
907 lines
39 KiB

# Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Triggers define what causes a Jenkins job to start building.
**Component**: triggers
:Macro: trigger
:Entry Point: jenkins_jobs.triggers
name: test_job
- timed: '@daily'
import six
import xml.etree.ElementTree as XML
from jenkins_jobs.errors import JenkinsJobsException
import jenkins_jobs.modules.base
from jenkins_jobs.modules import hudson_model
import logging
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
from ordereddict import OrderedDict
logger = logging.getLogger(str(__name__))
def gerrit_handle_legacy_configuration(data):
hyphenizer = re.compile("[A-Z]")
def hyphenize(attr):
"""Convert strings like triggerOn to trigger-on.
return hyphenizer.sub(lambda x: "-%s" %,
def convert_dict(d, old_keys):
for old_key in old_keys:
if old_key in d:
new_key = hyphenize(old_key)
logger.warn("'%s' is deprecated and will be removed after "
"1.0.0, please use '%s' instead", old_key, new_key)
d[new_key] = d[old_key]
del d[old_key]
convert_dict(data, [
for project in data['projects']:
convert_dict(project, [
old_format_events = OrderedDict(
(key, should_register) for key, should_register in six.iteritems(data)
if key.startswith('trigger-on-'))
trigger_on = data.setdefault('trigger-on', [])
if old_format_events:
logger.warn("The events: %s; which you used is/are deprecated. "
"Please use 'trigger-on' instead.",
', '.join(old_format_events))
if old_format_events and trigger_on:
raise JenkinsJobsException(
'Both, the new format (trigger-on) and old format (trigger-on-*) '
'gerrit events format found. Please use either the new or the old '
'format of trigger events definition.')
for event_name, should_register
in six.iteritems(old_format_events) if should_register)
for idx, event in enumerate(trigger_on):
if event == 'comment-added-event':
trigger_on[idx] = events = OrderedDict()
events['comment-added-event'] = OrderedDict((
('approval-category', data['trigger-approval-category']),
('approval-value', data['trigger-approval-value'])
def build_gerrit_triggers(xml_parent, data):
available_simple_triggers = {
'change-abandoned-event': 'PluginChangeAbandonedEvent',
'change-merged-event': 'PluginChangeMergedEvent',
'change-restored-event': 'PluginChangeRestoredEvent',
'draft-published-event': 'PluginDraftPublishedEvent',
'patchset-uploaded-event': 'PluginPatchsetCreatedEvent',
'patchset-created-event': 'PluginPatchsetCreatedEvent',
'ref-updated-event': 'PluginRefUpdatedEvent',
tag_namespace = 'com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.gerrit.trigger.' \
trigger_on_events = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'triggerOnEvents')
for event in data.get('trigger-on', []):
if isinstance(event, six.string_types):
tag_name = available_simple_triggers.get(event)
if event == 'patchset-uploaded-event':
logger.warn("'%s' is deprecated. Use 'patchset-created-event' "
"format instead.", event)
if not tag_name:
known = ', '.join(available_simple_triggers.keys()
+ ['comment-added-event',
msg = ("The event '%s' under 'trigger-on' is not one of the "
"known: %s.") % (event, known)
raise JenkinsJobsException(msg)
'%s.%s' % (tag_namespace, tag_name))
if 'patchset-created-event' in event.keys():
pce = event['patchset-created-event']
pc = XML.SubElement(
'%s.%s' % (tag_namespace, 'PluginPatchsetCreatedEvent'))
XML.SubElement(pc, 'excludeDrafts').text = str(
pce.get('exclude-drafts', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(pc, 'excludeTrivialRebase').text = str(
pce.get('exclude-trivial-rebase', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(pc, 'excludeNoCodeChange').text = str(
pce.get('exclude-no-code-change', False)).lower()
if 'comment-added-event' in event.keys():
comment_added_event = event['comment-added-event']
cadded = XML.SubElement(
'%s.%s' % (tag_namespace, 'PluginCommentAddedEvent'))
XML.SubElement(cadded, 'verdictCategory').text = \
'commentAddedTriggerApprovalValue').text = \
if 'comment-added-contains-event' in event.keys():
comment_added_event = event['comment-added-contains-event']
caddedc = XML.SubElement(
'%s.%s' % (tag_namespace,
XML.SubElement(caddedc, 'commentAddedCommentContains').text = \
def build_gerrit_skip_votes(xml_parent, data):
outcomes = [('successful', 'onSuccessful'),
('failed', 'onFailed'),
('unstable', 'onUnstable'),
('notbuilt', 'onNotBuilt')]
skip_vote_node = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'skipVote')
skip_vote = data.get('skip-vote', {})
for result_kind, tag_name in outcomes:
if skip_vote.get(result_kind, False):
XML.SubElement(skip_vote_node, tag_name).text = 'true'
XML.SubElement(skip_vote_node, tag_name).text = 'false'
def gerrit(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: gerrit
Trigger on a Gerrit event.
