
525 lines
21 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Thanh Ha
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as XML
from jenkins_jobs.errors import InvalidAttributeError
from jenkins_jobs.errors import JenkinsJobsException
from jenkins_jobs.errors import MissingAttributeError
def build_trends_publisher(plugin_name, xml_element, data):
"""Helper to create various trend publishers.
def append_thresholds(element, data, only_totals):
"""Appends the status thresholds.
for status in ['unstable', 'failed']:
status_data = data.get(status, {})
limits = [
('total-all', 'TotalAll'),
('total-high', 'TotalHigh'),
('total-normal', 'TotalNormal'),
('total-low', 'TotalLow')]
if only_totals is False:
('new-all', 'NewAll'),
('new-high', 'NewHigh'),
('new-normal', 'NewNormal'),
('new-low', 'NewLow')])
for key, tag_suffix in limits:
tag_name = status + tag_suffix
XML.SubElement(element, tag_name).text = str(
status_data.get(key, ''))
# Tuples containing: setting name, tag name, default value
settings = [
('healthy', 'healthy', ''),
('unhealthy', 'unHealthy', ''),
('health-threshold', 'thresholdLimit', 'low'),
('plugin-name', 'pluginName', plugin_name),
('default-encoding', 'defaultEncoding', ''),
('can-run-on-failed', 'canRunOnFailed', False),
('use-stable-build-as-reference', 'useStableBuildAsReference', False),
'usePreviousBuildAsReference', False),
('use-delta-values', 'useDeltaValues', False),
('thresholds', 'thresholds', {}),
('should-detect-modules', 'shouldDetectModules', False),
('dont-compute-new', 'dontComputeNew', True),
('do-not-resolve-relative-paths', 'doNotResolveRelativePaths', False),
('pattern', 'pattern', '')]
thresholds = ['low', 'normal', 'high']
for key, tag_name, default in settings:
xml_config = XML.SubElement(xml_element, tag_name)
config_value = data.get(key, default)
if key == 'thresholds':
data.get('dont-compute-new', True))
elif key == 'health-threshold' and config_value not in thresholds:
raise JenkinsJobsException("health-threshold must be one of %s" %
", ".join(thresholds))
if isinstance(default, bool):
xml_config.text = str(config_value).lower()
xml_config.text = str(config_value)
def config_file_provider_builder(xml_parent, data):
"""Builder / Wrapper helper"""
xml_files = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'managedFiles')
files = data.get('files', [])
for file in files:
xml_file = XML.SubElement(xml_files, 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.'
mapping = [
('file-id', 'fileId', None),
('target', 'targetLocation', ''),
('variable', 'variable', ''),
convert_mapping_to_xml(xml_file, file, mapping, fail_required=True)
def config_file_provider_settings(xml_parent, data):
SETTINGS_TYPES = ['file', 'cfp']
settings = {
if 'settings' in data:
# Support for Config File Provider
settings_file = str(data['settings'])
settings_type = data.get('settings-type', 'file')
# For cfp versions <2.10.0 we are able to detect cfp via the config
# settings name.
text = 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.configfiles.maven.MavenSettingsConfig'
if settings_file.startswith(text):
settings_type = 'cfp'
if settings_type == 'file':
lsettings = XML.SubElement(
xml_parent, 'settings',
{'class': settings['settings']})
XML.SubElement(lsettings, 'path').text = settings_file
elif settings_type == 'cfp':
lsettings = XML.SubElement(
xml_parent, 'settings',
{'class': settings['config-file-provider-settings']})
XML.SubElement(lsettings, 'settingsConfigId').text = settings_file
raise InvalidAttributeError(
'settings-type', settings_type, SETTINGS_TYPES)
XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'settings',
{'class': settings['default-settings']})
if 'global-settings' in data:
# Support for Config File Provider
global_settings_file = str(data['global-settings'])
global_settings_type = data.get('settings-type', 'file')
# For cfp versions <2.10.0 we are able to detect cfp via the config
# settings name.
text = ('org.jenkinsci.plugins.configfiles.maven.'
