Merge "Remove inventory repo support"

This commit is contained in:
Jenkins 2017-02-07 17:09:55 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 8c9962e10c
3 changed files with 24 additions and 96 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ not a ``local`` admin node. For example, if it is a VM.
Installer passes that data and inventory to
`Kargo <>`_ ansible installer.
For each inventory repo commit, it expects the following content of
Pre-prepared inventory should have the following content in
the repo root directory:
* ``inventory.cfg`` - a mandatory inventory file. It must be created manually
@ -26,21 +26,12 @@ the repo root directory:
overrides the common file.
* ``custom.yaml`` - not a mandatory vars file, overrides all vars.
Note, that the ``custom.yaml`` make all data vars defined inside to override
same vars defined at other place. The data priority precedes as the following:
Note, that the ``custom.yaml`` overrides all data vars defined elsewhere in
Kargo or in defaults files. The data priority precedes as the following:
kargo defaults, then common defaults, then ubuntu defaults, then custom YAML.
Final data decisions is done automatically by the installer:
Final data decisions are done automatically by the installer:
* If ``$INVENTORY_REPO`` is unset, make a local git repo and carry on and deploy.
* Or clone the given repo and checkout to ``$INVENTORY_COMMIT``, if any.
* Copy installer defaults into the repo and decide on which data to accept:
* If a file changes, do git reset (shall not overwrite a commited state).
* If a new file, or has no changes, go with it (shall auto-populate defaults).
* Stage only new files, if any, then commit and run deployment with Kargo.
* If result is OK, submit changes as a gerrit review
* Or fail deployment, as we usually would, don't submit anything to gerrit.
Ongoing inventory changes must be submitted by a user to ``$INVENTORY_REPO``
manually. Installer only initializes the repo during the initial install if it
is missing.
* If the ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory directory has content, it gets used.
* If SLAVE_IPS or fuel-devops deploy mode gets used, inventory is overwritten.
* Copy installer defaults into the inventory directory if they don't exist.