Requires the Jenkins `Gerrit Trigger Plugin
<>`_ version >= 2.6.0.
:arg list trigger-on: Events to react on. Please use either the new
**trigger-on**, or the old **trigger-on-*** events definitions. You
cannot use both at once.
.. _trigger_on:
:Trigger on:
* **patchset-created-event** (`dict`) -- Trigger upon patchset
:Patchset created:
* **exclude-drafts** (`bool`) -- exclude drafts (Default: False)
* **exclude-trivial-rebase** (`bool`) -- exclude trivial rebase
(Default: False)
* **exclude-no-code-change** (`bool`) -- exclude no code change
(Default: False)
Exclude drafts|trivial-rebase|no-code-change needs
Gerrit Trigger v2.12.0
* **patchset-uploaded-event** -- Trigger upon patchset creation
(this is a alias for `patchset-created-event`).
.. deprecated:: 1.1.0 Please use :ref:`trigger-on <trigger_on>`.
* **change-abandoned-event** -- Trigger on patchset abandoned.
Requires Gerrit Trigger Plugin version >= 2.8.0.
* **change-merged-event** -- Trigger on change merged
* **change-restored-event** -- Trigger on change restored. Requires
Gerrit Trigger Plugin version >= 2.8.0
* **draft-published-event** -- Trigger on draft published event.
* **ref-updated-event** -- Trigger on ref-updated.
* **comment-added-event** (`dict`) -- Trigger on comment added.
:Comment added:
* **approval-category** (`str`) -- Approval (verdict) category
(for example 'APRV', 'CRVW', 'VRIF' -- see `Gerrit access
* **approval-value** -- Approval value for the comment added.
* **comment-added-contains-event** (`dict`) -- Trigger on comment
added contains
Regular Expression.
:Comment added contains:
* **comment-contains-value** (`str`) -- Comment contains
Regular Expression
:arg bool trigger-on-patchset-uploaded-event: Trigger on patchset upload.
.. deprecated:: 1.1.0. Please use :ref:`trigger-on <trigger_on>`.
:arg bool trigger-on-change-abandoned-event: Trigger on change abandoned.
Requires Gerrit Trigger Plugin version >= 2.8.0
.. deprecated:: 1.1.0. Please use :ref:`trigger-on <trigger_on>`.
:arg bool trigger-on-change-merged-event: Trigger on change merged
.. deprecated:: 1.1.0. Please use :ref:`trigger-on <trigger_on>`.
:arg bool trigger-on-change-restored-event: Trigger on change restored.
Requires Gerrit Trigger Plugin version >= 2.8.0
.. deprecated:: 1.1.0. Please use :ref:`trigger-on <trigger_on>`.
:arg bool trigger-on-comment-added-event: Trigger on comment added
.. deprecated:: 1.1.0. Please use :ref:`trigger-on <trigger_on>`.
:arg bool trigger-on-draft-published-event: Trigger on draft published
.. deprecated:: 1.1.0 Please use :ref:`trigger-on <trigger_on>`.
:arg bool trigger-on-ref-updated-event: Trigger on ref-updated
.. deprecated:: 1.1.0. Please use :ref:`trigger-on <trigger_on>`.
