## gitchangelog.rc for git-upstream ## ## Refer to the reference config file for full explanation: ## https://github.com/vaab/gitchangelog/blob/master/gitchangelog.rc.reference ## ``ignore_regexps`` is a line of regexps ## ## Any commit having its full commit message matching any regexp listed here ## will be ignored and won't be reported in the changelog. ## ignore_regexps = [ r'@minor', r'!minor', r'@cosmetic', r'!cosmetic', r'@refactor', r'!refactor', r'@wip', r'!wip', r'^([cC]hg|[fF]ix|[nN]ew)\s*:\s*[p|P]kg:', r'^([cC]hg|[fF]ix|[nN]ew)\s*:\s*[d|D]ev:', r'^(.{3,3}\s*:)?\s*[fF]irst commit.?\s*$', ] ## ``section_regexps`` is a list of 2-tuples associating a string label and a ## list of regexp ## ## Commit messages will be classified in sections thanks to this. Section ## titles are the label, and a commit is classified under this section if any ## of the regexps associated is matching. ## section_regexps = [ ('New', [ r'^[nN]ew\s*:\s*((dev|use?r|pkg|test|doc)\s*:\s*)?([^\n]*)$', ]), ('Changes', [ r'^[cC]hg\s*:\s*((dev|use?r|pkg|test|doc)\s*:\s*)?([^\n]*)$', ]), ('Fix', [ r'^[fF]ix\s*:\s*((dev|use?r|pkg|test|doc)\s*:\s*)?([^\n]*)$', ]), ('Other', None ## Match all lines ), ] ## ``body_process`` is a callable ## ## This callable will be given the original body and result will ## be used in the changelog. ## body_process = ReSub(r'.*', r'') | strip ## ``subject_process`` is a callable ## ## This callable will be given the original subject and result will ## be used in the changelog. ## subject_process = (strip | ReSub(r'^([cC]hg|[fF]ix|[nN]ew)\s*:\s*((dev|use?r|pkg|test|doc)\s*:\s*)?([^\n@]*)(@[a-z]+\s+)*$', r'\4') | ucfirst | final_dot) ## ``tag_filter_regexp`` is a regexp ## ## Tags that will be used for the changelog must match this regexp. ## tag_filter_regexp = r'^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$' ## ``unreleased_version_label`` is a string ## ## This label will be used as the changelog Title of the last set of changes ## between last valid tag and HEAD if any. ## unreleased_version_label = "%%version%% (unreleased)" ## ``output_engine`` is a callable ## ## This will change the output format of the generated changelog file ## output_engine = rest_py ## ``include_merge`` is a boolean ## ## This option tells git-log whether to include merge commits in the log. ## The default is to include them. ## include_merge = False ## ``include_author`` is a boolean ## ## This option tells git-log whether to include the author information from ## commits in the log. Default is to include. ## include_author = False ## ``space_commit_lines`` is a boolean ## ## This option tells git-log whether to add a newline after each commit ## body. The default is to insert a newline. ## space_commit_lines = False