
592 lines
20 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015 Joost van der Griendt <>
# Copyright (C) 2018 Sorin Sbarnea <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
The Multibranch Pipeline project module handles creating Jenkins workflow
You may specify ``multibranch`` in the ``project-type`` attribute of
the :ref:`Job` definition.
Multibranch Pipeline implementantion in JJB is marked as **experimental**
which means that there is no guarantee that its behavior (or configuration)
will not change, even between minor releases.
Plugins required:
* :jenkins-wiki:`Workflow Plugin <Workflow+Plugin>`.
* :jenkins-wiki:`Pipeline Multibranch Defaults Plugin
<Pipeline+Multibranch+Defaults+Plugin>` (optional)
:Job Parameters:
* **scm** (`list`): The SCM definition.
* **bitbucket** (`dict`): Refer to
:func:`~bitbucket_scm <bitbucket_scm>` for documentation.
* **gerrit** (`dict`): Refer to
:func:`~gerrit_scm <gerrit_scm>` for documentation.
* **git** (`dict`): Refer to
:func:`~git_scm <git_scm>` for documentation.
* **github** (`dict`): Refer to
:func:`~github_scm <github_scm>` for documentation.
* **periodic-folder-trigger** (`str`): How often to scan for new branches
or pull/change requests. Valid values: 1m, 2m, 5m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 25m,
30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 8h, 12h, 1d, 2d, 1w, 2w, 4w. (default none)
* **prune-dead-branches** (`bool`): If dead branches upon check should
result in their job being dropped. (default true)
* **number-to-keep** (`int`): How many builds should be kept.
(default '-1, all')
* **days-to-keep** (`int`): For how many days should a build be kept.
(default '-1, forever')
Job examples:
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/multibranch/fixtures/multibranch_defaults.yaml
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/multibranch/fixtures/multi_scm_full.yaml
import collections
import logging
import xml.etree.ElementTree as XML
import jenkins_jobs.modules.base
import jenkins_jobs.modules.helpers as helpers
import uuid
import six
from jenkins_jobs.errors import InvalidAttributeError
logger = logging.getLogger(str(__name__))
class WorkflowMultiBranch(jenkins_jobs.modules.base.Base):
sequence = 0
multibranch_path = 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.multibranch'
jenkins_class = ''.join([multibranch_path, '.WorkflowMultiBranchProject'])
jenkins_factory_class = ''.join(
[multibranch_path, '.WorkflowBranchProjectFactory'])
def root_xml(self, data):
xml_parent = XML.Element(self.jenkins_class)
xml_parent.attrib['plugin'] = 'workflow-multibranch'
XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'properties')
# Views #
views = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'views')
all_view = XML.SubElement(views, 'hudson.model.AllView')
all_view_mapping = [
('', 'name', 'All'),
('', 'filterExecutors', False),
('', 'filterQueue', False),
all_view, {}, all_view_mapping, fail_required=True)
XML.SubElement(all_view, 'properties', {
'class': 'hudson.model.View$PropertyList'
XML.SubElement(all_view, 'owner', {
'class': self.jenkins_class,
'reference': '../../..'
XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'viewsTabBar', {
'class': 'hudson.views.DefaultViewsTabBar'
# Folder Views #
folderViews = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'folderViews', {
'class': 'jenkins.branch.MultiBranchProjectViewHolder',
'plugin': 'branch-api',
XML.SubElement(folderViews, 'owner', {
'class': self.jenkins_class,
'reference': '../..'
# Health Metrics #
hm = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'healthMetrics')
hm_path = (''
hm_plugin = XML.SubElement(hm, hm_path, {
'plugin': 'cloudbees-folder',
XML.SubElement(hm_plugin, 'nonRecursive').text = 'false'
# Icon #
icon = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'icon', {
'class': 'jenkins.branch.MetadataActionFolderIcon',
'plugin': 'branch-api',
XML.SubElement(icon, 'owner', {
'class': self.jenkins_class,
'reference': '../..'
# Orphan Item Strategy #
ois_default_strategy = ('com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.'
ois = XML.SubElement(
xml_parent, 'orphanedItemStrategy', {
'class': ois_default_strategy,
'plugin': 'cloudbees-folder',
ois_mapping = [
('prune-dead-branches', 'pruneDeadBranches', True, [True, False]),
('days-to-keep', 'daysToKeep', -1),
('number-to-keep', 'numToKeep', -1),
helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(ois, data, ois_mapping)
# Periodic Folder Trigger #
triggers = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'triggers')
