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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (c) 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from locale import getpreferredencoding
import logging
import os.path
from parsley import makeGrammar
import subprocess
import sys
debversion_grammar = """
epoch = <digit+>:d ':' -> d
trailingdeb = (upstream_segment* '-' debver)
upstream_segment = (letterOrDigit | '.' | '+' | '~' | ':')
upstreamver = digit (upstream_segment | ('-' ~~trailingdeb))*
upstreamver_no_hyphen = digit (letterOrDigit | '.' | '+' | '~' | ':')*
debver = (letterOrDigit | '.' | '+' | '~')+
upstream_no_hyphen = epoch?:e <upstreamver_no_hyphen>:u -> (e or '0', u, "")
upstream_hyphen = epoch?:e <upstreamver>:u '-' <debver>:d -> (e or '0', u, d)
debversion = upstream_hyphen | upstream_no_hyphen
debversion_compiled = makeGrammar(debversion_grammar, {})
grammar = debversion_grammar + """
rules = (rule|comment|blank)*:bits -> [r for r in bits if r is not None]
rule = <name>:name selector?:selector version?:version ('\n'|comment) -> (
name, selector or [], version or [])
lowercase = ('a'|'b'|'c'|'d'|'e'|'f'|'g'|'h'|'i'|'j'|'k'|'l'|'m'|'n'|'o'|'p'
name = letterOrDigit:start (letterOrDigit|'.'|'+'|'-'|'_'|'/')+:rest
ws = ' '+
profile = ('!'?:neg <(lowercase|digit|':'|'-')+>:name) -> (neg!='!', name)
selector = ws '[' profile:p1 (ws profile)*:p2 ']' -> [p1] + p2
oneversion = <('<=' | '<' | '!=' | '==' | '>=' | '>')>:rel <debversion>:v -> (
rel, v)
version = ws oneversion:v1 (',' oneversion)*:v2 -> [v1] + v2
comment = ws? '#' any* '\n' -> None
any = ~'\n' anything
blank = ws? '\n' -> None
def get_depends(filename=None):
fd = get_depends_file(filename)
if not fd:
return None
return Depends(
def get_depends_file(filename=None):
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if filename == "-":
return sys.stdin
elif filename:
fd = open(filename, 'rt')
except IOError:
log.error('Error reading file %s.' % filename)
return None
if (os.path.isfile('bindep.txt') and
'Both bindep.txt and other-requirements.txt '
'files exist, choose one.')
return None
if os.path.isfile('bindep.txt'):
fd = open('bindep.txt', 'rt')
except IOError:
log.error('Error reading file bindep.txt.')
return None
elif os.path.isfile('other-requirements.txt'):
fd = open('other-requirements.txt', 'rt')
except IOError:
log.error('Error reading file other-requirements.txt.')
return None
'Neither file bindep.txt nor file '
'other-requirements.txt exist.')
return None
return fd
class Depends(object):
"""Project dependencies."""
# Truth table for combining platform and user profiles:
# (platform, user) where False means that component
# voted definitely no, True means that that component
# voted definitely yes and None means that that component
# hasn't voted.
_include = {
(False, False): False,
(False, None): False,
(False, True): False,
(None, False): False,
(None, None): True,
(None, True): True,
(True, False): False,
(True, None): True,
(True, True): True,
def __init__(self, depends_string):
"""Construct a Depends instance.
:param depends_string: The string description of the requirements that
need to be satisfied. See the bindep README.rst for syntax for the
requirements list.
parser = makeGrammar(grammar, {})(depends_string)
self._rules = parser.rules()
def _partition(self, rule):
"""Separate conditions into platform and user profiles.
:return Two lists, the platform and user profiles.
platform = []
user = []
for sense, profile in rule[1]:
if profile.startswith("platform:"):
platform.append((sense, profile))
user.append((sense, profile))
return platform, user
def _evaluate(self, partition_rule, profiles):
"""Evaluate rule. Does it match the profiles?
:return Result is trinary: False for definitely no, True for
definitely yes, None for no rules present.
if partition_rule == []:
return None
# Have we seen any positive selectors - if not, the absence of
# negatives means we include the rule, but if we any positive
# selectors we need a match.
positive = False
match_found = False
negative = False
for sense, profile in partition_rule:
if sense:
positive = True
if profile in profiles:
match_found = True
if profile in profiles:
negative = True
if not negative and (match_found or not positive):
return True
return False
def active_rules(self, profiles):
"""Return the rules active given profiles.
