[DEFAULT] debug=True verbose=True log_file = /var/log/murano-agent.log storage=/var/murano/plans engine_key = %SIGNING_KEY% [rabbitmq] # Input queue name input_queue = %RABBITMQ_INPUT_QUEUE% # Output routing key (usually queue name) result_routing_key = %RESULT_QUEUE% # Connection parameters to RabbitMQ service # Hostname or IP address where RabbitMQ is located. host = %RABBITMQ_HOST% # RabbitMQ port (5672 is a default) port = %RABBITMQ_PORT% # Use SSL for RabbitMQ connections (True or False) ssl = %RABBITMQ_SSL% # Do not verify SSL certificates insecure = %RABBITMQ_INSECURE% # Path to SSL CA certificate or empty to allow self signed server certificate ca_certs = '/etc/murano/certs/ca_certs' # RabbitMQ credentials. Fresh RabbitMQ installation has "guest" account with "guest" password. login = %RABBITMQ_USER% password = %RABBITMQ_PASSWORD% # RabbitMQ virtual host (vhost). Fresh RabbitMQ installation has "/" vhost preconfigured. virtual_host = %RABBITMQ_VHOST%