# This tests the individual CRUD operations on # /allocations* and /resource_providers/{uuid}/allocations using a non-admin # user with an open policy configuration. The response validation is # intentionally minimal. fixtures: - OpenPolicyFixture defaults: request_headers: x-auth-token: user accept: application/json content-type: application/json # We need 1.37 here because 1.38 required consumer_type which these # allocations do not have. openstack-api-version: placement 1.37 tests: - name: create resource provider POST: /resource_providers request_headers: content-type: application/json data: name: $ENVIRON['RP_NAME'] uuid: $ENVIRON['RP_UUID'] status: 200 - name: set some inventory PUT: /resource_providers/$ENVIRON['RP_UUID']/inventories request_headers: content-type: application/json data: resource_provider_generation: 0 inventories: DISK_GB: total: 2048 min_unit: 10 max_unit: 1024 VCPU: total: 96 status: 200 - name: create allocation for consumer PUT: /allocations/a0b15655-273a-4b3d-9792-2e579b7d5ad9 data: allocations: $ENVIRON['RP_UUID']: resources: VCPU: 1 DISK_GB: 20 consumer_generation: null project_id: 42a32c07-3eeb-4401-9373-68a8cdca6784 user_id: 66cb2f29-c86d-47c3-8af5-69ae7b778c70 status: 204 - name: list allocations for consumer GET: $LAST_URL - name: list allocations for resource provider GET: /resource_providers/$ENVIRON['RP_UUID']/allocations - name: manage allocations POST: /allocations data: a0b15655-273a-4b3d-9792-2e579b7d5ad9: consumer_generation: 1 project_id: 42a32c07-3eeb-4401-9373-68a8cdca6784 user_id: 66cb2f29-c86d-47c3-8af5-69ae7b778c70 allocations: $ENVIRON['RP_UUID']: resources: VCPU: 8 DISK_GB: 40 status: 204 - name: delete allocation for consumer DELETE: /allocations/a0b15655-273a-4b3d-9792-2e579b7d5ad9 status: 204