Fix issues with novajoin functional test

1. Set parameters to set flavor and image for baremetal
2. add and reorganize timeouts/retry code
3. fix changed call to verify compact services
4. fix user to ssh into the image

Change-Id: I80cc2e0cd8abc5d860b22349276ef4a40282e4f2
This commit is contained in:
Ade Lee 2019-03-13 16:45:43 -04:00
parent 42e483bfc3
commit 25460679a2
4 changed files with 128 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -35,42 +35,45 @@ This section describes how to set up these tests on an RDO system.
To set up tempest on the RDO system, use dnf to install tempest:
$ sudo dnf install -y openstack-tempest python-devel
Also install the novajoin-tempest-plugin.
$ sudo dnf install python-devel gcc
$ git clone
$ cd novajoin_tempest_plugin
$ sudo python install
Prepare a working directory to run the tempest tests.
$ cd ~
$ tempest init tempest_run
$ cd tempest_run
The discovery command detailed below only appears to work for v2 of the
keystone API. Copy the stackrc file and convert the OS_AUTH_URL to a v2
$ cp /home/stack/stackrc .
$ cp /home/stack/stackrc .
$ vi stackrc (convert to v2 by changing as follows:
$ source ./stackrc
There is currently a bug in the code used to discover and generate
tempest config files if the volume service (cinder) is not installed.
To work around this, comment out the line:
#check_volume_backup_service(clients.volume_service, conf, services)
at around line 203 in the file
@ -79,6 +82,8 @@ at around line 203 in the file
Run the discovery command to generate the required tempest config file
under ./etc/tempest.
$ discover-tempest-config --verbose \
--image \
--out etc/tempest.conf --debug --create identity.uri $OS_AUTH_URL \
@ -89,20 +94,21 @@ The tests need credentials to connect to the IPA server. In our tests, we
have used the keytab for the novajoin user. Copy this keytab and set the
appropriate ownership and permissions for the user executing the plugin.
$ sudo cp /etc/novajoin/krb5.keytab /home/stack/krb5.keytab
$ sudo cp /etc/novajoin/krb5.keytab /home/stack/krb5.keytab
$ sudo chown stack: /home/stack/krb5.keytab
Add the following directives to the [validation] stanza in the generated
tempest configuration file in ./etc/tempest.conf to configure the ssh
$ vi tempest/tempest.conf
connect_method = fixed
network_for_ssh = ctlplane
@ -116,6 +122,9 @@ Some of these are described below. All of these config directives would be
specified under a [novajoin] stanza in ./etc/tempest.conf.
NovajoinGroup = [
help='Flavor tag to use in novajoin enrollment tests'),
help='Keytab to connect to IPA as the novajoin user'),
@ -133,6 +142,43 @@ NovajoinGroup = [
help='Undercloud short host name'
Tempest Configuration for TripleO
The tempest tests for a tripleo environment are typically run on the
undercloud and use novajoin in the undercloud to generate baremetal nodes
(like the controllers and computes).
In this case, we have made the following tempest configuration work:
tripleo_controllers = controller-0,controller-1,controller-2
tripleo_computes = compute-0,compute-1
tripleo_undercloud = undercloud-0
flavor_tag = baremetal
connect_method = fixed
network_for_ssh = ctlplane
image_ssh_user = fedora
image_path =
region = regionOne
http_image =
Some things to note:
- The flavor_tag is set to either 'vm' or 'baremetal'. In this case,
the novajoin enrollment test will try to create test servers on baremetal
nodes. This nodes should already be provisioned by ironic.
- The image_path should point to the image to use when creating baremetal
servers. The image_ssh_user needs to correspond to the correct default
user. For Fedora images, for instance, this is 'fedora'. Ideally, the
image should already have the ipa-client package installed.
Running the tests
@ -143,6 +189,8 @@ the requested services and hosts are created. The test also confirms that
the instances and services are appropriately deleted when the instance
is deleted. To run these tests,
$ tempest run --regex test_novajoin_enrollment
The tests in test_tripleo_deployment should be run on the undercloud in a
@ -152,6 +200,8 @@ and services have been created in the IPA server. In addition, it
confirms that the certificates requested by Heat are tracked by certmonger
on the overcloud nodes.
$ tempest run --regex test_tripleo_deployment
The tests in test_tripleo_tls should be run on the undercloud in a TLS enabled
@ -159,4 +209,6 @@ tripleo deployment. These tests verify that all services have TLS connections
on all external and internal connections using the openssl client to attempt
TLS connections.
$ tempest run --regex test_tripleo_tls

