Handle non contributing merges where no import

Catch a non-contributing merge of a commit where it's parent is within
the ancestry path to the previous upstream imported.

Add it to a list of commits to be stripped to ensure when encountered
it is removed from being attempted to be re-played.

Change-Id: Ibf5034a4eec5a92097cc38120959fcc12a44af74
Related-Bug: #1648029
This commit is contained in:
Darragh Bailey 2016-12-07 16:46:15 +00:00 committed by Darragh Bailey
parent 0100a7e1d5
commit ccae7b1a63
2 changed files with 90 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -66,14 +66,17 @@ class Searcher(GitMixin):
def _check_merge_is_previous(self, mergecommit, parent, last_merge):
def _check_merge_is_previous(self, mergecommit, parent, last_merge,
"""Check if merge commit and parent describes previous import
Method checks if the given merge and parent commits describe a
previous import merge commit and returns a tuple of the merge
commit if it is the previous import merge, and a list of additional
commits to be excluded from any history when looking for carried
previous import merge commit and returns a 3-tuple of a merge
commit if it is a candidate for a previous import merge, a list
of commits whose history should be excluded when looking for
carried changes, and lastly a list of commits that should be
removed individually from the final list while still retaining
any history before such commit.
mergebase = self.git.merge_base(parent, self.commit,
@ -94,14 +97,14 @@ class Searcher(GitMixin):
Found merge of additional branch:
""", mergecommit)
return None, ["^%s" % mp for mp in mergecommit.parents]
return None, ["^%s" % mp for mp in mergecommit.parents], None
# if the parent tree doesn't match the merge commit tree, we can
# skip inspecting it as it and it's parent commit must be
# included as it contributes changes to the tree.
if (self.git.rev_parse("%s^{tree}" % parent) !=
self.git.rev_parse("%s^{tree}" % mergecommit)):
return None, []
return None, [], None
# otherwise we have a descendant commit with the same tree that
# requires further inspection to determine if it is really the
@ -114,19 +117,29 @@ class Searcher(GitMixin):
# the previous mainline that was replaced and should ignore
if mergecommit == last_merge:
# also means we've found the previous import
return mergecommit, ["^%s" % parent]
return mergecommit, ["^%s" % parent], None
# otherwise this an unusual state where we are looking at the
# merge of the previous import with a change that landed on the
# previous target mainline but was not included in the changes
# that where on the previous import. This can occur due to a
# change being approved/landed after the import was performed
return None, []
return None, [], None
other_parents = [p.hexsha for p in mergecommit.parents if p != parent]
# if the merge base of the parent against any of the other parents
# happens to be in a list of commits directly between the tip and
# previous upstream import, then it is simply a merge of an obsolete
# commit. These are very difficult to strip out normally
if any(self.git.merge_base(
parent, p, with_exceptions=False) in ancestry_commits
for p in other_parents):
return None, [], other_parents
# otherwise looking at the previous import merge commit and the parent
# from the previous import branch, so exclude all other parents.
return mergecommit, ["^%s" % ip
for ip in mergecommit.parents if ip != parent]
return mergecommit, ["^%s" % ip for ip in other_parents], None
def list(self, upstream=None):
@ -154,14 +167,28 @@ class Searcher(GitMixin):
merge_list = list(Commit.iter_items(self.repo, revision_spec,
ancestry_path=True, merges=True))
# to handle special case where a merge of a commit introduces
# nothing to the tree, need to spot when such commits are based
# off of the import set, so as not to accidentally exclude
strip_commits = set()
ancestry_commits = [
for commit in Commit.iter_items(
self.repo, revision_spec, topo_order=True,
ancestry_path=True, merges=False)
extra_args = []
previous_import = None
for mergecommit, parent in ((mc, p)
for mc in merge_list
for p in mc.parents):
# inspect each
previous_import_candidate, ignores = self._check_merge_is_previous(
mergecommit, parent, merge_list[-1])
prune_list) = self._check_merge_is_previous(
mergecommit, parent, merge_list[-1], ancestry_commits)
if ignores:
@ -171,6 +198,14 @@ class Searcher(GitMixin):
""", "\n ".join(ignores))
if prune_list:
Adding following commits to be pruned afterwards:
""", "\n ".join(prune_list))
if previous_import_candidate:
previous_import = previous_import_candidate
@ -246,6 +281,9 @@ class Searcher(GitMixin):
# chain the filters as generators so that we don't need to allocate new
# lists for each step in the filter chain.
commit_list = itertools.chain(*commit_list)
# strip commits that cannot be excluded through revision specifications
# or without removing additional history
commit_list = [c for c in commit_list if c.hexsha not in strip_commits]
for f in self.filters:
commit_list = f.filter(commit_list)

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
- desc: |
Construct a repo layout where using a complex layout where a previous
import from upstream having been completed, test that if a change was
created on before the previous import was created, and merged to the
target branch 'but did not introduce any changes to the branch' that
it is not incorrectly detected as the previous merge import.
i.e. will the searcher ignore 'I' even though it is treesame to 'H',
and instead correctly detect 'A' as the previous import given the
diagram below. Additionally will it exclude 'O' as not contributing
anything to the final state.
Repository layout being tested
/ \
B---C---D---G---H master
A---E---F---L---M upstream/master
- [A, []]
- [B, [A]]
- [C, [B]]
- [O, [C]]
- [D, [C]]
- [E, [A]]
- [F, [E]]
- [G, [=D, O]]
- [H, [G]]
- [L, [F]]
- [M, [L]]
head: [master, H]
upstream: [upstream/master, M]
expected-changes: [B, C, D, G, H]