Revert "Automatically expire obsolete relationships"

This reverts commit 90ede813b0.

Closes-Bug: #1766267
Change-Id: Ia491a2a404bcbd9e108d20b2d9393aff1bb48c8e
This commit is contained in:
Rabi Mishra 2018-04-23 12:14:05 +00:00 committed by Hongbin Lu
parent 90ede813b0
commit a75014792a
14 changed files with 68 additions and 165 deletions

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@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ snowballstemmer==1.2.1

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@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import copy
import weakref
from neutron_lib.db import api
from neutron_lib.db import model_base
from neutron_lib import exceptions
from neutron_lib.objects import exceptions as obj_exc
from oslo_config import cfg
@ -287,127 +286,3 @@ def load_one_to_manys(session):
msg = ("Relationship %s attributes must be loaded in db"
" object %s" % (relationship_attr.key, state.dict))
raise AssertionError(msg)
# Expire relationships when foreign key changes.
# NOTE(ihrachys) Arguably, it's a sqlalchemy anti-pattern to access child
# models directly and through parent relationships in the same session. But
# since OVO mechanism is built around synthetic fields that assume this mixed
# access is possible, we keep it here until we find a way to migrate OVO
# synthetic fields to better mechanism that would update child models via
# parents. Even with that, there are multiple places in plugin code where we
# mix access when using models directly; those occurrences would need to be
# fixed too to be able to remove this hook and explicit expire() calls.
# Adopted from the following recipe:
# /ExpireRelationshipOnFKChange
# ...then massively changed to actually work for all neutron backref cases.
# TODO(ihrachys) at some point these event handlers should be extended to also
# automatically refresh values for expired attributes
def expire_for_fk_change(target, fk_value, relationship_prop, column_attr):
"""Expire relationship attributes when a many-to-one column changes."""
sess = orm.object_session(target)
# subnets and network's many-to-one relationship is used as example in the
# comments in this function
if sess is not None:
# optional behavior #1 - expire the "Network.subnets"
# collection on the existing "network" object
if relationship_prop.back_populates and \
relationship_prop.key in target.__dict__:
obj = getattr(target, relationship_prop.key)
if obj is not None and sqlalchemy.inspect(obj).persistent:
sess.expire(obj, [relationship_prop.back_populates])
# optional behavior #2 - expire the ""
if sqlalchemy.inspect(target).persistent:
sess.expire(target, [relationship_prop.key])
# optional behavior #3 - "trick" the ORM by actually
# setting the value ahead of time, then emitting a load
# for the attribute so that the *new*
# is loaded. Then, expire Network.subnets on *that*.
# Other techniques here including looking in the identity
# map for "value", if this is a simple many-to-one get.
if relationship_prop.back_populates:
target.__dict__[column_attr] = fk_value
new = getattr(target, relationship_prop.key)
if new is not None:
if sqlalchemy.inspect(new).persistent:
sess.expire(new, [relationship_prop.back_populates])
# no Session yet, do it later. This path is reached from the 'expire'
# listener setup by '_expire_prop_on_col' below, when a foreign key
# is directly assigned to in the many to one side of a relationship.
# i.e. assigning directly to Subnet.network_id before Subnet is added
# to the session
if target not in _emit_on_pending:
_emit_on_pending[target] = []
(fk_value, relationship_prop, column_attr))
_emit_on_pending = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
@event.listens_for(orm.session.Session, "pending_to_persistent")
def _pending_callables(session, obj):
"""Expire relationships when a new object w/ a foreign key becomes
if obj is None:
args = _emit_on_pending.pop(obj, [])
for a in args:
if a is not None:
expire_for_fk_change(obj, *a)
@event.listens_for(orm.session.Session, "persistent_to_deleted")
def _persistent_to_deleted(session, obj):
"""Expire relationships when an object w/ a foreign key becomes deleted"""
mapper = sqlalchemy.inspect(obj).mapper
for prop in mapper.relationships:
if prop.direction is orm.interfaces.MANYTOONE:
for col in prop.local_columns:
colkey = mapper.get_property_by_column(col).key
expire_for_fk_change(obj, None, prop, colkey)
@event.listens_for(model_base.BASEV2, "attribute_instrument", propagate=True)
def _listen_for_changes(cls, key, inst):
mapper = sqlalchemy.inspect(cls)
if key not in mapper.relationships:
prop =
if prop.direction is orm.interfaces.MANYTOONE:
for col in prop.local_columns:
colkey = mapper.get_property_by_column(col).key
_expire_prop_on_col(cls, prop, colkey)
elif prop.direction is orm.interfaces.ONETOMANY:
remote_mapper = prop.mapper
# the collection *has* to have a MANYTOONE backref so we
# can look up the parent. so here we make one if it doesn't
# have it already, as is the case in this example
if not prop.back_populates:
name = "_%s_backref" % prop.key
backref_prop = orm.relationship(
prop.parent, back_populates=prop.key)
remote_mapper.add_property(name, backref_prop)
prop.back_populates = name
def _expire_prop_on_col(cls, prop, colkey):
@event.listens_for(getattr(cls, colkey), "set")
def expire(target, value, oldvalue, initiator):
"""Expire relationships when the foreign key attribute on
an object changes
expire_for_fk_change(target, value, prop, colkey)

