# This tests the individual CRUD operations on # /resource_providers/{uuid}/aggregates* using a non-admin user with an # open policy configuration. The response validation is intentionally minimal. fixtures: - OpenPolicyFixture defaults: request_headers: x-auth-token: user accept: application/json content-type: application/json openstack-api-version: placement latest vars: - &agg_1 f918801a-5e54-4bee-9095-09a9d0c786b8 - &agg_2 a893eb5c-e2a0-4251-ab26-f71d3b0cfc0b tests: - name: post new resource provider POST: /resource_providers data: name: $ENVIRON['RP_NAME'] uuid: $ENVIRON['RP_UUID'] status: 200 - name: put some aggregates PUT: /resource_providers/$ENVIRON['RP_UUID']/aggregates data: resource_provider_generation: 0 aggregates: - *agg_1 - *agg_2 status: 200 - name: get those aggregates GET: $LAST_URL response_json_paths: $.aggregates.`len`: 2