Commit Graph

38 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
wu.chunyang 3b56a5e0f7 kolla-cli: deprecation - Removing project content
step 2b from:

Deprecation notice:

Change-Id: I744f5c17232928cec68c1b90b2f5d791faf7d9e7
2020-09-03 09:58:43 +02:00
Radosław Piliszek 1b54912a33 Cleanup py27 support
Removes all mentions of py27.

Change-Id: I2a1767c3df332cccf13303ce734c40d04dfd6ec9
Co-Authored-By: jacky06 <>
2020-05-18 13:19:28 +08:00
jacky06 d79f8eec7c Remove six
We don't need this in a Python 3-only world

Change-Id: I2f2cff3c291b5db53287a99b8044e162c2d8f47d
2020-05-17 05:08:38 +00:00
jacky06 dba696be89 Bump docker_version_min to 1.10.0
1. MIN_DOCKER_VERSION should be keep consistence with kolla-ansible[1]
2. Bump paramiko version to latest to fix some depracated warnings


Change-Id: I8ebd752935cb94bdf249e198c734b6d909786883
2019-07-21 17:43:38 +08:00
ljhuang 8ac36d7630 Bump some requirements to latest
Change-Id: Ifce8324b00ea8904cc26ab1502ff79ff316d04cf
2019-07-18 01:23:05 +00:00
yanghongyu e677586c32 Bump Babel to 2.5.3
The version of Babel is too lower, it will result in the kolla-cli
failed, this ps bump it to match lower-constraints.txt[1]


Change-Id: Idafecec4d06dfa0d51b7c06a5ae061fe6ce04407
2019-07-17 12:14:22 +00:00
gujin c5fb7b1ed5 Add lower-constraints check into zuul
1. Add lower-constraints check into zuul
2. Add description into requirements.txt

Change-Id: I201373eed133e19d881022ef7bbab79c874d5eca
2019-07-12 13:39:26 +08:00
gujin e023cf9524 Use openstack-python-jobs to run pep8 and py27 test
1. Use openstack-python-jobs template to run pep8 and py27[1]
2. Add the license info for requirements.txt

[1]: refer to

Change-Id: I7612fa970a82b3ed16ab88ace82af4fcfabfc1a7
2019-07-12 11:06:40 +08:00
Borne Mace 8a49934653 Fixing test failures
It seems that in newer ansible versions the error strings have
changed and we are no longer able to use the hard coded
"UNREACHABLE" string in our stop test.  For now changing the
test to just skip the string investigation.  Also updating some
package dependencies to match those in kolla-ansible.

We need the 3.5 to 3.6 migration along with the UNREACHABLE
string change together to clean up the test failures  Neither
can be fixed without the other.  Thanks zhulingjie!!

Co-Authored-By: zhulingjie <>
Change-Id: I347cda4bbdc6ed7dc4857cb1865da578670235fb
2019-07-04 15:47:04 +08:00
caoyuan c9cf67fdf5 Update the ansible min version to 2.2.0
1. The version of kolla-cli should keep consistency with kolla-ansible[0],
the min ansible version of kolla-ansible is 2.2.0, so update it.
2. Move the ansible into test-requirements.txt


Change-Id: I1ce0c27e72497e64f5868a027375a7ce62882173
2018-06-26 00:27:21 +08:00
Borne Mace e6459aa8f2 Add support for config reset command.
The config reset command wipes all properties,
inventory data, default tls certificates and passwords.
The password set command now only allows modification
of existing passwords, and clear only removes the value
for existing password keys.  The ability to completely
add new and remove passwords no longer exists as it
was really only useful in very edge cases and did not
play nicely with the concept of doing a config reset.

Change-Id: I9d1868da1161ebaf64793ab6d0e42de74389feab
2018-05-25 11:16:02 -07:00
Zuul 010b8929cf Updates to fix py27 / tox tests
Work needed to get the py27 tests to run in the CI.

Implements: blueprint initial-testing

Change-Id: I2375d092c43f6a00e575f303f8e62b969365b149
2018-05-15 11:24:40 -04:00
Borne Mace 03db2832f1 Hard bind cliff dependency and minor unicode fixes
Newer versions of cliff have an issue where unicode strings
are not handled correctly in output so we hard bind the
requirements to a version of cliff we know doesn't have
the problem.  Also we were only doing the unicode translation
when outputing to a table where there were are few other
output formats where the translation was also appropriate.

Change-Id: I04f7988f5ff01f7434687fade5465b87199b86ba
2017-05-31 16:22:07 -07:00
Steve Noyes 894f8e7d6b remove docker-py requirement from kollacli
it's not needed and it was causing exceptions in cliff
when you ran kolaacli --help.

Change-Id: If477ffe25eb72098c75824747af60d323fde0be4
Jira-Issue: OPENSTACK-1072
2016-09-15 19:41:17 +02:00
Steve Noyes 0bb430d7ee Better version spec for docker-py
- use >= instead of ==

Jira-Issue: OPENSTACK-971
2016-06-30 13:08:45 -04:00
Steve Noyes 9ef934e240 add api for log collecting
- add new support_get_logs() api
- change dump api to require directory for dump to
match new get_logs api
- remove no longer needed pexpect
- update utests
- change log collector tool to use the new api

Jira-Issue: OSTACKDEV-18
2016-04-05 17:41:11 -04:00
Steve Noyes 5ac3e291ec specifically disallow pexpect version 3.3
sequential pexpect release versions are 3.2, 3.3, 4.0.1.
3.3 doesn't work with sudo commands. Since 4.0.1 has been
tested and works, we now can just disallow 3.3.