# Valid options for the periodic trigger interval.
pft_map = collections.OrderedDict([
("1m", ("* * * * *", '60000')),
("2m", ("*/2 * * * *", '120000')),
("5m", ("*/5 * * * *", '300000')),
("10m", ("H/6 * * * *", '600000')),
("15m", ("H/6 * * * *", '900000')),
("20m", ("H/3 * * * *", '1200000')),
("25m", ("H/3 * * * *", '1500000')),
("30m", ("H/2 * * * *", '1800000')),
("1h", ("H * * * *", '3600000')),
("2h", ("H * * * *", '7200000')),
("4h", ("H * * * *", '14400000')),
("8h", ("H * * * *", '28800000')),
("12h", ("H H * * *", '43200000')),
("1d", ("H H * * *", '86400000')),
("2d", ("H H * * *", '172800000')),
("1w", ("H H * * *", '604800000')),
("2w", ("H H * * *", '1209600000')),
("4w", ("H H * * *", '2419200000')),
pft_val = data.get('periodic-folder-trigger')
if pft_val:
if not pft_map.get(pft_val):
raise InvalidAttributeError(
pft_path = (
pft = XML.SubElement(triggers, pft_path, {
'plugin': 'cloudbees-folder'
XML.SubElement(pft, 'spec').text = pft_map[pft_val][0]
XML.SubElement(pft, 'interval').text = pft_map[pft_val][1]
# Sources #
sources = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'sources', {
'class': 'jenkins.branch.MultiBranchProject$BranchSourceList',
'plugin': 'branch-api',
sources_data = XML.SubElement(sources, 'data')
XML.SubElement(sources, 'owner', {
'class': self.jenkins_class,
'reference': '../..',
valid_scm = [
for scm_data in data.get('scm', None):
for scm in scm_data:
bs = XML.SubElement(
sources_data, 'jenkins.branch.BranchSource')
if scm == 'bitbucket':
bitbucket_scm(bs, scm_data[scm])
elif scm == 'gerrit':
gerrit_scm(bs, scm_data[scm])
elif scm == 'git':
git_scm(bs, scm_data[scm])
elif scm == 'github':
github_scm(bs, scm_data[scm])
raise InvalidAttributeError('scm', scm_data, valid_scm)
# Factory #
factory = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'factory', {
'class': self.jenkins_factory_class,
XML.SubElement(factory, 'owner', {
'class': self.jenkins_class,
'reference': '../..'
XML.SubElement(factory, 'scriptPath').text = 'Jenkinsfile'
return xml_parent
class WorkflowMultiBranchDefaults(WorkflowMultiBranch):
jenkins_class = (
jenkins_factory_class = (
def bitbucket_scm(xml_parent, data):
"""Configure BitBucket scm
Requires the :jenkins-wiki:`Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin
:arg str credentials-id: The credential to use to scan BitBucket.
:arg str repo-owner: Specify the name of the Bitbucket Team or Bitbucket
User Account. (required)
:arg str repo: The BitBucket repo. (required)
Minimal Example:
.. literalinclude::
Full Example:
.. literalinclude::
source = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'source', {
'class': 'com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.BitbucketSCMSource',
'plugin': 'cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source',
source_mapping = [
('', 'id', str(uuid.uuid4())),
('repo-owner', 'repoOwner', None),
('repo', 'repository', None),
source, data, source_mapping, fail_required=True)
mapping_optional = [
('credentials-id', 'credentialsId', None),
source, data, mapping_optional, fail_required=False)
XML.SubElement(source, 'traits')
def gerrit_scm(xml_parent, data):
"""Configure Gerrit SCM
Requires the :jenkins-wiki:`Gerrit Code Review Plugin
:arg str url: The git url. (required)
:arg str credentials-id: The credential to use to connect to the GIT URL.
:arg bool ignore-on-push-notifications: If a job should not trigger upon
push notifications. (default false)
:arg list(str) refspecs: Which refspecs to look for.
(default ``['+refs/changes/*:refs/remotes/@{remote}/*',
:arg str includes: Comma-separated list of branches to be included.
(default '*')
:arg str excludes: Comma-separated list of branches to be excluded.
(default '')
Minimal Example:
.. literalinclude::
Full Example:
.. literalinclude::
source = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'source', {
'class': 'jenkins.plugins.gerrit.GerritSCMSource',
'plugin': 'gerrit',
source_mapping = [
('', 'id', str(uuid.uuid4())),
('url', 'remote', None),
('credentials-id', 'credentialsId', ''),
('includes', 'includes', '*'),
('excludes', 'excludes', ''),
('ignore-on-push-notifications', 'ignoreOnPushNotifications', True),
source, data, source_mapping, fail_required=True)
source_mapping_optional = [
('api-uri', 'apiUri', None),
source, data, source_mapping_optional, fail_required=False)
# Traits
traits = XML.SubElement(source, 'traits')
# Refspec Trait
refspec_trait = XML.SubElement(
traits, 'jenkins.plugins.git.traits.RefSpecsSCMSourceTrait', {
'plugin': 'git',
templates = XML.SubElement(refspec_trait, 'templates')
refspecs = data.get('refspecs', [
# convert single string to list
if isinstance(refspecs, six.string_types):
refspecs = [refspecs]
for x in refspecs:
e = XML.SubElement(
templates, ('jenkins.plugins.git.traits'
XML.SubElement(e, 'value').text = x
def git_scm(xml_parent, data):
"""Configure Git SCM
Requires the :jenkins-wiki:`Git Plugin <Git+Plugin>`.
