Fix ral catalog and improve reporting

Change-Id: I66b24b57c5a8c7625fd8f339fe38897c1e62ebf5
This commit is contained in:
Dmitry Ilyin 2016-02-16 20:10:17 +03:00
parent c1b09b6646
commit 1168ef0b5f
5 changed files with 98 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -199,6 +199,10 @@ You can use **-r** and **-R** options to load the saved reports from the
previous run and display the report again, or to load reports and run the tasks
that have previously failed after you have tried to somehow fix them.
You can use option **-o** to filter out only failed tasks and examples from
the report and **-O** options to show only tasks without showing the individual
examples. These options can be used together to show only failed tasks.
The task manager can also generate a test report in *jUnit XML* format using
the **-x** options. It will be saves to the **report.xml** file in the *reports*
folder of the fixtures repository. This file can be used by many tools to

View File

@ -15,47 +15,48 @@ First, you can use the **-h** options to get the help output.::
Usage: noop_tests [options]
Main options:
-j, --jobs JOBS Parallel run RSpec jobs
-g, --globals Run all globals tasks and update saved globals YAML files
-b, --bundle_setup Setup Ruby environment using Bundle
-B, --bundle_exec Use "bundle exec" to run rspec
-l, --update-librarian Run librarian-puppet update in the deployment directory prior to testing
-L, --reset-librarian Reset puppet modules to librarian versions in the deployment directory prior to testing
-o, --report_only_failed Show only failed tasks and examples in the report
-r, --load_saved_reports Read saved report JSON files from the previous run and show tasks report
-R, --run_failed_tasks Run the task that have previously failed again
-M, --list_missing List all task manifests without a spec file
-x, --xunit_report Save report in xUnit format to a file
List options:
-Y, --list_hiera List all hiera yaml files
-S, --list_specs List all task spec files
-F, --list_facts List all facts yaml files
-T, --list_tasks List all task manifest files
Filter options:
-s, --specs SPEC1,SPEC2 Run only these spec files. Example: "hosts/hosts_spec.rb,apache/apache_spec.rb"
-y, --yamls YAML1,YAML2 Run only these hiera yamls. Example: "controller.yaml,compute.yaml"
-f, --facts FACTS1,FACTS2 Run only these facts yamls. Example: "ubuntu.yaml,centos.yaml"
Debug options:
-c, --task_console Run PRY console
-C, --rspec_console Run PRY console in the
-d, --task_debug Show framework debug messages
-D, --puppet_debug Show Puppet debug messages
--debug_log FILE Write all debug messages to this files
-t, --self-check Perform self-check and diagnostic procedures
-p, --pretend Show which tasks will be run without actually running them
Path options:
--dir_root DIR Path to the test root folder
--dir_deployment DIR Path to the test deployment folder
--dir_hiera_yamls DIR Path to the folder with hiera files
--dir_facts_yamls DIR Path to the folder with facts yaml files
--dir_spec_files DIR Path to the folder with task spec files (changing this may break puppet-rspec)
--dir_task_files DIR Path to the folder with task manifest files
--dir_puppet_modules DIR Path to the puppet modules
Spec options:
-A, --catalog_show Show catalog content debug output
-a, --spec_status Show spec status blocks
Usage: noop_tests [options]
Main options:
-j, --jobs JOBS Parallel run RSpec jobs
-g, --globals Run all globals tasks and update saved globals YAML files
-B, --bundle_setup Setup Ruby environment using Bundle
-b, --bundle_exec Use "bundle exec" to run rspec
-l, --update-librarian Run librarian-puppet update in the deployment directory prior to testing
-L, --reset-librarian Reset puppet modules to librarian versions in the deployment directory prior to testing
-o, --report_only_failed Show only failed tasks and examples in the report
-O, --report_only_tasks Show only tasks, skip individual examples
-r, --load_saved_reports Read saved report JSON files from the previous run and show tasks report
-R, --run_failed_tasks Run the task that have previously failed again
-M, --list_missing List all task manifests without a spec file
-x, --xunit_report Save report in xUnit format to a file
List options:
-Y, --list_hiera List all hiera yaml files
-S, --list_specs List all task spec files
-F, --list_facts List all facts yaml files
-T, --list_tasks List all task manifest files
Filter options:
-s, --specs SPEC1,SPEC2 Run only these spec files. Example: "hosts/hosts_spec.rb,apache/apache_spec.rb"
-y, --yamls YAML1,YAML2 Run only these hiera yamls. Example: "controller.yaml,compute.yaml"
-f, --facts FACTS1,FACTS2 Run only these facts yamls. Example: "ubuntu.yaml,centos.yaml"
Debug options:
-c, --task_console Run PRY console
-C, --rspec_console Run PRY console in the
-d, --task_debug Show framework debug messages
-D, --puppet_debug Show Puppet debug messages
--debug_log FILE Write all debug messages to this files
-t, --self-check Perform self-check and diagnostic procedures
-p, --pretend Show which tasks will be run without actually running them
Path options:
--dir_root DIR Path to the test root folder
--dir_deployment DIR Path to the test deployment folder
--dir_hiera_yamls DIR Path to the folder with hiera files
--dir_facts_yamls DIR Path to the folder with facts yaml files
--dir_spec_files DIR Path to the folder with task spec files (changing this may break puppet-rspec)
--dir_task_files DIR Path to the folder with task manifest files
--dir_puppet_modules DIR Path to the puppet modules
Spec options:
-A, --catalog_show Show catalog content debug output
-a, --spec_status Show spec status blocks
Shortcut scripts