:arg str trigger-approval-category: Approval category for comment added
.. deprecated:: 1.1.0. Please use :ref:`trigger-on <trigger_on>`.
:arg int trigger-approval-value: Approval value for comment added
.. deprecated:: 1.1.0. Please use :ref:`trigger-on <trigger_on>`.
:arg bool override-votes: Override default vote values
:arg int gerrit-build-successful-verified-value: Successful ''Verified''
:arg int gerrit-build-failed-verified-value: Failed ''Verified'' value
:arg int gerrit-build-successful-codereview-value: Successful
''CodeReview'' value
:arg int gerrit-build-failed-codereview-value: Failed ''CodeReview'' value
:arg str failure-message: Message to leave on failure (default '')
:arg str successful-message: Message to leave on success (default '')
:arg str unstable-message: Message to leave when unstable (default '')
:arg str notbuilt-message: Message to leave when not built (default '')
:arg list projects: list of projects to match
:Project: * **project-compare-type** (`str`) -- ''PLAIN'', ''ANT'' or
* **project-pattern** (`str`) -- Project name pattern to match
* **branch-compare-type** (`str`) -- ''PLAIN'', ''ANT'' or
''REG_EXP'' (not used if `branches` list is specified)
* **branch-pattern** (`str`) -- Branch name pattern to match
(not used if `branches` list is specified)
* **branches** (`list`) -- List of branches to match
:Branch: * **branch-compare-type** (`str`) -- ''PLAIN'',
''ANT'' or ''REG_EXP'' (optional) (default
* **branch-pattern** (`str`) -- Branch name pattern
to match
* **file-paths** (`list`) -- List of file paths to match
:File Path: * **compare-type** (`str`) -- ''PLAIN'', ''ANT''
or ''REG_EXP'' (optional) (default ''PLAIN'')
* **pattern** (`str`) -- File path pattern to
* **topics** (`list`) -- List of topics to match
:File Path: * **compare-type** (`str`) -- ''PLAIN'', ''ANT''
or ''REG_EXP'' (optional) (default ''PLAIN'')
* **pattern** (`str`) -- Topic name pattern to
:arg dict skip-vote: map of build outcomes for which Jenkins must skip
vote. Requires Gerrit Trigger Plugin version >= 2.7.0
:Outcome: * **successful** (`bool`)
* **failed** (`bool`)
* **unstable** (`bool`)
* **notbuilt** (`bool`)
:arg bool silent: When silent mode is on there will be no communication
back to Gerrit, i.e. no build started/failed/successful approve
messages etc. If other non-silent jobs are triggered by the same
Gerrit event as this job, the result of this job's build will not be
counted in the end result of the other jobs. (default false)
:arg bool escape-quotes: escape quotes in the values of Gerrit change
parameters (default true)
:arg bool no-name-and-email: Do not pass compound 'name and email'
parameters (default false)
:arg bool dynamic-trigger-enabled: Enable/disable the dynamic trigger
(default false)
:arg str dynamic-trigger-url: if you specify this option, the Gerrit
trigger configuration will be fetched from there on a regular interval
:arg bool trigger-for-unreviewed-patches: trigger patchset-created events
for changes that were uploaded while connection to Gerrit was down
(default false). Requires Gerrit Trigger Plugin version >= 2.11.0
:arg str custom-url: Custom URL for a message sent to Gerrit. Build
details URL will be used if empty. (default '')
:arg str server-name: Name of the server to trigger on, or ''__ANY__'' to
trigger on any configured Gerrit server (default '__ANY__'). Requires
Gerrit Trigger Plugin version >= 2.11.0
You may select one or more Gerrit events upon which to trigger.
You must also supply at least one project and branch, optionally
more. If you select the comment-added trigger, you should also
indicate which approval category and value you want to trigger the
Until version 0.4.0 of Jenkins Job Builder, camelCase keys were used to
configure Gerrit Trigger Plugin, instead of hyphenated-keys. While still
supported, camedCase keys are deprecated and should not be used. Support
for this will be removed after 1.0.0 is released.
