Commit Graph

3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Andreas Scheuring 2544312093 Add DPM Guest Image Tools
The guest image tools must be installed inside an operating system
to allow automated network configuration.

* autoconfigure_networking
  A systemd service that starts before cloud-init. It groups qeth
  devices to network interfaces that can be consumed by Linux.
  Therefore all devices listed in /proc/cmdline get configured with
  the provided portno in layer2 mode. The format of the data in the
  cmdline must be


* Setmac
  A udev rule and the corresponding script to change the MAC address
  of a network interface from within the guests operating system.
  This is done along the data provided via /proc/cmdline. The format
  of the data in the cmdline must be


Note: The boot-os-specific-parameters property of a partition is used
to pass in data from Nova into the operation system. This data is
appended to /proc/cmdline.

Change-Id: Iea199b085aca34769128a8691e95e790a396ee80
2017-02-20 09:34:19 +01:00
Andreas Scheuring 8f82f0a442 Enable configfile autogeneration
This patch enables configfile autogeneration. It is triggered

* implicitly on every sphinx build
  output dir: doc/source/html/_static/nova_dpm.conf.sample
  for doc inclusion
* explicilty by tox -egenconfig
  output dir: etc/nova/nova_dpm.conf.sample
* explicitly by tox -edocs
  output dir: etc/nova/nova_dpm.conf.sample

In addition the return type of nova_dpm.conf.dpm.list_opts needed
to be changed to the default format (list of tuples).

Change-Id: Ib298b274f877d651dd846cac6525789c458da407
Closes-Bug: #1657701
2017-01-26 14:28:28 +01:00
preethipy 83c2926d1c Initial Cookiecutter Commit
* It's the initial commit based on coockiecutter template
* Upstream nova is installed using as install_command
* zhmcclient is installed via tox dependencies as zhmcclient is not
listed in global openstack requirements and therefore cannot be
listed in requirements.txt

Partial-Bug: #1644216

Change-Id: Ic53e59ebdcb574f4e9fb9d09471c9ddff9bb1759
2016-12-01 12:48:30 +05:30