Commit Graph

11 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Martin Chacon Piza 9dbfe8056e Remove project content on master branch
This is step 2b of repository deprecation process as described in [1].


Change-Id: I210c2fe3bbe2a702f42ec1df95f328b8011d8014
2021-02-22 15:16:37 +01:00
Witold Bedyk a9b6d6c80e Use six.text_type instead of unicode
The built-in unicode no longer exists under python 3, so using it causes
pylint to report an undefined name. Use six.text_type instead.

Change-Id: I0b015bb56893e6683a6c36a63cb28aead07cc47c
Story: 2003240
Task: 26766
2018-09-27 16:17:04 +02:00
gengchc2 6f95a002a8 Remove white space between print () in
There is a white space in line [print (*,
then we remove it.

Change-Id: Ic07f9b7fe1e3f390566aafdccf9293381a0be988
2016-11-16 06:32:10 +00:00
Srinivas Sakhamuri 02ca4e80fe Uses devstack plugins to deploy ceilosca in devstack
- Leverages monsaca devstack and uses new devstack plugin model
to setup ceilosca.
- Also some refactoring in directory structure

Change-Id: I097c86f92e1ec09ceeb3d0d4831ff8c51c3aa1a3
2016-05-31 14:36:12 +00:00
Rohit Jaiswal e76d6376bb cap oslo.messaging to 3.0.0
oslo.messaging made a few changes to notifier
in 3.0.1 that will require change to simulator,
Also installing oslo.messaging will get
3.0.1, which fails the simulator,
so adding a version cap of 3.0.0 to continue
working until a fix is released.


The above patch is needed in a release to make
our simulator work with corresponding changes.

Change-Id: I94f34e2a58e0f3e69c27ec67056b6eab9f5f1397
2015-12-14 12:13:46 -08:00
Fabio Giannetti e2d679400d Fix Simulator Value to 0 that is converted to null
When the value in the simulator is set to zero it is converted to
a null in the publisher. Recently Monasca API has added a check
for the null values and it is rejecting the measurement.
This fixes the issue.

Note: Srinivas already submtted this patch but it does not show
up in github nor can be fetched (public key error)

Change-Id: Ic8e8d73f15c8f3790f7cf127c0bc14dfb816903b
2015-10-16 16:30:02 -07:00
Srinivas Sakhamuri e5f77305f7 Fix 0 values converted to null with JSON
Change-Id: Iae782322a2114080f4a314098565a298a063e1b3
2015-10-16 22:25:26 +00:00
Fabio Giannetti b173ad05a6 Fix for Simulator code
The simulator has a bug since it is not passing all the necessary

This patch fixes it.

Change-Id: I5e1d1c80f19d13228886b5ba71b9f116b21179ec
2015-10-07 14:09:11 -07:00
Fabio Giannetti 1b61b4dfbc Fix Tools Documentation
There was a misplaced highlight for the code that made the docs
messed up.

Change-Id: I885f1db6728bc5e39418ff7da9d7b721e1e47fa1
2015-10-06 14:13:24 -07:00
Fabio Giannetti e660d2febd Correct the Public Cloud Simulation load
The Public cloud load has a 20K iteration for each tenant and metric.
This is wrong and it will generate 30M messages.
The correct value is 5K and it will generate the expected 7.5M.

Also added documentation reflecting the changes in the code to
suppor tenant_id, resource_id and date.

Added documentation on how to set the system to deal with high load.

Change-Id: I9ca24cb46828b2a225bb61f720e54b55edb65571
2015-10-06 11:25:05 -07:00
Fabio Giannetti a4a1489eb2 Message Load Simulator for Ceilosca
This code has been customized from the oslo.messaging simulator.

The message loader sends messages to and it
simulates the instance creation/delete for nova, the volume
create and delete from cinder and image update and delete.

The Private/Public shell scripts are running some plausible
test cases for a "scale" down simulation of a private/public
cloud environment with tenants and resources distribution.

Change-Id: I391ecef8267db628cd1601475f44c8821c325fd1
co-author: Steven Irvin <>
2015-10-02 15:54:42 -07:00