Commit Graph

58 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Joshua Harlow c10d4038b8 Fix `make deps` (#26)
This was not working since there is no longer
any production requirements file.
2016-05-16 18:30:16 +12:00
Robert Collins 1b88d78a38 Release 1.0.2. 2016-04-26 10:21:00 +12:00
Robert Collins a2602c812c Fix #21: setup_requires setuptools 17.1
That is the release that < in markers started working.

This still gives a poor user experience when an older setuptools is
installed, but at least folk reading will see the version
they need.
2016-04-26 10:16:52 +12:00
Robert Collins 3b0a393c27 Release 1.0.1. 2016-04-25 04:44:35 +12:00
Robert Collins 6848ca897c Fixes #18: depend on ordereddict on old Pythons 2016-04-25 04:33:38 +12:00
Robert Collins d967e51973 Version bump to 1.0.0. 2016-04-06 12:04:19 +12:00
Joshua Harlow 9610297407 Merge pull request #17 from rbtcollins/mfield-varargs_class_method
Deal with unbound methods like foo(*args).
2016-04-05 12:43:17 -07:00
Martin Field f2c0368f2e Deal with unbound methods like foo(*args).
Just copied the relevant code from the 3.6 stdlib.

This is a clear defect, and may help with testing-cabal/mock#338.

Co-Authored-By: Robert Collins <>
2016-04-05 16:54:57 +12:00
Robert Collins 3306968f41 Cleanup tests:
- always use unittest2
 - remove unneeded boilerplate
 - disable pypy3 in travis, as its currently broken
2016-04-04 16:08:04 +12:00
Martín Gaitán e70929ceb2 Update README.rst
fixed typo
2016-03-28 14:58:53 -03:00
Joshua Harlow fa0f64c06a Use the ordereddict pypi package when needed
Instead of having a vendored ordereddict in
just use the one that comes via pypi that can be removed
for versions of python where it is not needed (2.7 and
2016-03-24 19:20:12 +13:00
Marc Abramowitz 7693e97193 Add .gitignore 2016-03-24 19:13:48 +13:00
rbtcollins e7fb456d52 Merge pull request #6 from rbtcollins/github
Add a tox.ini
2016-03-24 19:12:08 +13:00
Robert Collins 43ee6b7b4e Fixup tox patch. 2016-03-24 19:07:05 +13:00
Marc Abramowitz 4e80d81554 Add tox.ini for tox
$ pip install tox
    $ tox
    ERROR:   py26: commands failed
      py27: commands succeeded
      py32: commands succeeded
      py33: commands succeeded
      py34: commands succeeded
      pypy: commands succeeded
    ERROR:   pypy3: commands failed
2016-03-24 19:02:05 +13:00
Marc Abramowitz 95ce8ebc49 README.rst: A few more tweaks 2016-03-24 18:29:47 +13:00
Marc Abramowitz 6cea81cced README.rst: Add detail to example
This shows more details of the the
`funcsigs.Signature` object and adds syntax
highlighting to the example.
2016-03-24 18:20:44 +13:00
Marc Abramowitz d131c4af91 README.rst: compatability => compatibility
[marca@marca-mac2 ~]$ dict compatability
No definitions found for "compatability", perhaps you mean:
gcide:  comparability  Compatibility
wn:  comparability  compatibility
moby-thesaurus:  compatibility
2016-03-24 18:10:40 +13:00
Robert Collins 82d9c949d6 Avoid easy-install in travis. 2016-03-24 17:55:42 +13:00
Robert Collins aa7288e532 Updates to fit into the new home.
Urls, docs, metadata, test suite working, assume
unittest2 etc.
2016-03-24 17:31:36 +13:00
Robert Collins 32a9d3e37b Closes #14: Fix binding with self as a kwarg. 2015-07-09 20:29:25 +12:00
Aaron Iles db7f0afe3e Version increment to 0.4
Update version number of 0.4 for new release.
2013-12-20 22:02:53 +11:00
Aaron Iles 7ddfa013d5 Update change log for next release
Document changes for the 0.4 release
2013-12-20 22:02:05 +11:00
Aaron Iles d201777f99 Build and distribute wheel packages
The new Python wheel package format speeds up package deployment. Wheel
packages are built and published to PyPI with the Makefile targets.
2013-12-20 22:00:16 +11:00
Aaron Iles 769506ea74 Merge pull request #3 from epsy/unbound
Fixed unbound methods getting their first parameter curried