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/triggers/fixtures/gerrit004.yaml
:language: yaml
projects = data['projects']
gtrig = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
XML.SubElement(gtrig, 'spec')
gprojects = XML.SubElement(gtrig, 'gerritProjects')
for project in projects:
gproj = XML.SubElement(gprojects,
XML.SubElement(gproj, 'compareType').text = \
XML.SubElement(gproj, 'pattern').text = project['project-pattern']
branches = XML.SubElement(gproj, 'branches')
project_branches = project.get('branches', [])
if 'branch-compare-type' in project and 'branch-pattern' in project:
warning = 'branch-compare-type and branch-pattern at project ' \
'level are deprecated and support will be removed ' \
'in a later version of Jenkins Job Builder; '
if project_branches:
warning += 'discarding values and using values from ' \
'branches section'
warning += 'please use branches section instead'
if not project_branches:
project_branches = [
{'branch-compare-type': project['branch-compare-type'],
'branch-pattern': project['branch-pattern']}]
for branch in project_branches:
gbranch = XML.SubElement(
branches, 'com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.'
XML.SubElement(gbranch, 'compareType').text = \
XML.SubElement(gbranch, 'pattern').text = branch['branch-pattern']
project_file_paths = project.get('file-paths', [])
if project_file_paths:
fps_tag = XML.SubElement(gproj, 'filePaths')
for file_path in project_file_paths:
fp_tag = XML.SubElement(fps_tag,
XML.SubElement(fp_tag, 'compareType').text = \
file_path.get('compare-type', 'PLAIN')
XML.SubElement(fp_tag, 'pattern').text = file_path['pattern']
topics = project.get('topics', [])
if topics:
topics_tag = XML.SubElement(gproj, 'topics')
for topic in topics:
topic_tag = XML.SubElement(topics_tag,
XML.SubElement(topic_tag, 'compareType').text = \
topic.get('compare-type', 'PLAIN')
XML.SubElement(topic_tag, 'pattern').text = topic['pattern']
build_gerrit_skip_votes(gtrig, data)
XML.SubElement(gtrig, 'silentMode').text = str(
data.get('silent', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(gtrig, 'escapeQuotes').text = str(
data.get('escape-quotes', True)).lower()
XML.SubElement(gtrig, 'noNameAndEmailParameters').text = str(
data.get('no-name-and-email', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(gtrig, 'dynamicTriggerConfiguration').text = str(
data.get('dynamic-trigger-enabled', False))
XML.SubElement(gtrig, 'triggerConfigURL').text = str(
data.get('dynamic-trigger-url', ''))
XML.SubElement(gtrig, 'allowTriggeringUnreviewedPatches').text = str(
data.get('trigger-for-unreviewed-patches', False)).lower()
build_gerrit_triggers(gtrig, data)
override = str(data.get('override-votes', False)).lower()
if override == 'true':
for yamlkey, xmlkey in [('gerrit-build-successful-verified-value',
if data.get(yamlkey) is not None:
# str(int(x)) makes input values like '+1' work
XML.SubElement(gtrig, xmlkey).text = str(
XML.SubElement(gtrig, 'buildStartMessage').text = str(
data.get('start-message', ''))
XML.SubElement(gtrig, 'buildFailureMessage').text = \
data.get('failure-message', '')
XML.SubElement(gtrig, 'buildSuccessfulMessage').text = str(
data.get('successful-message', ''))
XML.SubElement(gtrig, 'buildUnstableMessage').text = str(
data.get('unstable-message', ''))
XML.SubElement(gtrig, 'buildNotBuiltMessage').text = str(
data.get('notbuilt-message', ''))
XML.SubElement(gtrig, 'customUrl').text = str(data.get('custom-url', ''))
XML.SubElement(gtrig, 'serverName').text = str(
data.get('server-name', '__ANY__'))
def pollscm(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: pollscm
Poll the SCM to determine if there has been a change.
