Documentation refactoring

* Added steps to enable extension (new for MOS 9.1)
* Improved 'How to Use' section
* API and CLI documentation moved to doc directory

Change-Id: Ic2b1c50ea3b17671f738933a765a28945eb273f8
This commit is contained in:
Dmitry Ukov 2016-11-08 18:27:41 +03:00
parent 10837a767a
commit 8975dfbc56
3 changed files with 128 additions and 91 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
# Nailgun API Extension with External Git Server
### About
Nailgun extension that generates deployment data based on configuration files published in external git repository
Nailgun extension that generates deployment data based on configuration files published in external
git repository
### Requirements
Deployed Fuel 9.0 (Mitaka) Master Node
Operational Fuel 9.x (Mitaka) Master Node
### Installation
Execute following commands on Fuel Master node
@ -15,9 +16,21 @@ Execute following commands on Fuel Master node
# nailgun_syncdb
# systemctl restart nailgun.service
Since the 9.<x> version of Fuel extension should be enabled.
To list all available extensions execute following command
# fuel2 extension list
Than enable extension for a particular environment
# fuel2 env extension enable <env_id> -E fuel_external_git
### How to Use
This extension introduces set of additional Fuel CLI commands which help to associate git repo with particular environment and preform CRUD operations this repo.
This extension introduces set of additional Fuel CLI commands which allows the operator to
associate a git repo with a particular environment and preform CRUD operations on this repo.
See details [here](./doc/
gitrepo create
gitrepo delete
@ -26,55 +39,21 @@ This extension introduces set of additional Fuel CLI commands which help to asso
gitrepo list
gitrepo update
#### Fuel CLI
##### Create association of environment and git repository
Create repository and configure nailgun to use it.
fuel2 gitrepo create [-h] --env ENV --name NAME --url URL --ref REF
[--key KEY]
--env ENV ID of environment to configure.
--name NAME Name of the git repository. Will be used as directory name for
--url URL Url of Git repository. User should be specified in this url.
--ref REF Git ref. This can be either a branch or Gerrit refspec.
--key KEY Path to private key file for accessing repo
fuel2 gitrepo create --env 1 --name oscnf1 --url --ref master \
--key .ssh/id_rsa
For example:
fuel2 gitrepo create --env 1 --name oscnf1 --url --ref master --key .ssh/id_rsa
##### (Optional) When repo added to environment user may want to initialise new repository with basic settings and tools
fuel2 gitrepo init [-h] --repo REPO
--repo REPO Repo ID to init
For example:
Next create repository structure. This can be done manually
(see Repo structure description below) or extension can automatically generate basic structure.
fuel2 gitrepo init --repo 11
##### (Optional) User can download supported config files from the environment and upload them to configured git repository
In order to track configuration evolution it is possible to download all configuration files from
the environment into **separate** branch of configured Git repository. User which has been
configured to access repository must have write permissions to it
fuel2 gitrepo get configs [-h] [--env ENV] [--key_path KEY_PATH]
[--repo_dir REPO_DIR]
--env ENV Env ID
--key_path KEY_PATH Path to nodes private key file
--repo_dir REPO_DIR Directory to Git repo download
For example download configs from all environment and push them to configured repo:
fuel2 gitrepo get configs
##### Other commands
You can update,delete and list git repo association executing corresponding command
fuel2 gitrepo <command>
To get more detailed description use:
fuel2 help <command>
fuel2 gitrepo get configs --env 1
#### Git Repo structure
Here is the example repo structure
@ -89,17 +68,23 @@ Here is the example repo structure
`-- tools
There are three levels of configuration: Global, Role, Node. Each level has higher priority in terms of configuration parameters.
* Global - configuration parameters from all configs from this level will be applied to all nodes in environment.
* Role - configuration parameters from all configs from this level will be applied to nodes with particular role. Parameters from this level will override parameters from Global level
* Node - configuration parameters from all configs from this level will be applied to node with particular id. Parameters from this level will override parameters from Global and Role levels
There are three levels of configuration: Global, Role, Node. Each level has higher priority in terms
of configuration parameters.
* Global - configuration parameters from all configs from this level will be applied to all nodes
in environment.
* Role - configuration parameters from all configs from this level will be applied to nodes with a
particular role. Parameters from this level will override parameters from Global level
* Node - configuration parameters from all configs from this level will be applied to node with a
particular id. Parameters from this level will override parameters from Global and Role levels
For example we have ```nova.conf``` file with ```debug = True``` in Global level and ```nova.conf``` with ```debug = False``` in Role level. Resulting configuration will be:
For example we have ```nova.conf``` file with ```debug = True``` in Global level and ```nova.conf```
with ```debug = False``` in Role level. Resulting configuration will be:
debug = False
Configuration files for Global level should be placed in repo root. Role and Node levels should be described in overrides.yaml placed in repo root directory using following format
Configuration files for Global level should be placed in repo root. Role and Node levels should be
described in overrides.yaml placed in repo root directory using following format
'<node_id>': '<directory_name>'
@ -117,43 +102,8 @@ roles:
'controller': 'controller_configs'
'primary-controller': 'controller_configs'
Configuration files for Role and Node levels should be placed in corresponding directory described in overrides.yaml
Configuration files for Role and Node levels should be placed in corresponding directory described
in overrides.yaml
### API
Extension supports following REST API calls
#### GET /clusters/git-repos
Returns list of configured git repos for all clusters/environments
curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $(fuel token)" http://localhost:8000/api/v1/clusters/git-repos
#### POST /clusters/git-repos
Create new repo for particular cluster
Input data schema:
"$schema": "",
"title": "Cluster",
"description": "Serialized GitRepo object",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"id": {"type": "number"},
"repo_name": {"type": "string"},
"env_id": {"type": "number"},
"git_url": {"type": "string"},
"ref": {"type": "string"},
"user_key": {"type": "string"}
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $(fuel token)" http://localhost:8000/api/v1/clusters/git-repos -d '{"user_key": "", "git_url": "", "env_id": 5, "ref": "master", "repo_name": "osconf1"}'
#### PUT /clusters/(cluster_id)/git-repos/(obj_id)
Updates repo with obj_id info for cluster cluster_id
curl -X PUT -H 'X-Auth-Token: $(fuel token)' http://localhost:8000/api/v1/clusters/4/git-repos/2 -d '{"ref": "master"}'
API documentation can be found [here](./doc/