Ensures the the 'self' argument of methods on un-instantiated classes appear in the function signature on both Python2 and Python3. Also ensures self is identified correctly as a positional-only parameter.
2013-10-16 03:58:20 -07:00
Yann Kaiser 50d63cb7c5 avoid superfluous use of itertools.chain 2013-10-14 03:24:18 +01:00
Yann Kaiser 3614c9efcc Fixed test compatibility wrt/ unbound methods on py3.0+ 2013-10-14 03:12:28 +01:00
Yann Kaiser e9822685f7 Fixed unbound methods getting their first parameter curried 2013-10-14 02:50:04 +01:00
Aaron Iles 59ab8ac5ea Add coverage report badge to README
Display dynamic test coverage status badge icon generated by the
coveralls service.
2013-05-30 21:16:18 +10:00
Aaron Iles fda747b1f8 Coverage report tuning
Tweak the included and omitted files used in the coverage report for
2013-05-30 21:07:55 +10:00
Aaron Iles 40efe21bd3 Enable coveralls code coverage reports
Successful TravisCI builds will publish code coverage reports to the
coveralls service for coverage reporting.
2013-05-29 23:31:33 +10:00
Aaron Iles d8a3e00b97 Add Python 3.3 as continuous integration target
Include Python 3.3 in list of Python versions TravisCI will build and
test against.
2013-05-29 23:04:24 +10:00
Aaron Iles 8ab5c0fe62 Update TravisCI build settings
Don't use PyPI mirrors when installing depdencies. Don't try and update
the installed distribute version.
2013-05-29 22:56:41 +10:00
Aaron Iles 82d26ff727 Version increment to 0.3
Update version number to 0.3 for new release.
2013-05-29 22:36:04 +10:00
Aaron Iles 60e87e4474 Update change log for next release
Document changes for 0.3 release
2013-05-29 22:35:35 +10:00
Aaron Iles dd3a481e8e Update service badges for README
Adds a badge for latest version on PyPI, located in the introduction.
2013-05-29 22:34:46 +10:00
Aaron Iles 9d8f526dbd Upload distribution when registering to PyPI
After registering a new version on PyPI, immediately upload the source
distribution package.
2013-05-29 22:07:41 +10:00
Aaron Iles eba07bda49 Discontinue use of
Most users will already have distribute or setuptools installed. Users
who don't likely have not installed them intentionally.
2013-05-29 22:07:41 +10:00
Aaron Iles 6318d8ddb0 Don't use PyPI mirrors when installing packages
The implementation of a content delivery network (CDN) for PyPI has
significantly improved PyPI's performance. It is now faster and more
reliable to use the CDB and PyPI's mirrors.
2013-05-29 22:07:41 +10:00
Aaron Iles b15c861e0a Merge pull request #1 from agoraplex/formatannotation
fix annotation formatting for builtin types in Python 2.x

The breadth of subtle chagnes from Python2 to Python3 will never stop amazing me. Many thanks for the patch. And my apologies for taking soooo long to merge this request.
2013-05-19 05:09:24 -07:00
Tripp Lilley a08e4437a2 fix annotation formatting for builtin types in Python 2.x 2013-01-18 11:30:42 -05:00
Aaron Iles 130414e246 Increment version number to 0.2
Prepare for new release.
2013-01-07 22:01:12 +11:00
Aaron Iles 38fc8724b4 Prepare CHANGELOG for 0.2 release
Document PyPy compatability as major change.
2013-01-07 22:00:43 +11:00
Aaron Iles 8ae3ff896f Update documentation with PyPy compatability
Adds details of testing and compatability with PyPy to the README and
proejct documentation.
2013-01-07 21:58:49 +11:00
Aaron Iles c65d42f7da Enable continuous integration testing of PyPy
Test changes to make funcsigs compatible with PyPy.
2013-01-07 21:49:59 +11:00
Aaron Iles 42012c2c75 Skip tests for __call__ method of builtins on PyPy
Differences between PyPy and CPython means that these tests will fail on
PyPy as they wont raise exceptions. Explicitly raising exceptions on
PyPy ensures they will pass.
2013-01-07 21:44:09 +11:00
Aaron Iles 7c02877320 Special case the type object fail
Due to differences between PyPy and CPython the type object needs to be
special cased to raise a ValueError on PyPy as well as CPython.
2013-01-07 21:07:11 +11:00
Aaron Iles 4ea7e19b8d Enable register command as make target
The register command registers the package on PyPI as a public package.
2013-01-06 23:11:27 +11:00
Aaron Iles 0bc4d8335b Update CHANGELOG for 0.1 release 2013-01-06 23:02:18 +11:00
Aaron Iles 1b893e2740 Fix typo in Pip command line
Specified the wrong requirements file in the pip command line.
2013-01-06 22:48:21 +11:00