Commit Graph

16 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Akihiro Motoki 7c8262cf50 Fix inconsistency in requirements
The latest pip resolver started to check requirements strictly
and it detects many inconsistencies in neutron-vpnaas requirements.
Also applies the practices discussed in the mailing list [1][2].

* Drop pyflakes from requirements.txt as it is not used.
* Move document dependencies to doc/requirements.txt [1]
  and drop them from lower-constriants.txt.
* Bump MarkupSafe lower-constraint to 1.1.1
  to make it work with newer setuptools.
* Bump the minimum neutron requirement to 17.0.0 (victoria release)
  as the previous min version is too old.
  Wallaby and Victoria neutron are not different much, so I think
  it is no problem to use the latest released version here.
* Dependenicy related to neutron min version bump are updated
  in requirements and lower-constraints.
  Note that eventlet 0.22.0 is used as lower-constraints as 0.21.0
  (the min requirement in neutron 17.0.0) is blocked in several libs.
* Move linter dependencies to tox.ini and drop them from
  lower-constraints.txt (pylint, pyflakes, astroid, isort)
* Drop psutil from neutron_vpnaas/tests/functional/requirements.txt
  as the specified version of psutil is too old and psutil is a dependency
  of neutron so we don't need to install it explicitly here.

In addition, hacking version is updated as hacking 0.12.0 is not compatible
with python 3.8. W504 and I202 are ignored as we do in the neutron repo.
Other new flake8 violations are fixed.


Change-Id: I47f6d39379b68c4d71fc4d85ebb06d97cb5a6ce2
2021-01-07 05:13:34 +09:00
Luong Anh Tuan 5eb58a2a4b Redundant alias in import statement
Change-Id: I263758b6710eaafb16a1dec1f24e00546dc3e803
2017-11-07 08:24:33 +00:00
Cao Xuan Hoang d8ba5b7a81 Use flake8-import-order plugin and clean up exceptions
1. In reviews we usually check import grouping but it is boring.
By using flake8-import-order plugin, we can avoid this.
It enforces loose checking so it sounds good to use it.
This flake8 plugin is already used in tempest.

Note that flake8-import-order version is pinned to avoid unexpected
breakage of pep8 job.

Setup for unit tests of hacking rules is tweaked to disable
flake8-import-order checks. This extension assumes an actual file
exists and causes hacking rule unit tests.

2. This patch is also intend to clean up exceptions to avoid
confusing for other developers and the maintenance-ability as well.

Change-Id: I032892f08e073feb5b822d27d092f041b17d57e1
2017-07-11 15:49:52 +07:00
liuyamin e70f1b02cd Remove log translations from neutron-vpnaas
Log messages are no longer being translated. This removes all use of the
_LE, _LI, and _LW translation markers to simplify logging and to avoid
confusion with new contributions.


Change-Id: I83e9ab88b0e7084ff828b1c6afaa11bebf532e50
2017-03-24 15:05:28 +08:00
ashish-kumar-gupta a6c697ad29 Fix the types.set error for rally job run
Rally jobs run for neutron vpnaas fails
Closes-Bug: #1612056

Change-Id: Ia5356a466b7521f1aeeee22903c176c696422553
2016-10-13 16:55:54 +00:00
Aishwarya Thangappa 22205d681e Single/Multinode VPNaaS Scenario Tests using Rally
(a) Refactored the code to work with the following cases
    1. Single node with DVR
    2. Single node without DVR
    3. Multinode with DVR
    4. Multinode without DVR
|             |                Single Node/ Multinode Tests           |
| Scenarios   |-------------------------------------------------------|
|             | DVR | DVR+Concurrency | Non DVR | Non DVR+Concurrency |
| Vpn Basic   |  x  |      x          |    x    |         x           |
| Multi Tenant|  x  |      x          |    x    |         x           |
| Vpn Status  |  x  |      x          |    x    |         x           |

(b) Used the paramiko package to execute commands over ssh.