:Parameter: the polling interval (cron syntax)
- pollscm: "\*/15 * * * \*"
scmtrig = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger')
XML.SubElement(scmtrig, 'spec').text = data
def build_pollurl_content_type(xml_parent, entries, prefix,
collection_name, element_name):
namespace = 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.urltrigger.content'
content_type = XML.SubElement(
xml_parent, '{0}.{1}ContentType'.format(namespace, prefix))
if entries:
collection = XML.SubElement(content_type, collection_name)
for entry in entries:
content_entry = XML.SubElement(
collection, '{0}.{1}ContentEntry'.format(namespace, prefix))
XML.SubElement(content_entry, element_name).text = entry
def pollurl(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: pollurl
Trigger when the HTTP response from a URL changes.
Requires the Jenkins `URLTrigger Plugin.
:arg string cron: cron syntax of when to run (default '')
:arg string polling-node: Restrict where the polling should run.
:arg list urls: List of URLs to monitor
:URL: * **url** (`str`) -- URL to monitor for changes (required)
* **proxy** (`bool`) -- Activate the Jenkins proxy (default false)
* **timeout** (`int`) -- Connect/read timeout in seconds
(default 300)
* **username** (`string`) -- User name for basic authentication
* **password** (`string`) -- Password for basic authentication
* **check-status** (`int`) -- Check for a specific HTTP status
code (optional)
* **check-etag** (`bool`) -- Check the HTTP ETag for changes
(default false)
* **check-date** (`bool`) -- Check the last modification date of
the URL (default false)
* **check-content** (`list`) -- List of content type changes to
:Content Type: * **simple** (`bool`) -- Trigger on any change to
the content of the URL (default false)
* **json** (`list`) -- Trigger on any change to
the listed JSON paths
* **text** (`list`) -- Trigger on any change to
the listed regular expressions
* **xml** (`list`) -- Trigger on any change to
the listed XPath expressions
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/triggers/fixtures/pollurl001.yaml
valid_content_types = {
'simple': ['Simple', '', '', []],
'json': ['JSON', 'jsonPaths', 'jsonPath', None],
'text': ['TEXT', 'regExElements', 'regEx', None],
'xml': ['XML', 'xPaths', 'xPath', None]
urltrig = XML.SubElement(xml_parent,
node = data.get('polling-node')
XML.SubElement(urltrig, 'spec').text = data.get('cron', '')
XML.SubElement(urltrig, 'labelRestriction').text = str(bool(node)).lower()
if node:
XML.SubElement(urltrig, 'triggerLabel').text = node
entries = XML.SubElement(urltrig, 'entries')
urls = data.get('urls', [])
if not urls:
raise JenkinsJobsException('At least one url must be provided')
for url in urls:
entry = XML.SubElement(entries,
XML.SubElement(entry, 'url').text = url['url']
XML.SubElement(entry, 'proxyActivated').text = \
str(url.get('proxy', False)).lower()
if 'username' in url:
XML.SubElement(entry, 'username').text = url['username']
if 'password' in url:
XML.SubElement(entry, 'password').text = url['password']
if 'check-status' in url:
XML.SubElement(entry, 'checkStatus').text = 'true'
XML.SubElement(entry, 'statusCode').text = \
XML.SubElement(entry, 'checkStatus').text = 'false'
XML.SubElement(entry, 'statusCode').text = '200'
XML.SubElement(entry, 'timeout').text = \
str(url.get('timeout', 300))
XML.SubElement(entry, 'checkETag').text = \
str(url.get('check-etag', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(entry, 'checkLastModificationDate').text = \
str(url.get('check-date', False)).lower()
check_content = url.get('check-content', [])
XML.SubElement(entry, 'inspectingContent').text = \
content_types = XML.SubElement(entry, 'contentTypes')
for entry in check_content:
type_name = next(iter(entry.keys()))
if type_name not in valid_content_types:
raise JenkinsJobsException('check-content must be one of : %s'
% ', '.join(valid_content_types.
content_type = valid_content_types.get(type_name)
if entry[type_name]:
sub_entries = content_type[3]
if sub_entries is None:
sub_entries = entry[type_name]
def timed(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: timed
Trigger builds at certain times.
:Parameter: when to run the job (cron syntax)
- timed: "@midnight"
scmtrig = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger')
XML.SubElement(scmtrig, 'spec').text = data
def github(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: github
Trigger a job when github repository is pushed to.