doc/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
### API
Extension supports following REST API calls
#### GET /clusters/git-repos
Returns list of configured git repos for all clusters/environments
curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $(fuel token)" http://localhost:8000/api/v1/clusters/git-repos
#### POST /clusters/git-repos
Create new repo for particular cluster
Input data schema:
"$schema": "",
"title": "Cluster",
"description": "Serialized GitRepo object",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"id": {"type": "number"},
"repo_name": {"type": "string"},
"env_id": {"type": "number"},
"git_url": {"type": "string"},
"ref": {"type": "string"},
"user_key": {"type": "string"}
curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $(fuel token)" http://localhost:8000/api/v1/clusters/git-repos -d '{"user_key": "", "git_url": "", "env_id": 5, "ref": "master", "repo_name": "osconf1"}'
#### PUT /clusters/(cluster_id)/git-repos/(obj_id)
Updates repo with obj_id info for cluster cluster_id
curl -X PUT -H 'X-Auth-Token: $(fuel token)' http://localhost:8000/api/v1/clusters/4/git-repos/2 -d '{"ref": "master"}'

doc/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#### Fuel CLI
##### Create association of environment and git repository
fuel2 gitrepo create [-h] --env ENV --name NAME --url URL --ref REF
[--key KEY]
--env ENV ID of environment to configure.
--name NAME Name of the git repository. Will be used as directory name for
--url URL Url of Git repository. User should be specified in this url.
--ref REF Git ref. This can be either a branch or Gerrit refspec.
--key KEY Path to private key file for accessing repo
For example:
fuel2 gitrepo create --env 1 --name oscnf1 --url --ref master --key .ssh/id_rsa
##### (Optional) When repo added to environment user may want to initialise new repository with basic settings and tools
fuel2 gitrepo init [-h] --repo REPO
--repo REPO Repo ID to init
For example:
fuel2 gitrepo init --repo 11
##### (Optional) User can download supported config files from the environment and upload them to configured git repository
fuel2 gitrepo get configs [-h] [--env ENV] [--key_path KEY_PATH]
[--repo_dir REPO_DIR]
--env ENV Env ID
--key_path KEY_PATH Path to nodes private key file
--repo_dir REPO_DIR Directory to Git repo download
For example download configs from all environment and push them to configured repo:
fuel2 gitrepo get configs
##### Other commands
You can update,delete and list git repo association executing corresponding command
fuel2 gitrepo <command>
To get more detailed description use:
fuel2 help <command>