Merge "Breakup reclaim into batches"

This commit is contained in:
Zuul 2020-05-26 20:36:03 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 22719f0d0d
5 changed files with 208 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ PICKLE_PROTOCOL = 2
# records will be merged.
PENDING_CAP = 131072
def utf8encode(*args):
return [(s.encode('utf8') if isinstance(s, six.text_type) else s)
@ -981,16 +984,48 @@ class DatabaseBroker(object):
with lock_parent_directory(self.pending_file,
with self.get() as conn:
self._reclaim(conn, age_timestamp, sync_timestamp)
self._reclaim_metadata(conn, age_timestamp)
marker = ''
finished = False
while not finished:
with self.get() as conn:
marker = self._reclaim(conn, age_timestamp, marker)
if not marker:
finished = True
conn, age_timestamp, sync_timestamp)
def _reclaim(self, conn, age_timestamp, sync_timestamp):
DELETE FROM %s WHERE deleted = 1 AND %s < ?
''' % (self.db_contains_type, self.db_reclaim_timestamp),
def _reclaim_other_stuff(self, conn, age_timestamp, sync_timestamp):
This is only called once at the end of reclaim after _reclaim has been
called for each page.
self._reclaim_sync(conn, sync_timestamp)
self._reclaim_metadata(conn, age_timestamp)
def _reclaim(self, conn, age_timestamp, marker):
clean_batch_qry = '''
DELETE FROM %s WHERE deleted = 1
AND name > ? AND %s < ?
''' % (self.db_contains_type, self.db_reclaim_timestamp)
curs = conn.execute('''
SELECT name FROM %s WHERE deleted = 1
AND name > ?
''' % (self.db_contains_type,), (marker, RECLAIM_PAGE_SIZE))
row = curs.fetchone()
if row:
# do a single book-ended DELETE and bounce out
end_marker = row[0]
conn.execute(clean_batch_qry + ' AND name <= ?', (
marker, age_timestamp, end_marker))
# delete off the end and reset marker to indicate we're done
end_marker = ''
conn.execute(clean_batch_qry, (marker, age_timestamp))
return end_marker
def _reclaim_sync(self, conn, sync_timestamp):
DELETE FROM outgoing_sync WHERE updated_at < ?

View File

@ -34,9 +34,7 @@ from swift.common.utils import Timestamp, encode_timestamps, \
get_db_files, parse_db_filename, make_db_file_path, split_path, \
from swift.common.db import DatabaseBroker, utf8encode, BROKER_TIMEOUT, \
zero_like, DatabaseAlreadyExists
zero_like, DatabaseAlreadyExists, SQLITE_ARG_LIMIT
DATADIR = 'containers'
@ -1581,9 +1579,9 @@ class ContainerBroker(DatabaseBroker):
def _reclaim(self, conn, age_timestamp, sync_timestamp):
super(ContainerBroker, self)._reclaim(conn, age_timestamp,
def _reclaim_other_stuff(self, conn, age_timestamp, sync_timestamp):
super(ContainerBroker, self)._reclaim_other_stuff(
conn, age_timestamp, sync_timestamp)
# populate instance cache, but use existing conn to avoid deadlock
# when it has a pending update

View File

@ -180,6 +180,72 @@ class TestAccountBroker(unittest.TestCase):
broker.reclaim(, time())
def test_batched_reclaim(self):
num_of_containers = 60
container_specs = []
now = time()
top_of_the_minute = now - (now % 60)
c = itertools.cycle([True, False])
for m, is_deleted in, c):
offset = top_of_the_minute - (m * 60)
container_specs.append((Timestamp(offset), is_deleted))
policy_indexes = list(p.idx for p in POLICIES)
broker = AccountBroker(':memory:', account='test_account')
for i, container_spec in enumerate(container_specs):
# with container12 before container2 and shuffled ts.internal we
# shouldn't be able to accidently rely on any implicit ordering
name = 'container%s' % i
pidx = random.choice(policy_indexes)
ts, is_deleted = container_spec
if is_deleted:
broker.put_container(name, 0, ts.internal, 0, 0, pidx)
broker.put_container(name, ts.internal, 0, 0, 0, pidx)
def count_reclaimable(conn, reclaim_age):
return conn.execute(
"SELECT count(*) FROM container "
"WHERE deleted = 1 AND delete_timestamp < ?", (reclaim_age,)
# This is intended to divide the set of timestamps exactly in half
# regardless of the value of now
reclaim_age = top_of_the_minute + 1 - (num_of_containers / 2 * 60)
with broker.get() as conn:
self.assertEqual(count_reclaimable(conn, reclaim_age),
num_of_containers / 4)
orig__reclaim = broker._reclaim
trace = []
def tracing_reclaim(conn, age_timestamp, marker):
trace.append((age_timestamp, marker,
count_reclaimable(conn, age_timestamp)))
return orig__reclaim(conn, age_timestamp, marker)
with mock.patch.object(broker, '_reclaim', new=tracing_reclaim), \
mock.patch('swift.common.db.RECLAIM_PAGE_SIZE', 10):
broker.reclaim(reclaim_age, reclaim_age)
with broker.get() as conn:
self.assertEqual(count_reclaimable(conn, reclaim_age), 0)
self.assertEqual(3, len(trace), trace)
self.assertEqual([age for age, marker, reclaimable in trace],
[reclaim_age] * 3)
# markers are in-order
self.assertLess(trace[0][1], trace[1][1])
self.assertLess(trace[1][1], trace[2][1])
# reclaimable count gradually decreases
# generally, count1 > count2 > count3, but because of the randomness
# we may occassionally have count1 == count2 or count2 == count3
self.assertGreaterEqual(trace[0][2], trace[1][2])
self.assertGreaterEqual(trace[1][2], trace[2][2])
# technically, this might happen occasionally, but *really* rarely
self.assertTrue(trace[0][2] > trace[1][2] or
trace[1][2] > trace[2][2])
def test_delete_db_status(self):
start = next(self.ts)
broker = AccountBroker(':memory:', account='a')

