Meter Get Statistics by name implemented

Ceilometer API: Get Meter Statistics by name implemented and
unit tested.

Change-Id: I9869daaccb8a8e656e6ae283708883a97818b7ec
This commit is contained in:
Xiao Tan 2016-04-30 02:06:19 +00:00
parent f3dada5dd2
commit 2e0a2a5e1a
5 changed files with 177 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ Andreas Jaeger <>
Chang-Yi Lee <>
Jiaming Lin <>
Tong Li <>
Xiao Tan <>
spzala <>
xiaotan2 <>

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
* Meter Get_Meter_Byname implemented
* Meters GET request implemented
* Added more instructions on how to configure keystone middleware
* move up one more dependencies

View File

@ -36,3 +36,7 @@ class V2API(object):
@resource_api.Restify('/v2.0/meters/{meter_name}', method='get')
def get_meter_byname(self, req, res, meter_name):
res.status = '501 Not Implemented'
@resource_api.Restify('/v2.0/meters/{meter_name}/statistics', method='get')
def get_meter_statistics(self, req, res, meter_name):
res.status = '501 Not Implemented'

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ from oslotest import base
import requests
from kiloeyes.common import kafka_conn
from kiloeyes.common import timeutils as tu
from kiloeyes.v2.elasticsearch import meters
@ -178,3 +179,62 @@ class TestMeterDispatcher(base.BaseTestCase):
self.assertEqual(obj[0]['counter_volume'], 4)
self.assertEqual(obj[0]['timestamp'], 1461337094000)
self.assertEqual(len(obj), 1)
def test_do_get_statistics(self):
res = mock.Mock()
req = mock.Mock()
def _side_effect(arg):
if arg == 'name':
return 'tongli'
elif arg == 'dimensions':
return 'key1:100, key2:200'
elif arg == 'start_time':
return '2014-01-01'
elif arg == 'end_time':
return None
elif arg == 'period':
return None
elif arg == 'statistics':
return 'avg, sum, max'
req.get_param.side_effect = _side_effect
req_result = mock.Mock()
response_str = """
req_result.json.return_value = json.loads(response_str)
req_result.status_code = 200
with mock.patch.object(requests, 'post', return_value=req_result):
self.dispatcher.get_meter_statistics(req, res, 'BABMGD')
# test that the response code is 200
self.assertEqual(res.status, getattr(falcon, 'HTTP_200'))
obj = json.loads(res.body)
# there should be total of 2 objects
self.assertEqual(len(obj), 2)
self.assertEqual(obj[0]['avg'], 91.8308529393)
self.assertEqual(obj[1]['max'], 1623.51130776)
self.assertEqual(obj[1]['period'], 300)

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from kiloeyes.common import es_conn
from kiloeyes.common import kafka_conn
from kiloeyes.common import namespace
from kiloeyes.common import resource_api
from kiloeyes.common import timeutils as tu
from kiloeyes.v2.elasticsearch import metrics
@ -115,6 +116,16 @@ class MeterDispatcher(object):
self._meter_stats_agg = """
def setup_index_template(self):
@ -284,3 +295,103 @@ class MeterDispatcher(object):
res.content_type = 'application/json;charset=utf-8'
res.body = ''
@resource_api.Restify('/v2.0/meters/{meter_name}/statistics', method='get')
def get_meter_statistics(self, req, res, meter_name):
LOG.debug('The meter %s statistics GET request is received' %
# process query conditions
query = []
metrics.ParamUtil.common(req, query)
period = metrics.ParamUtil.period(req)
_stats_ag = (self._meter_stats_agg %
{"size": self.size, "period": period})
if query:
body = ('{"query":{"bool":{"must":' + json.dumps(query) + '}},'
'"size":' + str(self.size) + ','
'"aggs":' + _stats_ag + '}')
body = '{"aggs":' + _stats_ag + '}'
# modify the query url to filter out name
query_url = []
if meter_name:
query_url = self._query_url + '&q=name:' + meter_name
query_url = self._query_url
es_res =, data=body)
res.status = getattr(falcon, 'HTTP_%s' % es_res.status_code)
LOG.debug('Query to ElasticSearch returned: %s' % es_res.status_code)
res_data = self._get_agg_response(es_res)
if res_data:
# convert the response into Ceilometer Statistics format
aggs = res_data['by_name']['buckets']
LOG.debug('@$Stats: %s' % json.dumps(aggs))
def _render_stats(dim):
is_first = True
oldest_time = []
previous_time = []
for item in dim['periods']['buckets']:
current_time = item['key']
# calculte period and duration difference
if is_first:
period_diff = 'null'
oldest_time = current_time
duration_diff = 'null'
previous_time = current_time
period_diff = (current_time - previous_time) / 1000
duration_diff = (current_time - oldest_time) / 1000
# parses the statistics data
_max = str(item['statistics']['max'])
_min = str(item['statistics']['min'])
_sum = str(item['statistics']['sum'])
_avg = str(item['statistics']['avg'])
_count = str(item['statistics']['count'])
curr_timestamp = tu.iso8601_from_timestamp(current_time)
prev_timestamp = tu.iso8601_from_timestamp(previous_time)
old_timestamp = tu.iso8601_from_timestamp(oldest_time)
rslt = ('{"avg":' + _avg + ','
'"count":' + _count + ','
'"duration":' + str(duration_diff) + ','
'"duration_end":' +
'"%s"' % str(curr_timestamp) + ','
'"duration_start":' +
'"%s"' % str(old_timestamp) + ','
'"max":' + _max + ','
'"min":' + _min + ','
'"period":' + str(period_diff) + ','
'"period_end":' +
'"%s"' % str(curr_timestamp) + ','
'"period_start":' +
'"%s"' % str(prev_timestamp) + ','
'"sum":' + _sum + ','
previous_time = current_time
if is_first:
yield rslt
is_first = False
yield ',' + rslt
def _make_body(items):
is_first = True
yield '['
for metric in items:
for dim in metric['by_dim']['buckets']:
if is_first:
is_first = False
yield ','
for result in _render_stats(dim):
yield result
yield ']'
res.body = ''.join(_make_body(aggs))
res.content_type = 'application/json;charset=utf-8'
res.body = 'o'