View File

@ -277,12 +277,9 @@ class DbBasePluginCommon(common_db_mixin.CommonDbMixin):
pager = base_obj.Pager(sorts, limit, page_reverse, marker)
filters = filters or {}
# TODO(ihrachys) remove explicit reader usage when subnet OVO switches
# to engine facade by default
with db_api.context_manager.reader.using(context):
return subnet_obj.Subnet.get_objects(context, _pager=pager,
return subnet_obj.Subnet.get_objects(context, _pager=pager,
def _make_network_dict(self, network, fields=None,
process_extensions=True, context=None):

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@ -413,17 +413,6 @@ class NeutronDbPluginV2(db_base_plugin_common.DbBasePluginCommon,
elif not update_shared and entry:
# TODO(ihrachys) Below can be removed when we make sqlalchemy
# event listeners in neutron/db/ to refresh expired
# attributes.
# First trigger expiration of rbac_entries.
# Then fetch state for _make_network_dict use outside session
# context.
getattr(network, 'rbac_entries')
# The filter call removes attributes from the body received from
# the API that are logically tied to network resources but are
# stored in other database tables handled by extensions
@ -809,8 +798,6 @@ class NeutronDbPluginV2(db_base_plugin_common.DbBasePluginCommon,
# TODO(ihrachys): make sqlalchemy refresh expired relationships
getattr(network, 'subnets')
result = self._make_subnet_dict(subnet, context=context)
return result, network, ipam_subnet

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@ -1393,6 +1393,11 @@ class L3_NAT_dbonly_mixin(l3.RouterPluginBase,
# Expunge it to ensure the following get_object doesn't use the
# instance. Such as update fip qos above bumps the revision of the
# floatingIp. It would add floatingIp object to the session.
context, l3_models.FloatingIP,
floatingip_obj = l3_obj.FloatingIP.get_object(
floatingip_db = floatingip_obj.db_obj

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@ -90,14 +90,11 @@ class RbacPluginMixin(common_db_mixin.CommonDbMixin):
except c_exc.CallbackFailure as ex:
raise ext_rbac.RbacPolicyInUse(object_id=entry['object_id'],
# make a dict copy because deleting the entry will nullify its
# object_id link to network
entry_dict = dict(entry)
with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
registry.notify(resources.RBAC_POLICY, events.AFTER_DELETE, self,
context=context, object_type=object_type,
self.object_type_cache.pop(id, None)
def _get_rbac_policy(self, context, id):

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@ -121,6 +121,12 @@ class SecurityGroupDbMixin(ext_sg.SecurityGroupPluginBase):
# fetch sg from db to load the sg rules with sg model.
# NOTE(yamamoto): Adding rules above bumps the revision
# of the SG. It would add SG object to the session.
# Expunge it to ensure the following get_object doesn't
# use the instance.
context, sg_models.SecurityGroup,
sg = sg_obj.SecurityGroup.get_object(context,
secgroup_dict = self._make_security_group_dict(sg)
kwargs['security_group'] = secgroup_dict

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@ -305,11 +305,21 @@ class NeutronObject(obj_base.VersionedObject,
context, validate_filters=validate_filters, **kwargs))
def _guarantee_rw_subtransaction(func):
def _detach_db_obj(func):
"""Decorator to detach db_obj from the session."""
def decorator(self, *args, **kwargs):
synthetic_changed = bool(self._get_changed_synthetic_fields())
with self.db_context_writer(self.obj_context):
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
res = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
# some relationship based fields may be changed since we captured
# the model, let's refresh it for the latest database state
if synthetic_changed:
# TODO(ihrachys) consider refreshing just changed attributes
# detach the model so that consequent fetches don't reuse it
return res
return decorator
@ -351,8 +361,9 @@ class DeclarativeObject(abc.ABCMeta):
for key in model_unique_key]
if obj_field_names.issuperset(obj_unique_key):
cls.create = _guarantee_rw_subtransaction(cls.create)
cls.update = _guarantee_rw_subtransaction(cls.update)
# detach db_obj right after object is loaded from the model
cls.create = _detach_db_obj(cls.create)
cls.update = _detach_db_obj(cls.update)
if (hasattr(cls, 'has_standard_attributes') and
@ -489,6 +500,8 @@ class NeutronDbObject(NeutronObject):
def _load_object(cls, context, db_obj):
obj = cls(context)
# detach the model so that consequent fetches don't reuse it
return obj
def obj_load_attr(self, attrname):
@ -676,6 +689,14 @@ class NeutronDbObject(NeutronObject):
del fields[field]
return fields
def _get_changed_synthetic_fields(self):
fields = self.obj_get_changes()
fields = get_updatable_fields(self, fields)
for field in self._get_changed_persistent_fields():
if field in fields:
del fields[field]
return fields
def _validate_changed_fields(self, fields):
fields = fields.copy()
forbidden_updates = set(self.fields_no_update) & set(fields.keys())

