Commit Graph

6 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Feilong Wang cff4823168 Rename scripts
Scripts are the core of Magnum for COE deployment. To be more
clear and consistent, two changes proposed in this patch:

1. Rename network related script to xxx-flannel-xxx given they
are all for flannel and now we have calico driver.

2. Adding .sh for some scripts to be consistent with others.

Change-Id: I97f3e53b4b43648a4896193fb4ce469dbf42c611
2018-07-10 06:02:20 +12:00
Ricardo Rocha 4292b862a3 k8s_fedora: enable tls in traefik ingress
Add explicit entrypoints to the traefik controller configuration, with
the existing http but also adding a tls enable entrypoint on port 443.

Add corresponding ports to service and container definitions.

Story: 2002555
Task: 22117

Change-Id: I3413947276019b584db15a92f62a1a427ac26594
2018-06-14 20:28:30 +02:00
Ricardo Rocha 1710f3a84b k8s_fedora: set ingress traefik log level to INFO
Explicitly pass --logLevel instead of using -d.

Also renamed option --web (deprecated) to --api.

Change-Id: I3bcc679eae833cec6086c744d48adfa86f6f51b8
Story: 2002556
Task: 22118
2018-06-14 10:48:47 +02:00
Feilong Wang 3c72d7b88b Fix race condition issue for k8s multi masters
When creating a multi-master cluster, all master nodes will attempt to
create kubernetes resources in the cluster at this same time, like
coredns, the dashboard, calico etc. This race conditon shouldn't be
a problem when doing declarative calls instead of imperative (kubectl
apply instead of create). However, due to [1], kubectl fails to apply
the changes and the deployemnt scripts fail causing cluster to creation
to fail in the case of Heat SoftwareDeployments. This patch passes the
ResourceGroup index of every master so that resource creation will be
attempted only from the first master node.


Task: 21673
Story: 1775759

Change-Id: I83f78022481aeef945334c37ac6c812bba9791fd
2018-06-14 09:16:32 +12:00
Jose Castro Leon 79f4cc0c9d Add service account to daemonset in traefik
This allows traefik to access the resources protected
by Kubernetes RBAC

Change-Id: Ia374215dd67afce6125fbfd6e322e5e9d15b4b0b
Closes-Bug: #1755844
2018-03-16 13:38:43 +01:00
Ricardo Rocha 0b18989a50 [kubernetes] add ingress controller
Add ingress controller configuration and backend to kubernetes clusters.

A new label 'ingress_controller' defines which backend should serve
ingress, with traefik added as the only option for now.

It is defined as a DaemonSet, with instances on all nodes defined with a
certain role. This role is set as an additional cluster label
'ingress_controller_role', with a default value of 'ingress'.

For now no node is automatically set with this role, with users or operators
having to do this manually after cluster creation.

Change-Id: I5175cf91f37e2988dc3d33042558d994810842f3
Closes-Bug: #1738808
2018-02-22 15:54:46 +00:00