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@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ OS_SPECIFIC_DEFAULTS_YAML="kargo_default_${NODE_BASE_OS}.yaml"
# Valid sources: pip, apt
@ -161,8 +162,8 @@ function with_ansible {
mkdir -p tmp logs
# If INVENTORY_REPO, SLAVE_IPS, or IRONIC_NODE_LIST are specified or REAPPLY is set, then treat env as pre-provisioned
if [[ -z "$INVENTORY_REPO" && -z "$REAPPLY" && -z "$SLAVE_IPS" && -z "$IRONIC_NODE_LIST" ]]; then
# If SLAVE_IPS or IRONIC_NODE_LIST are specified or REAPPLY is set, then treat env as pre-provisioned
if [[ -z "$REAPPLY" && -z "$SLAVE_IPS" && -z "$IRONIC_NODE_LIST" ]]; then
echo "Trying to ensure bridge-nf-call-iptables is disabled..."
@ -228,7 +229,7 @@ if [[ -n "$ADMIN_NODE_CLEANUP" ]]; then
admin_node_command mkdir -p $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/utils/kargo
admin_node_command mkdir -p "$ADMIN_WORKSPACE/utils/kargo" "$ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory"
tar cz ${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/../kargo | admin_node_command tar xzf - -C $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/utils/
echo "Setting up ansible and required dependencies..."
@ -281,31 +282,20 @@ echo "Checking out kargo playbook..."
admin_node_command git clone "$KARGO_REPO" "$ADMIN_WORKSPACE/kargo" || true
admin_node_command "sh -c 'cd $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/kargo && git fetch --all && git checkout $KARGO_COMMIT'"
# If no inventory repo, just make a local git repo and carry on and deploy.
# Otherwise, clone it and decide on the final deployment data.
if [ "${INVENTORY_REPO}" ]; then
admin_node_command "sh -c 'git clone $INVENTORY_REPO $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory'" || true
if [ -n "${INVENTORY_COMMIT}" ]; then
admin_node_command "sh -c 'cd $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory && git fetch --all && git checkout $INVENTORY_COMMIT'"
if [ "${SLAVE_IPS}" -a -f $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory/inventory.cfg ]; then
echo "ERROR: Updating inventory via SLAVE_IPS env var after initial deployment is not supported."
exit 1
echo "Generating ansible inventory on admin node..."
admin_node_command "sh -c 'mkdir -p $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory && git init $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory'"
echo "Uploading default settings and inventory..."
cat $COMMON_DEFAULTS_SRC | admin_node_command "cat > $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory/${COMMON_DEFAULTS_YAML}"
cat $OS_SPECIFIC_DEFAULTS_SRC | admin_node_command "cat > $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory/${OS_SPECIFIC_DEFAULTS_YAML}"
# Only copy default files if they are absent from inventory dir
if ! admin_node_command test -e "$ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory/${COMMON_DEFAULTS_YAML}"; then
cat $COMMON_DEFAULTS_SRC | admin_node_command "cat > $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory/${COMMON_DEFAULTS_YAML}"
if ! admin_node_command test -e "$ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory/${OS_SPECIFIC_DEFAULTS_YAML}"; then
cat $OS_SPECIFIC_DEFAULTS_SRC | admin_node_command "cat > $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory/${OS_SPECIFIC_DEFAULTS_YAML}"
if [[ -n "${CUSTOM_YAML}" ]]; then
echo "Uploading custom YAML for deployment..."
echo -e "$CUSTOM_YAML" | admin_node_command "cat > $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory/custom.yaml"
custom_opts="-e @$ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory/custom.yaml"
elif admin_node_command test -e $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory/custom.yaml; then
if admin_node_command test -e "$ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory/custom.yam"l; then
custom_opts="-e @$ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory/custom.yaml"
@ -316,18 +306,6 @@ elif [ -n "${IRONIC_NODE_LIST}" ]; then
admin_node_command CONFIG_FILE=$ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory/inventory.cfg python3 $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/kargo/contrib/inventory_builder/ load /dev/stdin <<< "$inventory_formatted"
# Data committed to the inventory has the highest priority, then installer defaults
echo "Deciding on deployment data to the inventory repo..."
# Stage only new data files
admin_node_command "sh -c 'cd $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory && git ls-files -o --exclude-standard | xargs -n1 git add'"
if [ -z "${INVENTORY_REPO}" ]; then
# Local only repos must stage any changes as well
admin_node_command "sh -c 'cd $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory && git ls-files -m | xargs -n1 git add'"
# Reset changed data files for remote repos
admin_node_command "sh -c 'cd $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory && git ls-files -m | xargs -n1 git checkout -- .'"
# Try to get IPs from inventory first
if [ -z "${SLAVE_IPS}" ]; then
if admin_node_command stat $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory/inventory.cfg; then
KARGO_DEFAULTS_OPT="-e @$ADMIN_WORKSPACE/kargo/inventory/group_vars/all.yml"
echo "Committing inventory changes..."
if ! admin_node_command git config --get; then
admin_node_command << EOF
git config --global "Anonymous User"
git config --global ""
# Commit only if there are changes
if ! admin_node_command git -C $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory diff --cached --name-only --exit-code; then
admin_node_command "sh -c 'cd $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory && git commit -a -m Automated\ commit'"
# Calculate parallel ansible execution
if [[ "${#SLAVE_IPS[@]}" -lt 50 ]]; then
# Stop trapping pre-setup tasks
set +e
@ -383,16 +341,6 @@ fi
echo "Initial deploy succeeded. Proceeding with post-install tasks..."
with_ansible $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/utils/kargo/postinstall.yml
# Submit the commit to gerrit
if [ "${COMMIT_DONE}" = "true" ]; then
if admin_node_command test -e $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory/.gitreview; then
echo "Changes were made to deployment. Proposing change request to configuration repository..."
admin_node_command git -C $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory review -s
admin_node_command git -C $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory review || true
echo "Go to the Gerrit link above and review the changes."
# FIXME(mattymo): Move this to underlay
# setup VLAN if everything is ok and env will not be deleted
if [ "$VLAN_BRIDGE" ] && [ "${DONT_DESTROY_ON_SUCCESS}" = "1" ];then

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@ -148,22 +148,11 @@ if ! admin_node_command type ansible > /dev/null || \
admin_node_command sudo apt-get install -y ansible python-netaddr git
# If no inventory repo, reuse a local git repo if it already exists.
# Otherwise, fail.
if [ "${INVENTORY_REPO}" ]; then
admin_node_command "sh -c 'git clone $INVENTORY_REPO $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory'" || true
if [ -n "${INVENTORY_COMMIT}" ]; then
admin_node_command "sh -c 'cd $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory && git fetch --all && git checkout $INVENTORY_COMMIT'"
# For local-only deployments, use local inventory
if ! admin_node_command test -f $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory/inventory.cfg; then
echo "ERROR: INVENTORY_REPO is not defined and there is no \
inventory.cfg cloned on admin node in \ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory/inventory.cfg \
# Ensure inventory exists
if ! admin_node_command test -f $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory/inventory.cfg; then
echo "ERROR: $ADMIN_WORKSPACE/inventory/inventory.cfg does not exist. \
Cannot proceed."
exit_gracefully 1
exit_gracefully 1
if [ -n "$SLAVE_IPS" ]; then