View File

@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ novajoin_group = cfg.OptGroup(
title="Novajoin test plugin settings")
NovajoinGroup = [
help='Flavor tag to use in novajoin enrollment tests'),
help='Keytab to connect to IPA as the novajoin user'),

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import functools
import json
import six
import subprocess
@ -55,24 +56,31 @@ class NovajoinScenarioTest(manager.ScenarioTest):
super(NovajoinScenarioTest, cls).setup_clients()
cls.ipa_client = ipa_client.IPAClient()
def retry_with_timeout(func):
def wrapper_retry_with_timeout(*args, **kwargs):
start = int(time.time())
timeout = 300
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
while not result and (int(time.time()) - start < timeout):
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
assert result
return wrapper_retry_with_timeout
def verify_host_registered_with_ipa(self, host, add_domain=True):
if add_domain:
host = self.add_domain_to_host(host)
result = self.ipa_client.find_host(host)
self.assertTrue(result['count'] > 0)
return result['count'] > 0
def verify_host_not_registered_with_ipa(self, host, add_domain=True):
if add_domain:
host = self.add_domain_to_host(host)
result = self.ipa_client.find_host(host)
start = int(time.time())
host_count = result['count']
timeout = 300
while (host_count > 0) and (int(time.time()) - start < timeout):
result = self.ipa_client.find_host(host)
host_count = result['count']
self.assertFalse(result['count'] > 0)
return result['count'] == 0
def add_domain_to_host(self, host):
host = '{host}.{domain}'.format(
@ -80,34 +88,30 @@ class NovajoinScenarioTest(manager.ScenarioTest):
return host
def verify_host_has_keytab(self, host, add_domain=True):
if add_domain:
host = self.add_domain_to_host(host)
result = self.ipa_client.show_host(host)['result']
start = int(time.time())
keytab_status = result['has_keytab']
timeout = 300
while not keytab_status and (int(time.time()) - start < timeout):
result = self.ipa_client.show_host(host)['result']
keytab_status = result['has_keytab']
return result['has_keytab']
def verify_service_created(self, service, host):
service_principal = self.get_service_principal(host, service)
result = self.ipa_client.find_service(service_principal)
self.assertTrue(result['count'] > 0)
return result['count'] > 0
def verify_service_managed_by_host(self, service, host):
service_principal = self.get_service_principal(host, service)
result = self.ipa_client.service_managed_by_host(service_principal,
return self.ipa_client.service_managed_by_host(service_principal,
def verify_service_deleted(self, service, host):
service_principal = self.get_service_principal(host, service)
result = self.ipa_client.find_service(service_principal)
self.assertFalse(result['count'] > 0)
return result['count'] == 0
def verify_compact_services_deleted(self, services, host):
for (service, networks) in services.items():
@ -115,18 +119,13 @@ class NovajoinScenarioTest(manager.ScenarioTest):
subhost = '{host}.{network}.{domain}'.format(
host=host, network=network, domain=self.ipa_client.domain
service_principal = self.get_service_principal(
subhost, service)
result = self.ipa_client.find_service(service_principal)
self.assertFalse(result['count'] > 0)
self.verify_service_deleted(service, subhost)
def verify_managed_services_deleted(self, services):
for principal in services:
service = principal.split('/', 1)[0]
host = principal.split('/', 1)[1]
service_principal = self.get_service_principal(host, service)
result = self.ipa_client.find_service(service_principal)
self.assertFalse(result['count'] > 0)
self.verify_service_deleted(service, host)
def get_service_cert(self, service, host):
service_principal = self.get_service_principal(host, service)
@ -163,10 +162,11 @@ class NovajoinScenarioTest(manager.ScenarioTest):
result = self.execute_on_controller(user, hostip, cmd)
self.assertTrue('track: yes' in result)
def verify_cert_revoked(self, serial):
# verify that the given certificate has been revoked
result = self.ipa_client.show_cert(serial)['result']
return result['revoked']
def get_compact_services(self, metadata):
# compact key-per-service

