## 8.0.0 and beyond From 8.0.0 release and beyond, release notes are published on [docs.openstack.org](http://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/puppet-heat/). ##2015-11-25 - 7.0.0 ###Summary This is a backwards-incompatible major release for OpenStack Liberty. ####Backwards-incompatible changes - change section name for AMQP qpid parameters - change section name for AMQP rabbit parameters - update rpc_backend default parameter - cleanup configure_delegated_roles deprecated parameter ####Features - add support for RabbitMQ connection heartbeat - keystone/auth: make service description configurable - add tag to package and service resources - add heat::config class - expose RPC response timeout as a puppet parameter - support setting instance_user to an empty string - add heat::db::sync - add an ability to manage use_stderr parameter - reflect provider change in puppet-openstacklib - put all the logging related parameters to the logging class - add rabbit_ha_queues option - improve heat::keystone::domain - remove POSIX users, groups, and file modes - use postgresql lib class for psycopg package - move deps & external hooks into a standalone class - introduce heat::db class - make the role for heat_stack_user configurable - allow to not manage Keystone domain - add hooks for external install & svc management ####Bugfixes - rely on autorequire for config resource ordering - fix up doc string for workers variable ####Maintenance - acceptance: enable debug & verbosity for OpenStack logs - initial msync run for all Puppet OpenStack modules - try to use zuul-cloner to prepare fixtures - remove class_parameter_defaults puppet-lint check - acceptance: use common bits from puppet-openstack-integration ##2015-10-14 - 6.1.0 ###Summary This is a feature and maintenance release in the Kilo series. ####Features - Create Heat Domain with Keystone_domain resource ####Maintenance - Remove deprecated parameter stack_user_domain - acceptance: checkout stable/kilo puppet modules ##2015-07-08 - 6.0.0 ###Summary This is a backwards-incompatible major release for OpenStack Kilo. ####Backwards-incompatible changes - Move rabbit/kombu settings to oslo_messaging_rabbit section ####Features - Puppet 4.x support - Implement Keystone domain creation - Log output of heat-keystone-setup-domain - Refactorise Keystone resources management - Move keystone role creation to keystone area - Support region_name for Heat - Mark heat's keystone password as secret - Add support for identity_uri - Make configuring the service optional - Set instance_user in heat - Added missing enable_stack_abandon configuration option - Tag all Heat packages - Create a sync_db boolean for Heat - Engine: validate auth_encryption_key - Allow setting default config/signal transport - Run db_sync when heat-common is upgraded - Introduce public_url, internal_url and admin_url ####Maintenance - Acceptance tests with Beaker - Fix spec tests for RSpec 3.x and Puppet 4.x - Rename keystone_v2_authenticate method - Make package_ensure consistent across classes ##2015-06-17 - 5.1.0 ###Summary This is a feature and bugfix release in the Juno series. ####Features - Switch to TLSv1 - Implement Keystone domain creation - Run dbsync when engine is upgraded - db: Added postgresql backend using openstacklib helper - Add option to configure flavor in heat.conf ####Bugfixes - Rework delegated roles - Change default MySQL collate to utf8_general_ci - Fix ipv6 support ####Maintenance - spec: pin rspec-puppet to 1.0.1 - Pin puppetlabs-concat to 1.2.1 in fixtures - Update .gitreview file for project rename ##2014-11-24 - 5.0.0 ###Summary This is a backwards-incompatible major release for OpenStack Juno. ####Backwards-incompatible changes - Bump stdlib dependency to >=4.0.0 ####Features - Add heat::policy to control policy.json - Deprecate the sql_connection parameter for database_connection parameter - Add parameters to configure deferred authentication method in heat::engine in accordance with new Juno defaults - Add parameters to control whether to configure users - Add manage_service parameters to various classes to control whether the service was managed, as well as added enabled parameters where not already present - Add the ability to override the keystone service name in keystone::auth - Migrate the heat::db::mysql class to use openstacklib::db::mysql and deprecated the mysql_module parameter ##2014-10-16 - 4.2.0 ###Summary This is a feature and bugfix release in the Icehouse series. ####Backwards-incompatible changes ####Features - Add ability to hide secret type parameters from logs - Add class for extended logging options ####Bugfixes - Fix database resource relationships - Fix ssl parameter requirements when using kombu and rabbit ##2014-06-19 - 4.1.0 ###Summary This is a feature release in the Icehouse series. ####Features - Added SSL endpoint support ##2014-05-05 - 4.0.0 ###Summary This is a backwards-incompatible major release for OpenStack Icehouse. ####Backwards-incompatible changes - Fix outdated DB connection parameter ####Features - Add SSL parameter for RabbitMQ - Add support for puppetlabs-mysql 2.2 and greater - Add option to define RabbitMQ queues as durable ####Bugfixes - Fix Keystone auth_uri parameter ##2014-03-26 - 3.1.0 ###Summary This is a feature and bugfix release in the Havana series. ####Features - Allow log_dir to be set to false to disable file logging - Add support for database idle timeout ####Bugfixes - Fix postgresql connection string - Align Keystone auth_uri with other OpenStack services - Fix the EC2 auth token settings - Fix rabbit_virtual_host configuration ##2014-01-23 - 3.0.0 ###Summary Initial release of the puppet-heat module.