View File

@ -1154,7 +1154,7 @@ class TestDatabaseBroker(unittest.TestCase):
return broker
# only testing _reclaim_metadata here
@patch.object(DatabaseBroker, '_reclaim')
@patch.object(DatabaseBroker, '_reclaim', return_value='')
def test_metadata(self, mock_reclaim):
# Initializes a good broker for us
broker = self.get_replication_info_tester(metadata=True)

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ from contextlib import contextmanager
import sqlite3
import pickle
import json
import itertools
import six
@ -558,6 +559,98 @@ class TestContainerBroker(unittest.TestCase):
broker.reclaim(, time())
def test_batch_reclaim(self):
num_of_objects = 60
obj_specs = []
now = time()
top_of_the_minute = now - (now % 60)
c = itertools.cycle([True, False])
for m, is_deleted in, c):
offset = top_of_the_minute - (m * 60)
obj_specs.append((Timestamp(offset), is_deleted))
policy_indexes = list(p.idx for p in POLICIES)
broker = ContainerBroker(':memory:', account='test_account',
broker.initialize(Timestamp('1').internal, 0)
for i, obj_spec in enumerate(obj_specs):
# with object12 before object2 and shuffled ts.internal we
# shouldn't be able to accidently rely on any implicit ordering
obj_name = 'object%s' % i
pidx = random.choice(policy_indexes)
ts, is_deleted = obj_spec
if is_deleted:
broker.delete_object(obj_name, ts.internal, pidx)
broker.put_object(obj_name, ts.internal, 0, 'text/plain',
'etag', storage_policy_index=pidx)
def count_reclaimable(conn, reclaim_age):
return conn.execute(
"SELECT count(*) FROM object "
"WHERE deleted = 1 AND created_at < ?", (reclaim_age,)
# This is intended to divide the set of timestamps exactly in half
# regardless of the value of now
reclaim_age = top_of_the_minute + 1 - (num_of_objects / 2 * 60)
with broker.get() as conn:
self.assertEqual(count_reclaimable(conn, reclaim_age),
num_of_objects / 4)
orig__reclaim = broker._reclaim
trace = []
def tracing_reclaim(conn, age_timestamp, marker):
trace.append((age_timestamp, marker,
count_reclaimable(conn, age_timestamp)))
return orig__reclaim(conn, age_timestamp, marker)
with mock.patch.object(broker, '_reclaim', new=tracing_reclaim), \
mock.patch('swift.common.db.RECLAIM_PAGE_SIZE', 10):
broker.reclaim(reclaim_age, reclaim_age)
with broker.get() as conn:
self.assertEqual(count_reclaimable(conn, reclaim_age), 0)
self.assertEqual(3, len(trace), trace)
self.assertEqual([age for age, marker, reclaimable in trace],
[reclaim_age] * 3)
# markers are in-order
self.assertLess(trace[0][1], trace[1][1])
self.assertLess(trace[1][1], trace[2][1])
# reclaimable count gradually decreases
# generally, count1 > count2 > count3, but because of the randomness
# we may occassionally have count1 == count2 or count2 == count3
self.assertGreaterEqual(trace[0][2], trace[1][2])
self.assertGreaterEqual(trace[1][2], trace[2][2])
# technically, this might happen occasionally, but *really* rarely
self.assertTrue(trace[0][2] > trace[1][2] or
trace[1][2] > trace[2][2])
def test_reclaim_with_duplicate_names(self):
broker = ContainerBroker(':memory:', account='test_account',
broker.initialize(Timestamp('1').internal, 0)
now = time()
ages_ago = Timestamp(now - (3 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60))
for i in range(10):
for spidx in range(10):
obj_name = 'object%s' % i
broker.delete_object(obj_name, ages_ago.internal, spidx)
reclaim_age = now - (2 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60)
with broker.get() as conn:
"SELECT count(*) FROM object "
"WHERE created_at < ?", (reclaim_age,)
).fetchone()[0], 100)
with mock.patch('swift.common.db.RECLAIM_PAGE_SIZE', 10):
broker.reclaim(reclaim_age, reclaim_age)
with broker.get() as conn:
"SELECT count(*) FROM object "
).fetchone()[0], 0)
def test_reclaim_deadlock(self, tempdir):
db_path = os.path.join(