Requires the Jenkins `GitHub Plugin.
- github
ghtrig = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'com.cloudbees.jenkins.'
XML.SubElement(ghtrig, 'spec').text = ''
def github_pull_request(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: github-pull-request
Build pull requests in github and report results.
Requires the Jenkins `GitHub Pull Request Builder Plugin.
:arg list admin-list: the users with admin rights (optional)
:arg list white-list: users whose pull requests build (optional)
:arg list org-list: orgs whose users should be white listed (optional)
:arg string cron: cron syntax of when to run (optional)
:arg string trigger-phrase: when filled, commenting this phrase
in the pull request will trigger a build (optional)
:arg bool only-trigger-phrase: only commenting the trigger phrase
in the pull request will trigger a build (default false)
:arg bool github-hooks: use github hook (default false)
:arg bool permit-all: build every pull request automatically
without asking (default false)
:arg bool auto-close-on-fail: close failed pull request automatically
(default false)
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/triggers/fixtures/github-pull-request.yaml
ghprb = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.ghprb.'
XML.SubElement(ghprb, 'spec').text = data.get('cron', '')
admin_string = "\n".join(data.get('admin-list', []))
XML.SubElement(ghprb, 'adminlist').text = admin_string
white_string = "\n".join(data.get('white-list', []))
XML.SubElement(ghprb, 'whitelist').text = white_string
org_string = "\n".join(data.get('org-list', []))
XML.SubElement(ghprb, 'orgslist').text = org_string
XML.SubElement(ghprb, 'cron').text = data.get('cron', '')
XML.SubElement(ghprb, 'triggerPhrase').text = \
data.get('trigger-phrase', '')
XML.SubElement(ghprb, 'onlyTriggerPhrase').text = str(
data.get('only-trigger-phrase', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(ghprb, 'useGitHubHooks').text = str(
data.get('github-hooks', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(ghprb, 'permitAll').text = str(
data.get('permit-all', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(ghprb, 'autoCloseFailedPullRequests').text = str(
data.get('auto-close-on-fail', False)).lower()
def gitlab_merge_request(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: gitlab-merge-request
Build merge requests in gitlab and report results.
Requires the Jenkins `Gitlab MergeRequest Builder Plugin.
:arg string cron: cron syntax of when to run (required)
:arg string project-path: gitlab-relative path to project (required)
.. literalinclude:: \
ghprb = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitlab.'
if not data.get('cron', None):
raise jenkins_jobs.errors.JenkinsJobsException(
'gitlab-merge-request is missing "cron"')
if not data.get('project-path', None):
raise jenkins_jobs.errors.JenkinsJobsException(
'gitlab-merge-request is missing "project-path"')
# Because of a design limitation in the GitlabBuildTrigger Jenkins plugin
# both 'spec' and '__cron' have to be set to the same value to have them
# take effect. Also, cron and projectPath are prefixed with underscores
# in the plugin, but spec is not.
XML.SubElement(ghprb, 'spec').text = data.get('cron')
XML.SubElement(ghprb, '__cron').text = data.get('cron')
XML.SubElement(ghprb, '__projectPath').text = data.get('project-path')
def build_result(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: build-result
Configure jobB to monitor jobA build result. A build is scheduled if there
is a new build result that matches your criteria (unstable, failure, ...).
Requires the Jenkins `BuildResultTrigger Plugin.
:arg list groups: List groups of jobs and results to monitor for
:arg list jobs: The jobs to monitor (required)
:arg list results: Build results to monitor for (default success)
:arg bool combine: Combine all job information. A build will be
scheduled only if all conditions are met (default false)
:arg str cron: The cron syntax with which to poll the jobs for the
supplied result (default '')
- build-result:
combine: true
cron: '* * * * *'
- jobs:
- foo
- example
- unstable
- jobs:
- foo2
- not-built
- aborted
brt = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.'