View File

@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ module Noop
opts.on('-o', '--report_only_failed', 'Show only failed tasks and examples in the report') do
@options[:report_only_failed] = true
opts.on('-O', '--report_only_tasks', 'Show only tasks, skip individual examples') do
@options[:report_only_tasks] = true
opts.on('-r', '--load_saved_reports', 'Read saved report JSON files from the previous run and show tasks report') do
@options[:load_saved_reports] = true

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ require 'erb'
require 'colorize'
require 'rexml/document'
# TODO: cli report should use data from tasks_report_structure instead of reimplementing it
module Noop
class Manager
@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ module Noop
line += "#{task.file_base_facts.to_s.ljust max_length_facts + 1}"
line += "#{task.file_base_hiera.to_s.ljust max_length_hiera + 1}"
output line
output_task_examples task
output_task_examples task unless options[:report_only_tasks]
def output_task_examples(task)
@ -131,21 +133,46 @@ module Noop
def output_task_totals
tasks = 0
failed = 0
pending = 0
count = {
:total => 0,
:failed => 0,
:pending => 0,
task_list.each do |task|
pending += 1 if task.pending?
failed += 1 if task.failed?
tasks += 1
count[:pending] += 1 if task.pending?
count[:failed] += 1 if task.failed?
count[:total] += 1
output "Tasks: #{tasks} Failed: #{failed} Pending: #{pending}"
output "Tasks: #{count[:total]} Failed: #{count[:failed]} Pending: #{count[:pending]}"
def output_examples_total
count = {
:total => 0,
:failed => 0,
:pending => 0,
task_list.each do |task|
examples =['examples']
next unless examples.is_a? Array
examples.each do |example|
count[:total] += 1
if example['status'] == 'failed'
count[:failed] += 1
elsif example['status'] == 'pending'
count[:pending] += 1
output "Examples: #{count[:total]} Failed: #{count[:failed]} Pending: #{count[:pending]}"
def task_report
task_list.each do |task|
output_task_status task
output_examples_total unless options[:report_only_tasks]

View File

@ -39,20 +39,27 @@ module Noop
# convert resource catalog to a RAL catalog
# and run "generate" hook for all resources
# and run both "generate" functions for each resource
# that has it and then add results to the catalog
# @return <Lambda>
def create_ral_catalog(context)
catalog = context.subject
catalog = if catalog.is_a? Proc
ral_catalog = catalog.to_ral
generate_functions = [:generate, :eval_generate]
ral_catalog.resources.each do |resource|
next unless resource.respond_to? :generate
generated = resource.generate
next unless generated.is_a? Array
generated.each do |generated_resource|
next unless generated_resource.is_a? Puppet::Type
ral_catalog.add_resource generated_resource
generate_functions.each do |function_name|
next unless resource.respond_to? function_name
generated = resource.send function_name
next unless generated.is_a? Array
generated.each do |generated_resource|
next unless generated_resource.is_a? Puppet::Type
ral_catalog.add_resource generated_resource
lambda { ral_catalog }