if global_settings_file.startswith(text):
global_settings_type = 'cfp'
if global_settings_type == 'file':
gsettings = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'globalSettings',
{'class': settings['global-settings']})
XML.SubElement(gsettings, 'path').text = global_settings_file
elif global_settings_type == 'cfp':
gsettings = XML.SubElement(
xml_parent, 'globalSettings',
{'class': settings['config-file-provider-global-settings']})
'settingsConfigId').text = global_settings_file
raise InvalidAttributeError(
'settings-type', global_settings_type, SETTINGS_TYPES)
XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'globalSettings',
{'class': settings['default-global-settings']})
def copyartifact_build_selector(xml_parent, data, select_tag='selector'):
select = data.get('which-build', 'last-successful')
selectdict = {'last-successful': 'StatusBuildSelector',
'last-completed': 'LastCompletedBuildSelector',
'specific-build': 'SpecificBuildSelector',
'last-saved': 'SavedBuildSelector',
'upstream-build': 'TriggeredBuildSelector',
'permalink': 'PermalinkBuildSelector',
'workspace-latest': 'WorkspaceSelector',
'build-param': 'ParameterizedBuildSelector',
'downstream-build': 'DownstreamBuildSelector',
'multijob-build': 'MultiJobBuildSelector'}
if select not in selectdict:
raise InvalidAttributeError('which-build',
permalink = data.get('permalink', 'last')
permalinkdict = {'last': 'lastBuild',
'last-stable': 'lastStableBuild',
'last-successful': 'lastSuccessfulBuild',
'last-failed': 'lastFailedBuild',
'last-unstable': 'lastUnstableBuild',
'last-unsuccessful': 'lastUnsuccessfulBuild'}
if permalink not in permalinkdict:
raise InvalidAttributeError('permalink',
if select == 'multijob-build':
selector = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, select_tag,
'com.tikal.jenkins.plugins.multijob.' +
selector = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, select_tag,
'hudson.plugins.copyartifact.' +
if select == 'specific-build':
XML.SubElement(selector, 'buildNumber').text = data['build-number']
if select == 'last-successful':
XML.SubElement(selector, 'stable').text = str(
data.get('stable', False)).lower()
if select == 'upstream-build':
XML.SubElement(selector, 'fallbackToLastSuccessful').text = str(
data.get('fallback-to-last-successful', False)).lower()
if select == 'permalink':
XML.SubElement(selector, 'id').text = permalinkdict[permalink]
if select == 'build-param':
XML.SubElement(selector, 'parameterName').text = data['param']
if select == 'downstream-build':
XML.SubElement(selector, 'upstreamProjectName').text = (
XML.SubElement(selector, 'upstreamBuildNumber').text = (
def findbugs_settings(xml_parent, data):
# General Options
mapping = [
('rank-priority', 'isRankActivated', False),
('include-files', 'includePattern', ''),
('exclude-files', 'excludePattern', ''),
convert_mapping_to_xml(xml_parent, data, mapping, fail_required=True)
def get_value_from_yaml_or_config_file(key, section, data, jjb_config):
result = data.get(key, '')
if result == '':
result = jjb_config.get_plugin_config(section, key)
return result
def cloudformation_region_dict():
region_dict = {'us-east-1': 'US_East_Northern_Virginia',
'us-west-1': 'US_WEST_Northern_California',
'us-west-2': 'US_WEST_Oregon',
'eu-central-1': 'EU_Frankfurt',
'eu-west-1': 'EU_Ireland',
'ap-southeast-1': 'Asia_Pacific_Singapore',
'ap-southeast-2': 'Asia_Pacific_Sydney',
'ap-northeast-1': 'Asia_Pacific_Tokyo',
'sa-east-1': 'South_America_Sao_Paulo'}
return region_dict
def cloudformation_init(xml_parent, data, xml_tag):
cloudformation = XML.SubElement(
xml_parent, 'com.syncapse.jenkinsci.'
'plugins.awscloudformationwrapper.' + xml_tag)
return XML.SubElement(cloudformation, 'stacks')
def cloudformation_stack(xml_parent, stack, xml_tag, stacks, region_dict):
if 'name' not in stack or stack['name'] == '':
raise MissingAttributeError('name')
step = XML.SubElement(
stacks, 'com.syncapse.jenkinsci.plugins.'