(c) Moved the README to devref

Depends-On: Id3f199d688d648f4618a6850d094e26ca6bb9a7f
Change-Id: I24d5a8435f06014fa9164bef518cac62bbb70ef9
2016-02-12 12:44:16 -08:00
Peng Zhi Xiong 5af5f6058c Fix some inconsistency in docstrings
Added colon after ":param" according to:

Change-Id: Ie4b77685b688491218a1fd417098fa611454f038
2015-12-22 00:01:25 -08:00
Jenkins 973398385b Merge "Remove unused logging module import" 2015-12-03 06:25:27 +00:00
Bo Chi c4f3e32e4a Switch to internal _i18n pattern, as per oslo_i18n guidelines
Guidelines referenced from:

Change-Id: I2135ebe5faf4b9d3853f634722a885f8ee5a90d5
Partially-Closes-Bug: #1519493
2015-11-28 10:54:19 -08:00
Dongcan Ye 166a37988e Remove unused logging module import
Currently, in some file we import logging module from oslo, but we had't
use it by far.

This patch remove them, and we can add it as we needs in future.

Change-Id: I8a803105c3ed26cf4e5e96d26ede24fd5eaaef9f
2015-11-06 08:40:44 +08:00
madhusudhan-kandadai 0196519b50 Include VPN scenario test for two different tenants
This test tests the vpn connection under two different tenants
and validate the vpn and ipsec-site-connection status

Change-Id: I15b1c15db1229c8835c46d211002fd2acfc2b9da
2015-10-14 08:10:53 -07:00
madhusudhan-kandadai 06570b8421 Include scenario test for checking VPN status
1. Validate the VPN-service and ipsec-site connection status
when updating the router status to DOWN and back to ACTIVE state
2. Added methods in vpn_base to support this scenario test
3. Modified test_vpn_connectivity test because of [2]
4. Updated rally_config file to include this scenario test

Change-Id: I72b53b2e01779d57e9ccac0e9c7155d9a8e4e877
2015-10-08 23:18:59 +00:00
madhusudhan-kandadai 6121f5a775 Include README.rst for rally tests
* Add README.rst with information on installing and
  running tests

Change-Id: Iac118d925c0c51218d7758a6c2747eb54509a725
2015-10-05 17:30:50 -07:00
Aishwarya Thangappa 0fc509ebcc VPN Scenario tests using Rally
This patch aims at creating Rally scale tests for VPNaaS.
It tests the full stack creation of VPNaaS -creating actual
networks/routers etc.,

(a) contains a set of standalone utility methods to
   create/delete networks, nova instances etc.,
(b) holds the vpn specific functions to create, delete
   and verify vpn connectivity.
(c) holds the actual scenario.
(d)rally_config.yaml file is the input configuration file

To test this patch:
(1) Install devstack with rally plugin.
(2) Create the following folder structure.
    sudo mkdir /opt/rally
(3) Create a symlink to the plugins directory.
    cd /opt/rally
    sudo ln -s /opt/stack/neutron-vpnaas/rally-jobs/plugins
(4) Run the test
    rally task start <path-to-input-file>
    To see the debug logs,
    rally -vd taks start <path-to-input-file>

This patch also includes the commit ID cb5e1708 of

Change-Id: I28915baf8c4ff07b61e70a33ba63693d65fce80a
2015-09-30 20:04:14 -07:00
James Arendt ef39d5b77d Fix minor comment typos in VPNaaS
Were a couple minor typos in comments, so fixing since looking
at code:
"valdiator" -> "validator"
"Retreive" -> "Retrieve"
"verison" -> "version"
"ipser_site_connection" -> "ipsec_site_connection"

Based on feedback also fixed other errors including vendor files:
"minimul" -> "minimal"
"implemenations" -> "implementations"
"rotuer" -> "router"
"processs" -> "process"
"capablities" -> "capabilities"
"datatbase" -> "database"
"actived" -> "active"
"toctree" -> "doctree"
"thise" -> "these"
"ot" -> "to"
"conneciton" -> "connection"
"itegration" -> "integration"
"settions" -> "settings"
"infromation" -> "information"
"notificaiton" -> "notification"
"visted" -> "visited"
"simluates" -> "simulates"
"indentify" -> "identify"

Change-Id: Iea9478287fe04ade381a1d3b898967057ce5dad6
Closes-Bug: #1498614
2015-09-25 16:17:46 -07:00
Aishwarya Thangappa 163332fd8c VPNaaS Scenario tests using Rally
Introducing VPNaaS scenario tests using Rally. This patch contains
rally-jobs/plugins/ file that holds a few utility
functions that will be used by the actual test files.

Change-Id: I01aa18be580211f1013a2203d69dc8bd2200c514
2015-09-16 15:40:35 -07:00