Prevent taskflow creation in impossible import

This change prevents taskflow creation during image import in cases
we know for sure that the image activation won't be successful.

The change follows the Glance principles of failing early and tries
to provide as meaningful error messages to the end user as possible.

Co-authored-by: Abhishek Kekane <>
Closes-bug: 1758943
Change-Id: Iaee2781d07f4c0afd4f886f0b30b523bd47f1058
This commit is contained in:
Erno Kuvaja 2018-03-28 19:49:48 +01:00
parent 54329c6a21
commit 0376185fb3
2 changed files with 106 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ class ImagesController(object):
def import_image(self, req, image_id, body):
image_repo = self.gateway.get_repo(req.context)
task_factory = self.gateway.get_task_factory(req.context)
executor_factory = self.gateway.get_task_executor_factory(req.context)
task_repo = self.gateway.get_task_repo(req.context)
@ -99,6 +100,32 @@ class ImagesController(object):
import_method = body.get('method').get('name')
uri = body.get('method').get('uri')
image = image_repo.get(image_id)
if image.status == 'active':
msg = _("Image with status active cannot be target for import")
raise exception.Conflict(msg)
if image.status != 'queued' and import_method == 'web-download':
msg = _("Image needs to be in 'queued' state to use "
"'web-download' method")
raise exception.Conflict(msg)
if (image.status != 'uploading' and
import_method == 'glance-direct'):
msg = _("Image needs to be staged before 'glance-direct' "
"method can be used")
raise exception.Conflict(msg)
if not getattr(image, 'container_format', None):
msg = _("'container_format' needs to be set before import")
raise exception.Conflict(msg)
if not getattr(image, 'disk_format', None):
msg = _("'disk_format' needs to be set before import")
raise exception.Conflict(msg)
except exception.Conflict as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPConflict(explanation=e.msg)
except exception.NotFound as e:
raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.msg)
if (import_method == 'web-download' and
not utils.validate_import_uri(uri)):
LOG.debug("URI for web-download does not pass filtering: %s",

View File

@ -112,6 +112,15 @@ def _db_image_member_fixture(image_id, member_id, **kwargs):
return obj
class FakeImage(object):
def __init__(self, status='active', container_format='ami',
disk_format='ami'): = UUID4
self.status = status
self.container_format = container_format
self.disk_format = disk_format
class TestImagesController(base.IsolatedUnitTest):
def setUp(self):
@ -600,49 +609,80 @@ class TestImagesController(base.IsolatedUnitTest):
self.assertRaises(webob.exc.HTTPNotFound,, request, UUID4)
def test_image_import_raises_conflict(self):
def test_image_import_raises_conflict_if_container_format_is_none(self):
request = unit_test_utils.get_fake_request()
# NOTE(abhishekk): Due to
# taskflow is not
# executing. Once it is fixed instead of mocking spawn_n method
# we should mock execute method of _ImportToStore task.
with mock.patch.object(eventlet.GreenPool, 'spawn_n',
with mock.patch.object(
glance.api.authorization.ImageRepoProxy, 'get') as mock_get:
mock_get.return_value = FakeImage(container_format=None)
self.controller.import_image, request, UUID4,
{'method': {'name': 'glance-direct'}})
def test_image_import_raises_conflict_if_disk_format_is_none(self):
request = unit_test_utils.get_fake_request()
with mock.patch.object(
glance.api.authorization.ImageRepoProxy, 'get') as mock_get:
mock_get.return_value = FakeImage(disk_format=None)
self.controller.import_image, request, UUID4,
{'method': {'name': 'glance-direct'}})
def test_image_import_raises_conflict(self):
request = unit_test_utils.get_fake_request()
with mock.patch.object(
glance.api.authorization.ImageRepoProxy, 'get') as mock_get:
mock_get.return_value = FakeImage(status='queued')
self.controller.import_image, request, UUID4,
{'method': {'name': 'glance-direct'}})
def test_image_import_raises_conflict_for_web_download(self):
request = unit_test_utils.get_fake_request()
with mock.patch.object(
glance.api.authorization.ImageRepoProxy, 'get') as mock_get:
mock_get.return_value = FakeImage()
self.controller.import_image, request, UUID4,
{'method': {'name': 'web-download'}})
def test_image_import_raises_conflict_for_invalid_status_change(self):
request = unit_test_utils.get_fake_request()
# NOTE(abhishekk): Due to
# taskflow is not
# executing. Once it is fixed instead of mocking spawn_n method
# we should mock execute method of _ImportToStore task.
with mock.patch.object(
eventlet.GreenPool, 'spawn_n',
glance.api.authorization.ImageRepoProxy, 'get') as mock_get:
mock_get.return_value = FakeImage()
self.controller.import_image, request, UUID4,
{'method': {'name': 'glance-direct'}})
def test_image_import_raises_bad_request(self):
request = unit_test_utils.get_fake_request()
# NOTE(abhishekk): Due to
# taskflow is not
# executing. Once it is fixed instead of mocking spawn_n method
# we should mock execute method of _ImportToStore task.
with mock.patch.object(eventlet.GreenPool, 'spawn_n',
self.controller.import_image, request, UUID4,
{'method': {'name': 'glance-direct'}})
with mock.patch.object(
glance.api.authorization.ImageRepoProxy, 'get') as mock_get:
mock_get.return_value = FakeImage(status='uploading')
# NOTE(abhishekk): Due to
# taskflow is not
# executing. Once it is fixed instead of mocking spawn_n method
# we should mock execute method of _ImportToStore task.
with mock.patch.object(eventlet.GreenPool, 'spawn_n',
self.controller.import_image, request, UUID4,
{'method': {'name': 'glance-direct'}})
def test_image_import_invalid_uri_filtering(self):
request = unit_test_utils.get_fake_request()
self.controller.import_image, request, UUID4,
{'method': {'name': 'web-download',
'uri': 'fake_uri'}})
with mock.patch.object(
glance.api.authorization.ImageRepoProxy, 'get') as mock_get:
mock_get.return_value = FakeImage(status='queued')
self.controller.import_image, request, UUID4,
{'method': {'name': 'web-download',
'uri': 'fake_uri'}})
def test_create(self):
request = unit_test_utils.get_fake_request()
@ -2251,9 +2291,12 @@ class TestImagesController(base.IsolatedUnitTest):
def test_image_import(self):
request = unit_test_utils.get_fake_request()
output = self.controller.import_image(request, UUID4,
{'method': {'name':
with mock.patch.object(
glance.api.authorization.ImageRepoProxy, 'get') as mock_get:
mock_get.return_value = FakeImage(status='uploading')
output = self.controller.import_image(
request, UUID4, {'method': {'name': 'glance-direct'}})
self.assertEqual(UUID4, output)
def test_image_import_not_allowed(self):
@ -2261,10 +2304,13 @@ class TestImagesController(base.IsolatedUnitTest):
# NOTE(abhishekk): For coverage purpose setting tenant to
# None. It is not expected to do in normal scenarios.
request.context.tenant = None
request, UUID4, {'method': {'name':
with mock.patch.object(
glance.api.authorization.ImageRepoProxy, 'get') as mock_get:
mock_get.return_value = FakeImage(status='uploading')
request, UUID4, {'method': {'name':
class TestImagesControllerPolicies(base.IsolatedUnitTest):