:arg str url: The git repo url. (required)
:arg str credentials-id: The credential to use to connect to the GIT repo.
(default '')
:arg bool discover-branches: Discovers branches on the repository.
(default true)
:arg bool ignore-on-push-notifications: If a job should not trigger upon
push notifications. (default false)
Minimal Example:
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/multibranch/fixtures/scm_git_minimal.yaml
Full Example:
.. literalinclude:: /../../tests/multibranch/fixtures/scm_git_full.yaml
source = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'source', {
'class': 'jenkins.plugins.git.GitSCMSource',
'plugin': 'git',
source_mapping = [
('', 'id', str(uuid.uuid4())),
('url', 'remote', None),
('credentials-id', 'credentialsId', ''),
source, data, source_mapping, fail_required=True)
# Traits #
traits_path = 'jenkins.plugins.git.traits'
traits = XML.SubElement(source, 'traits')
if data.get('discover-branches', True):
XML.SubElement(traits, ''.join([traits_path, '.BranchDiscoveryTrait']))
if data.get('ignore-on-push-notifications', False):
traits, ''.join([traits_path, '.IgnoreOnPushNotificationTrait']))
def github_scm(xml_parent, data):
"""Configure GitHub SCM
Requires the :jenkins-wiki:`GitHub Branch Source Plugin
:arg str api-uri: The GitHub API uri for hosted / on-site GitHub. Must
first be configured in Global Configuration. (default GitHub)
:arg str credentials-id: Credentials used to scan branches and pull
requests, check out sources and mark commit statuses. (optional)
:arg str repo-owner: Specify the name of the GitHub Organization or
GitHub User Account. (required)
:arg str repo: The GitHub repo. (required)
:arg str branch-discovery: Discovers branches on the repository.
Valid options: no-pr, only-pr, all, false. (default 'no-pr')
:arg str discover-pr-forks-strategy: Fork strategy. Valid options:
merge-current, current, both, false. (default 'merge-current')
:arg str discover-pr-forks-trust: Discovers pull requests where the origin
repository is a fork of the target repository.
Valid options: contributors, everyone, permission or nobody.
(default 'contributors')
:arg str discover-pr-origin: Discovers pull requests where the origin
repository is the same as the target repository.
Valid options: merge-current, current, both. (default 'merge-current')
Minimal Example:
.. literalinclude::
Full Example:
.. literalinclude::
github_path = 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.github_branch_source'
github_path_dscore = 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.github__branch__source'
source = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, 'source', {
'class': ''.join([github_path, '.GitHubSCMSource']),
'plugin': 'github-branch-source',
mapping = [
('', 'id', str(uuid.uuid4())),
('repo-owner', 'repoOwner', None),
('repo', 'repository', None),
source, data, mapping, fail_required=True)
mapping_optional = [
('api-uri', 'apiUri', None),
('credentials-id', 'credentialsId', None),
source, data, mapping_optional, fail_required=False)
traits = XML.SubElement(source, 'traits')
# no-pr value is assumed if branch-discovery not mentioned.
if data.get('branch-discovery', 'no-pr'):
bd = XML.SubElement(traits, ''.join([
github_path_dscore, '.BranchDiscoveryTrait']))
bd_strategy = {
'no-pr': '1',
'only-pr': '2',
'all': '3',
bd_mapping = [
('branch-discovery', 'strategyId', 'no-pr', bd_strategy)
bd, data, bd_mapping, fail_required=True)
if data.get('discover-pr-forks-strategy', 'merged-current'):
dprf = XML.SubElement(
traits, ''.join([
github_path_dscore, '.ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait'
dprf_strategy = {
'merge-current': '1',
'current': '2',
'both': '3',
dprf_mapping = [
('discover-pr-forks-strategy', 'strategyId', 'merge-current',
dprf, data, dprf_mapping, fail_required=True)
trust = data.get('discover-pr-forks-trust', 'contributors')
trust_map = {
'contributors': ''.join([
'everyone': ''.join([
'permission': ''.join([
'nobody': ''.join([
if trust not in trust_map:
raise InvalidAttributeError('discover-pr-forks-trust',
XML.SubElement(dprf, 'trust').attrib['class'] = trust_map[trust]
dpro_strategy = data.get('discover-pr-origin', 'merge-current')
dpro = XML.SubElement(traits, ''.join([
dpro_strategy_map = {
'merge-current': '1',
'current': '2',
'both': '3',
if dpro_strategy not in dpro_strategy_map:
raise InvalidAttributeError('discover-pr-origin',
if trust not in trust_map:
raise InvalidAttributeError('discover-pr-forks-trust',
dpro_mapping = [
('discover-pr-origin', 'strategyId', 'merge-current',
dpro, data, dpro_mapping, fail_required=True)