Commit Graph

2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Akihiro Motoki 64b67ac9e9 Update the doc links to the newest ones
The docstring of getExtensions service in cinder.service.js
was a copy from nova service and not correct. The docstring was
updated based on the current cinder v2 API.

Thanks to a recent improvement in reno, touching release notes
in older releases in the master branch no longer polute the rendered
release notes. Changing URLs (or other things) in the master branch
does not affect the rendered release notes, but updating URLs to the
latest would help avoiding mechanical patches of updating links :)

Change-Id: I2aec3adeb400323d42a3a5083f8bc0798eeff917
2018-03-20 16:22:05 +09:00
Timur Sufiev 4ceeef5376 Add the Profiler panel to the Developer dashboard
Provide both pythonic Django part and the static assets (angular
directives and styles) for the new panel.


To enable panel itself, copy
file from the previous commit to
and copy openstack_dashboard/contrib/developer/enabled/
to openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/

To support storing profiler data on server-side, MongoDB cluster needs
to be installed on Devstack host (default configuration), see
for instructions. Then, change net:bindIp: key to inside
/etc/mongod.conf and invoke `sudo service mongod restart` for the
changes to have an effect.

Implements-blueprint: openstack-profiler-at-developer-dashboard
Change-Id: Ice7b8b4b4decad2c45a9edef3f3c4cc2ff759de4
2016-12-01 22:29:16 +03:00