'awscloudformationwrapper.' + xml_tag)
XML.SubElement(step, 'stackName').text = stack['name']
XML.SubElement(step, 'awsAccessKey').text = stack['access-key']
XML.SubElement(step, 'awsSecretKey').text = stack['secret-key']
region = stack['region']
except KeyError as e:
raise MissingAttributeError(e.args[0])
if region not in region_dict:
raise InvalidAttributeError('region', region, region_dict.keys())
XML.SubElement(step, 'awsRegion').text = region_dict.get(region)
if xml_tag == 'SimpleStackBean':
prefix = str(stack.get('prefix', False)).lower()
XML.SubElement(step, 'isPrefixSelected').text = prefix
XML.SubElement(step, 'description').text = stack.get('description', '')
XML.SubElement(step, 'parameters').text = ','.join(
stack.get('parameters', []))
XML.SubElement(step, 'timeout').text = str(stack.get('timeout', '0'))
XML.SubElement(step, 'sleep').text = str(stack.get('sleep', '0'))
XML.SubElement(step, 'cloudFormationRecipe').text = stack['recipe']
except KeyError as e:
raise MissingAttributeError(e.args[0])
def include_exclude_patterns(xml_parent, data, yaml_prefix,
xml_element = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, xml_elem_name)
XML.SubElement(xml_element, 'includePatterns').text = ','.join(
data.get(yaml_prefix + '-include-patterns', []))
XML.SubElement(xml_element, 'excludePatterns').text = ','.join(
data.get(yaml_prefix + '-exclude-patterns', []))
def artifactory_deployment_patterns(xml_parent, data):
include_exclude_patterns(xml_parent, data, 'deployment',
def artifactory_env_vars_patterns(xml_parent, data):
include_exclude_patterns(xml_parent, data, 'env-vars',
def artifactory_optional_props(xml_parent, data, target):
optional_str_props = [
('scopes', 'scopes'),
('violationRecipients', 'violation-recipients'),
('blackDuckAppName', 'black-duck-app-name'),
('blackDuckAppVersion', 'black-duck-app-version'),
('blackDuckReportRecipients', 'black-duck-report-recipients'),
('blackDuckScopes', 'black-duck-scopes')
for (xml_prop, yaml_prop) in optional_str_props:
XML.SubElement(xml_parent, xml_prop).text = data.get(
yaml_prop, '')
common_bool_props = [
# yaml property name, xml property name, default value
('deploy-artifacts', 'deployArtifacts', True),
('discard-old-builds', 'discardOldBuilds', False),
('discard-build-artifacts', 'discardBuildArtifacts', False),
('publish-build-info', 'deployBuildInfo', False),
('env-vars-include', 'includeEnvVars', False),
('run-checks', 'runChecks', False),
('include-publish-artifacts', 'includePublishArtifacts', False),
('license-auto-discovery', 'licenseAutoDiscovery', True),
('enable-issue-tracker-integration', 'enableIssueTrackerIntegration',
('aggregate-build-issues', 'aggregateBuildIssues', False),
('black-duck-run-checks', 'blackDuckRunChecks', False),
'blackDuckIncludePublishedArtifacts', False),
'autoCreateMissingComponentRequests', True),
'autoDiscardStaleComponentRequests', True),
'filterExcludedArtifactsFromBuild', False)
xml_parent, data, common_bool_props, fail_required=True)
if 'wrappers' in target:
wrapper_bool_props = [
('enable-resolve-artifacts', 'enableResolveArtifacts', False),
'disableLicenseAutoDiscovery', False),
'recordAllDependencies', False)
xml_parent, data, wrapper_bool_props, fail_required=True)
if 'publishers' in target:
publisher_bool_props = [
('even-if-unstable', 'evenIfUnstable', False),
('pass-identified-downstream', 'passIdentifiedDownstream', False),
'allowPromotionOfNonStagedBuilds', False)
xml_parent, data, publisher_bool_props, fail_required=True)
def artifactory_common_details(details, data):
XML.SubElement(details, 'artifactoryName').text = data.get('name', '')
XML.SubElement(details, 'artifactoryUrl').text = data.get('url', '')
def artifactory_repository(xml_parent, data, target):
if 'release' in target:
XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'keyFromText').text = data.get(
'deploy-release-repo-key', '')
XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'keyFromSelect').text = data.get(
'deploy-release-repo-key', '')
XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'dynamicMode').text = str(
data.get('deploy-dynamic-mode', False)).lower()
if 'snapshot' in target:
XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'keyFromText').text = data.get(
'deploy-snapshot-repo-key', '')
XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'keyFromSelect').text = data.get(
'deploy-snapshot-repo-key', '')
XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'dynamicMode').text = str(
data.get('deploy-dynamic-mode', False)).lower()
def append_git_revision_config(parent, config_def):
params = XML.SubElement(
parent, 'hudson.plugins.git.GitRevisionBuildParameters')
# If git-revision is a boolean, the get() will
# throw an AttributeError
combine_commits = str(
config_def.get('combine-queued-commits', False)).lower()
except AttributeError:
combine_commits = 'false'
XML.SubElement(params, 'combineQueuedCommits').text = combine_commits
def test_fairy_common(xml_element, data):
xml_element.set('plugin', 'TestFairy')
valid_max_duration = ['10m', '60m', '300m', '1440m']
valid_interval = [1, 2, 5]
valid_video_quality = ['high', 'medium', 'low']
mappings = [
# General
('apikey', 'apiKey', None),
('appfile', 'appFile', None),
('tester-groups', 'testersGroups', ''),
('notify-testers', 'notifyTesters', True),
('autoupdate', 'autoUpdate', True),
# Session
('max-duration', 'maxDuration', '10m', valid_max_duration),
('record-on-background', 'recordOnBackground', False),
('data-only-wifi', 'dataOnlyWifi', False),
# Video
('video-enabled', 'isVideoEnabled', True),
('screenshot-interval', 'screenshotInterval', 1, valid_interval),
('video-quality', 'videoQuality', 'high', valid_video_quality),
# Metrics
('cpu', 'cpu', True),
('memory', 'memory', True),
('logs', 'logs', True),
('network', 'network', False),
('phone-signal', 'phoneSignal', False),
('wifi', 'wifi', False),
('gps', 'gps', False),
('battery', 'battery', False),
('opengl', 'openGl', False),
# Advanced options
('advanced-options', 'advancedOptions', '')
convert_mapping_to_xml(xml_element, data, mappings, fail_required=True)
def convert_mapping_to_xml(parent, data, mapping, fail_required=False):
"""Convert mapping to XML
fail_required affects the last parameter of the mapping field when it's
parameter is set to 'None'. When fail_required is True then a 'None' value
represents a required configuration so will raise a MissingAttributeError
if the user does not provide the configuration.
If fail_required is False parameter is treated as optional. Logic will skip
configuring the XML tag for the parameter. We recommend for new plugins to
set fail_required=True and instead of optional parameters provide a default
value for all paramters that are not required instead.
valid_options provides a way to check if the value the user input is from a
list of available options. When the user pass a value that is not supported
from the list, it raise an InvalidAttributeError.
valid_dict provides a way to set options through their key and value. If
the user input corresponds to a key, the XML tag will use the key's value
for its element. When the user pass a value that there are no keys for,
it raise an InvalidAttributeError.
for elem in mapping:
(optname, xmlname, val) = elem[:3]
val = data.get(optname, val)
valid_options = []
valid_dict = {}
if len(elem) == 4:
if type(elem[3]) is list:
valid_options = elem[3]
if type(elem[3]) is dict:
valid_dict = elem[3]
# Use fail_required setting to allow support for optional parameters
# we will phase this out in the future as we rework plugins so that
# optional parameters use a default setting instead.
if val is None and fail_required is True:
raise MissingAttributeError(optname)
# (Deprecated) in the future we will default to fail_required True
# if no value is provided then continue else leave it
# up to the user if they want to use an empty XML tag
if val is None and fail_required is False:
if valid_dict:
if val not in valid_dict:
raise InvalidAttributeError(optname, val, valid_dict.keys())
if valid_options:
if val not in valid_options:
raise InvalidAttributeError(optname, val, valid_options)
if type(val) == bool:
val = str(val).lower()
if val in valid_dict:
XML.SubElement(parent, xmlname).text = str(valid_dict[val])
XML.SubElement(parent, xmlname).text = str(val)