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@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ class TestAgentsDbMixin(TestAgentsDbBase):
mock.patch.object(self.context.session, 'expunge').start()
with mock.patch('neutron.objects.db.api.create_object') as add_mock:
add_mock.side_effect = [

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@ -482,10 +482,6 @@ class FlavorPluginTestCase(test_db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2TestCase,
flavor = {'flavor': {'name': 'Silver',
'enabled': False}}
self.plugin.update_flavor(self.ctx, fl['id'], flavor)
# don't reuse cached models from previous plugin call
res = flavor_obj.Flavor.get_object(self.ctx, id=fl['id'])
self.assertEqual('Silver', res['name'])
@ -564,10 +560,6 @@ class FlavorPluginTestCase(test_db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2TestCase,
data['service_profile']['metainfo'] = '{"data": "value1"}'
sp = self.plugin.update_service_profile(self.ctx, sp['id'],
# don't reuse cached models from previous plugin call
res = flavor_obj.ServiceProfile.get_object(self.ctx, id=sp['id'])
self.assertEqual(data['service_profile']['metainfo'], res['metainfo'])
@ -599,9 +591,6 @@ class FlavorPluginTestCase(test_db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2TestCase,
self.assertEqual(fl['id'], binding['flavor_id'])
self.assertEqual(sp['id'], binding['service_profile_id'])
# don't reuse cached models from previous plugin call
res = self.plugin.get_flavor(self.ctx, fl['id'])
self.assertEqual(1, len(res['service_profiles']))
self.assertEqual(sp['id'], res['service_profiles'][0])

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@ -713,6 +713,27 @@ class BaseObjectIfaceTestCase(_BaseObjectTestCase, test_base.BaseTestCase):
self.model_map = collections.defaultdict(list)
self.model_map[self._test_class.db_model] = self.db_objs
self.pager_map = collections.defaultdict(lambda: None)
# don't validate refresh and expunge in tests that don't touch database
# because otherwise it will fail due to db models not being injected
# into active session in the first place
mock.patch.object(self.context.session, 'refresh').start()
mock.patch.object(self.context.session, 'expunge').start()
# don't validate expunge in tests that don't touch database and use
# new reader engine facade
self.reader_facade_mock = mock.patch.object(
self._test_class, 'db_context_reader').start()
# don't validate refresh and expunge in tests that don't touch database
# and use new writer engine facade
self.writer_facade_mock = mock.patch.object(
self._test_class, 'db_context_writer').start()
self.get_objects_mock = mock.patch.object(
obj_db_api, 'get_objects',

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@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ class TestLoggingPlugin(base.BaseLogTestCase):
self.ctxt = context.Context('admin', 'fake_tenant')
mock.patch.object(self.ctxt.session, 'refresh').start()
mock.patch.object(self.ctxt.session, 'expunge').start()
def test_get_logs(self):
with mock.patch.object(log_object.Log, 'get_objects')\

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@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ class TestQosPlugin(base.BaseQosTestCase):
self.ctxt = context.Context('fake_user', 'fake_tenant')
self.admin_ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
mock.patch.object(self.ctxt.session, 'refresh').start()
mock.patch.object(self.ctxt.session, 'expunge').start()
self.policy_data = {
'policy': {'id': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ neutron-lib>=1.13.0 # Apache-2.0
python-neutronclient>=6.7.0 # Apache-2.0
tenacity>=3.2.1 # Apache-2.0
ryu>=4.24 # Apache-2.0
SQLAlchemy!=1.1.5,!=1.1.6,!=1.1.7,!=1.1.8,>=1.2.0 # MIT
SQLAlchemy!=1.1.5,!=1.1.6,!=1.1.7,!=1.1.8,>=1.0.10 # MIT
WebOb>=1.7.1 # MIT
keystoneauth1>=3.4.0 # Apache-2.0
alembic>=0.8.10 # MIT