Jira-Issue: OPENSTACK-297
2016-02-15 09:41:14 -08:00
Steve Noyes ceff841d65 remove oslo utils dependency
Jira-Issue: OPENSTACK-560

do safe decode and encode in utils.
2016-02-15 09:41:13 -08:00
Borne Mace 5995838d10 Changed default property values shown and added --all and --long flags.
Jira-Issue: OPENSTACK-558
2015-12-16 11:46:44 -08:00
Steve Noyes 64dfd34c38 reverting config changes (for kollacli v2.1 stream) 2015-11-23 11:22:51 -05:00
Steve Noyes 6f2bef054e add initial oslo config framework
this adds just enough infrastructure to run the oslo-config
generator command to generate a sample config file.
2015-11-19 10:54:27 -05:00
Steve Noyes d1e67d88ce py3 (2) - update to py3 compatibility
- py3 is more particular about external package imports;
specify kollacli utils explicitly
- fix typo on oslo.utils in requirements.txt
- use standard spec for oslo utils - !=2.6.0,>=2.4.0
2015-11-09 09:30:22 -05:00
Steve Noyes 538cfddf60 py3 (1) - update utils to py3 compatibilty
- use osli.utils for string decoding
- add get_ansible_command function so ansible can run on py3 default system
- use six to replace unicode function
2015-11-06 16:20:42 -05:00
Borne Mace 2fb5552ab0 removed fasteners from requirements file 2015-11-06 12:49:07 -08:00
Steve Noyes 9651fa3e1d replace oslo.concurrency with fasteners for file locks (Oracle-Bug: 22117282)
- oslo concurrency brings in too much new dependencies for a patch release, fasteners
is a much smaller change.
- also change utest inventory clear so it doesn't cause an
ownership change of the inventory file.
2015-11-02 11:12:11 -05:00
Steve Noyes c03ab2e436 fix typo in oslo.concurrency line 2015-10-20 15:05:29 -04:00
Steve Noyes d1952d8859 oslo lock file and run_cmd output improvements
- use oslo concurrency locking instead of lockfile for license reasons
- normalize output on run_cmd logging
2015-10-20 13:24:02 -04:00
steve 2f38d3342d create reserved group for all hosts
- temporarily create a reserved group for all hosts. this is needed when you
want to run an ansible command against a host that might not yet be in a group.
This is used for host check and setup. Oracle-Bug:21824287
- handle case when empty inventory has whitespace in it. useful when manually
clearing the inventory file
- add rule preventing adding a group name equal to an existing service name.
- add exception handling to run_cmd to better output cmd failures when an
exception occurs.
- add restriction to avoid pexpect 3.3 in requirements. That version has a
bug where it will fail sudo commands.
- change unittest kolla_cli etc location to be the user's home location. This
avoids errors when the kolla_cli location is in /etc/kolla
- change format of unittest test_hosts file to remove ip address. no longer
- remove ndbcluster from group test
2015-09-15 09:26:05 -04:00
Borne Mace 09f1b3f2e6 updated setup steps and version requirements 2015-08-26 15:03:47 -07:00
Borne Mace 06a28c9ac1 changed inventory path. updated required package versions. 2015-08-25 10:41:37 -07:00
Steve Noyes de14707395 add pexpect to requirements 2015-08-22 08:17:48 -04:00
Steve Noyes 36c814163a add pexpect to requirements 2015-08-22 08:11:13 -04:00
Borne Mace a3fb683f18 removed unneeded service commands. removed reference to removed defaults.yml config file. lowered pbr version requirement. 2015-08-21 15:37:43 -07:00
Steve Noyes 1e33dc3d40 Summary: update host command to use ansible-friendly inventory persistance
- use new jsonpickle storage for hosts/inventory data instead of yaml. this
  is done to make it easier to store and load the object model for the
- rename hosts class to inventory
- remove host-zone association, new association is with groups. This better
  matches the ansible model.
- populate blank inventory with structure required for openstack. This adds
  the various services and containers under the appropriate groups.
- created new group class and updated inventory and host classes. added attributes
  for host for hypervisor, and management attribute. Also added versions to the
  inventory class.
2015-08-14 11:25:06 -04:00
Steve Noyes 1b85a99c5d Summary: add tablib to requirements, add missing objects/
- add cliff-tabli, allows additional output formats for list
2015-08-06 12:44:47 -04:00
Borne Mace 3ff5cc7222 removed etc/hosts.yml which shouldn't be checked in. added support for some more commands. got much of the ssh keygen behavior implemented. zone add / remote / list works now. 2015-07-21 17:21:23 -07:00
Borne Mace 727c83a5b1 Added support for reading in / writing out host data to the etc/hosts.yml file. Added support for calling Kolla ansible start logic. Made host add / remove / list methods functional. 2015-07-17 17:11:05 -07:00
Borne Mace 86b7524678 Initial commit
Included basic cliff usage structure for the execition of
three host commands.  Includes Babel usage structure for
i18n message extraction.  Includes tox and pep8 usage
structure for code quality / testing.  Includes standard
requirements.txt and test-requirements.txt files.
2015-07-15 13:34:36 -07:00