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@ -23,9 +23,25 @@ import ast
CONF = config.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
USER = 'cloud-user'
USER = CONF.validation.image_ssh_user
NETWORK = 'ctlplane'
'baremetal': {'ram': 4096,
'vcpus': 3,
'disk': 30,
'specs': {
"capabilities:boot_option": "local",
"capabilities:profile": "ironic",
"resources:CUSTOM_IRONIC": '1'}},
'vm': {'ram': 4096,
'vcpus': 1,
'disk': 40,
'specs': {
"capabilities:boot_option": "local",
"capabilities:profile": "compute"}}
class ServerTest(novajoin_manager.NovajoinScenarioTest):
@ -44,20 +60,16 @@ class ServerTest(novajoin_manager.NovajoinScenarioTest):
def resource_setup(cls):
super(ServerTest, cls).resource_setup()
def _create_flavor(self, flavor_name):
specs = {"capabilities:boot_option": "local",
"capabilities:profile": "compute"}
def _create_flavor(self, flavor_name, tag):
flv_id = data_utils.rand_int_id(start=1000)
ram = 4096
vcpus = 1
disk = 40
flavor = FLAVORS[tag]
return flv_id
def _create_image(self, name, properties={}):
@ -71,11 +83,13 @@ class ServerTest(novajoin_manager.NovajoinScenarioTest):
def _verify_host_and_services_are_enrolled(
self, server_name, server_id, keypair):
server_details = self.servers_client.show_server(server_id)['server']
ip = self.get_server_ip(server_details)
# Verify compact services are created
metadata = self.servers_client.list_server_metadata(server_id
services = metadata['compact_services']
@ -83,6 +97,7 @@ class ServerTest(novajoin_manager.NovajoinScenarioTest):
# Verify managed services are created
@ -91,9 +106,6 @@ class ServerTest(novajoin_manager.NovajoinScenarioTest):
# Verify instance created above is ipaclient
server_details = self.servers_client.show_server(server_id
ip = self.get_server_ip(server_details)
self.verify_host_is_ipaclient(ip, USER, keypair)
def _verify_host_and_services_are_not_enrolled(self, server_name):
@ -109,7 +121,9 @@ class ServerTest(novajoin_manager.NovajoinScenarioTest):
networks = self.networks_client.list_networks(name=NETWORK)
net_id = networks['networks'][0]['id']
flavor_name = data_utils.rand_name('flv_metadata_in_instance')
flavor_id = self._create_flavor(flavor_name)
flavor_id = self._create_flavor(flavor_name,
image_name = data_utils.rand_name('img_metadata_in_instance')
image_id = self._create_image(image_name)
keypair = self.create_keypair()
@ -136,14 +150,12 @@ class ServerTest(novajoin_manager.NovajoinScenarioTest):
networks = self.networks_client.list_networks(name=NETWORK)
net_id = networks['networks'][0]['id']
flavor_name = data_utils.rand_name('flv_metadata_in_image')
flavor_id = self._create_flavor(flavor_name)
image_name = data_utils.rand_name('metadata_in_image')
flavor_id = self._create_flavor(flavor_name,
image_name = data_utils.rand_name('img_metadata_in_image')
properties = {"ipa_enroll": "True"}
image_id = self._create_image(image_name, properties)
keypair = self.create_keypair()
f = open('/tmp/priv.key', 'w')
instance_name = data_utils.rand_name("novajoin")
metadata = {"compact_services":
"{\"HTTP\": [\"ctlplane\", \"internalapi\"]}",