XML.SubElement(brt, 'spec').text = data.get('cron', '')
XML.SubElement(brt, 'combinedJobs').text = str(
data.get('combine', False)).lower()
jobs_info = XML.SubElement(brt, 'jobsInfo')
result_dict = {'success': 'SUCCESS',
'unstable': 'UNSTABLE',
'failure': 'FAILURE',
'not-built': 'NOT_BUILT',
'aborted': 'ABORTED'}
for group in data['groups']:
brti = XML.SubElement(jobs_info, 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.'
if not group.get('jobs', []):
raise jenkins_jobs.errors.\
JenkinsJobsException('Jobs is missing and a required'
' element')
jobs_string = ",".join(group['jobs'])
XML.SubElement(brti, 'jobNames').text = jobs_string
checked_results = XML.SubElement(brti, 'checkedResults')
for result in group.get('results', ['success']):
if result not in result_dict:
raise jenkins_jobs.errors.\
JenkinsJobsException('Result entered is not valid,'
' must be one of: '
+ ', '.join(result_dict.keys()))
model_checked = XML.SubElement(checked_results, 'org.jenkinsci.'
XML.SubElement(model_checked, 'checked').text = result_dict[result]
def reverse(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: reverse
This trigger can be configured in the UI using the checkbox with the
following text: 'Build after other projects are built'.
Set up a trigger so that when some other projects finish building, a new
build is scheduled for this project. This is convenient for running an
extensive test after a build is complete, for example.
This configuration complements the "Build other projects" section in the
"Post-build Actions" of an upstream project, but is preferable when you
want to configure the downstream project.
:arg str jobs: List (comma separated) of jobs to watch.
:arg str result: Build results to monitor for between the following
options: success, unstable and failure. (default 'success').
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/triggers/fixtures/reverse.yaml
reserveBuildTrigger = XML.SubElement(
xml_parent, 'jenkins.triggers.ReverseBuildTrigger')
supported_thresholds = ['SUCCESS', 'UNSTABLE', 'FAILURE']
XML.SubElement(reserveBuildTrigger, 'spec').text = ''
XML.SubElement(reserveBuildTrigger, 'upstreamProjects').text = \
threshold = XML.SubElement(reserveBuildTrigger, 'threshold')
result = data.get('result').upper()
if result not in supported_thresholds:
raise jenkins_jobs.errors.JenkinsJobsException(
"Choice should be one of the following options: %s." %
", ".join(supported_thresholds))
XML.SubElement(threshold, 'name').text = \
XML.SubElement(threshold, 'ordinal').text = \
XML.SubElement(threshold, 'color').text = \
XML.SubElement(threshold, 'completeBuild').text = \
def script(parser, xml_parent, data):
"""yaml: script
Triggers the job using shell or batch script.
Requires the Jenkins `ScriptTrigger Plugin.
:arg str label: Restrict where the polling should run. (default '')
:arg str script: A shell or batch script. (default '')
:arg str cron: cron syntax of when to run (default '')
:arg bool enable-concurrent: Enables triggering concurrent builds.
(default false)
:arg int exit-code: If the exit code of the script execution returns this
expected exit code, a build is scheduled. (default 0)
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/triggers/fixtures/script.yaml
data = data if data else {}
st = XML.SubElement(
label = data.get('label')
XML.SubElement(st, 'script').text = str(data.get('script', ''))
XML.SubElement(st, 'scriptFilePath').text = str(
data.get('script-file-path', ''))
XML.SubElement(st, 'spec').text = str(data.get('cron', ''))
XML.SubElement(st, 'labelRestriction').text = str(bool(label)).lower()
if label:
XML.SubElement(st, 'triggerLabel').text = label
XML.SubElement(st, 'enableConcurrentBuild').text = str(
data.get('enable-concurrent', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(st, 'exitCode').text = str(data.get('exit-code', 0))
class Triggers(jenkins_jobs.modules.base.Base):
sequence = 50
component_type = 'trigger'
component_list_type = 'triggers'
def gen_xml(self, parser, xml_parent, data):
triggers = data.get('triggers', [])
if not triggers:
trig_e = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'triggers', {'class': 'vector'})
for trigger in triggers:
self.registry.dispatch('trigger', parser, trig_e, trigger)