# A sequence of tests that confirms that a resource class in use # cannot be deleted. fixtures: - APIFixture defaults: request_headers: x-auth-token: admin accept: application/json content-type: application/json # We need version 1.11 as the PUT /allocations below is # using the < 1.12 data format. openstack-api-version: placement 1.11 tests: - name: create a resource provider POST: /resource_providers data: name: an rp status: 201 - name: get resource provider GET: $LOCATION status: 200 - name: create a resource class PUT: /resource_classes/CUSTOM_GOLD status: 201 - name: add inventory to an rp PUT: /resource_providers/$HISTORY['get resource provider'].$RESPONSE['$.uuid']/inventories data: resource_provider_generation: 0 inventories: VCPU: total: 24 CUSTOM_GOLD: total: 5 status: 200 - name: allocate some of it PUT: /allocations/6d9f83db-6eb5-49f6-84b0-5d03c6aa9fc8 data: allocations: - resource_provider: uuid: $HISTORY['get resource provider'].$RESPONSE['$.uuid'] resources: VCPU: 5 CUSTOM_GOLD: 1 project_id: 42a32c07-3eeb-4401-9373-68a8cdca6784 user_id: 66cb2f29-c86d-47c3-8af5-69ae7b778c70 status: 204 - name: fail delete resource class allocations DELETE: /resource_classes/CUSTOM_GOLD status: 409 response_strings: - Error in delete resource class - Class is in use in inventory - name: delete the allocation DELETE: $HISTORY['allocate some of it'].$URL status: 204 - name: fail delete resource class inventory DELETE: /resource_classes/CUSTOM_GOLD status: 409 response_strings: - Error in delete resource class - Class is in use in inventory - name: delete the inventory DELETE: $HISTORY['add inventory to an rp'].$URL status: 204 - name: delete resource class DELETE: /resource_classes/CUSTOM_GOLD status: 204