models.Network, session, filters,
@ -863,7 +967,7 @@ def network_devices_get_all(context, filters, pagination_params):
if "device_type" in filters:
query = query.filter_by(device_type=filters["device_type"])
if "vars" in filters:
query = add_var_filters_to_query(query, filters)
query = add_var_filters_to_query(query, models.Device, filters)
return _paginate(context, query, models.Device, session, filters,

View File

@ -320,6 +320,87 @@ class APIV1HostTest(DeviceTestBase, APIV1ResourceWithVariablesTestCase):
self.assertEqual(sorted([host['id'] for host in test_hosts]),
sorted([host['id'] for host in hosts]))
def test_host_get_all_vars_filter_resolved_region(self):
region_vars = {'foo': 'bar'}
region = self.create_region(name='region-2', variables=region_vars)
host_vars = {'baz': 'zoo'}
self.create_host('host1', 'server', '', **host_vars)
host2 = self.create_host('host2', 'server', '',
region=region, **host_vars)
url = self.url + '/v1/hosts'
resp = self.get(url, vars="foo:bar,baz:zoo")
hosts = resp.json()['hosts']
self.assertEqual(1, len(hosts))
self.assertEqual(host2['id'], hosts[0]['id'])
def test_host_get_all_vars_filter_resolved_region_and_host(self):
region_vars = {'foo': 'bar'}
region = self.create_region(name='region-2', variables=region_vars)
host_vars = {'baz': 'zoo'}
host1 = self.create_host('host1', 'server', '',
host2 = self.create_host('host2', 'server', '',
region=region, **host_vars)
url = self.url + '/v1/hosts'
resp = self.get(url, vars='foo:bar')
hosts = resp.json()['hosts']
self.assertEqual(2, len(hosts))
self.assertListEqual(sorted([host1['id'], host2['id']]),
sorted([host['id'] for host in hosts]))
def test_host_get_all_vars_filter_resolved_region_child_override(self):
region_vars = {'foo': 'bar'}
region = self.create_region(name='region-2', variables=region_vars)
host1 = self.create_host('host1', 'server', '',
region=region, foo='baz')
host2 = self.create_host('host2', 'server', '',
url = self.url + '/v1/hosts'
resp = self.get(url, vars='foo:baz')
hosts = resp.json()['hosts']
self.assertEqual(1, len(hosts))
self.assertEqual(host1['id'], hosts[0]['id'])
resp = self.get(url, vars='foo:bar')
hosts = resp.json()['hosts']
self.assertEqual(1, len(hosts))
self.assertEqual(host2['id'], hosts[0]['id'])
def test_host_get_all_vars_filter_resolved_host_child_override(self):
host1 = self.create_host('host1', 'server', '',
host2 = self.create_host('host2', 'server', '',
parent_id=host1['id'], baz='boo')
url = self.url + '/v1/hosts'
resp = self.get(url, vars='baz:zoo')
hosts = resp.json()['hosts']
self.assertEqual(1, len(hosts))
self.assertEqual(host1['id'], hosts[0]['id'])
resp = self.get(url, vars='baz:boo')
hosts = resp.json()['hosts']
self.assertEqual(1, len(hosts))
self.assertEqual(host2['id'], hosts[0]['id'])
def test_host_get_all_vars_filter_unresolved(self):
host1 = self.create_host('host1', 'server', '',
foo='bar', baz='zoo')
self.create_host('host2', 'server', '', foo='bar')
# NOTE(thomasem): Unfortunately, we use resolved-values instead of
# resolved_values, so we can't pass this in as kwargs to self.get(...),
# see
url = self.url + '/v1/hosts?resolved-values=false&vars=foo:bar,baz:zoo'
resp = self.get(url)
hosts = resp.json()['hosts']
self.assertEqual(1, len(hosts))
self.assertEqual(host1['id'], hosts[0]['id'])
def test_host_delete(self):
host = self.create_host('host1', 'server', '')
url = self.url + '/v1/hosts/{}'.format(host['id'])

View File

@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ class HostsDBTestCase(BaseDevicesDBTestCase):
self.context, "hosts", host_id, variables
filters = {
"region_id": "region_1",
"region_id": 1,
"vars": "key1:value5",
res, _ = dbapi.hosts_get_all(self.context, filters,
@ -672,3 +672,33 @@ class HostsDBTestCase(BaseDevicesDBTestCase):
def test_hosts_get_all_with_resolved_var_filters(self):
project_id = self.make_project('project_1', foo='P1', zoo='P2')
cloud_id = self.make_cloud(project_id, 'cloud_1')
region_id = self.make_region(
project_id, cloud_id, 'region_1', foo='R1')
switch_id = self.make_network_device(
project_id, cloud_id, region_id,
'', IPAddress(''), 'switch',
zoo='S1', bar='S2')
project_id, cloud_id, region_id,
'', IPAddress(u''), 'server',
key1="value1", key2="value2")
project_id, cloud_id, region_id,
'', IPAddress(u''), 'server',
key1="value-will-not-match", key2="value2")
filters = {
"region_id": 1,
"vars": "key1:value1,zoo:S1,foo:R1",
"resolved-values": True,
res, _ = dbapi.hosts_get_all(
self.context, filters, default_pagination)
self.assertEqual(len(res), 1)
self.assertEqual(res[0].name, '')