:param profiles: A list of profiles to consider active. This should
include platform profiles - they are not automatically included.
profiles = set(profiles)
result = []
for rule in self._rules:
# Partition rules
platform_profiles, user_profiles = self._partition(rule)
# Evaluate each partition separately
platform_status = self._evaluate(platform_profiles, profiles)
user_status = self._evaluate(user_profiles, profiles)
# Combine results
# These are trinary: False for definitely no, True for
# definitely yes, None for no rules present.
if self._include[platform_status, user_status]:
return result
def check_rules(self, rules):
"""Evaluate rules against the local environment.
:param rules: A list of rules, as returned by active_rules.
:return: A list of unsatisfied rules.
missing = set()
incompatible = []
for rule in rules:
installed = self.platform.get_pkg_version(rule[0])
if not installed:
for operator, constraint in rule[2]:
if not _eval(installed, operator, constraint):
(rule[0], '%s%s' % (operator, constraint), installed))
result = []
if missing:
result.append(("missing", sorted(missing)))
if incompatible:
result.append(("badversion", incompatible))
return result
def profiles(self):
profiles = set()
for rule in self._rules:
for _, selector in rule[1]:
return sorted(profiles)
def platform_profiles(self):
output = subprocess.check_output(
["lsb_release", "-cirs"],
lsbinfo = output.lower().split()
# NOTE(toabctl): distro can be more than one string (i.e. "SUSE LINUX")
codename = lsbinfo[len(lsbinfo) - 1:len(lsbinfo)][0]
release = lsbinfo[len(lsbinfo) - 2:len(lsbinfo) - 1][0]
# NOTE(toabctl): space is a delimiter for bindep, so remove the spaces
distro = "".join(lsbinfo[0:len(lsbinfo) - 2])
atoms = set([distro])
atoms.add("%s-%s" % (distro, codename))
releasebits = release.split(".")
for i in range(len(releasebits)):
atoms.add("%s-%s" % (distro, ".".join(releasebits[:i + 1])))
if distro in ["debian", "ubuntu"]:
self.platform = Dpkg()
elif distro in ["centos", "redhatenterpriseserver", "fedora",
"opensuseproject", "opensusetumbleweed",
if distro == "redhatenterpriseserver":
# just short alias
elif distro in ["opensuseproject", "opensusetumbleweed"]:
# just short alias
self.platform = Rpm()
elif distro in ["gentoo"]:
self.platform = Emerge()
elif distro in ["arch"]:
self.platform = Pacman()
return ["platform:%s" % (atom,) for atom in sorted(atoms)]
class Platform(object):
"""Interface for querying platform specific info."""
def get_pkg_version(self, pkg_name):
"""Find the installed version of pkg_name.
:return: None if pkg_name is not installed, or a version otherwise.
raise NotImplementedError(self.get_pkg_version)
class Dpkg(Platform):
"""dpkg specific platform implementation.
This currently shells out to dpkg, it could in future use python-apt.
def get_pkg_version(self, pkg_name):
output = subprocess.check_output(
["dpkg-query", "-W", "-f", "${Package} ${Status} ${Version}\n",
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
eoutput = e.output.decode(getpreferredencoding(False))
if (e.returncode == 1 and
(eoutput.startswith('dpkg-query: no packages found') or
eoutput.startswith('No packages found matching'))):
return None
# output looks like
# name planned status install-status version
output = output.strip()
elements = output.split(' ')
if elements[3] != 'installed':
return None
return elements[4]
class Rpm(Platform):
"""rpm specific platform implementation.
This currently shells out to rpm, it could in future use rpm-python if
that ever gets uploaded to PyPI.
def get_pkg_version(self, pkg_name):
output = subprocess.check_output(
["rpm", "--qf",
"%{NAME} %|EPOCH?{%{EPOCH}:}|%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\n", "-q",
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
eoutput = e.output.decode(getpreferredencoding(False))
if (e.returncode == 1 and
eoutput.strip().endswith('is not installed')):
return None
# output looks like
# name version
output = output.strip()
elements = output.split(' ')
return elements[1]
class Emerge(Platform):
"""emerge specific implementation.
This currently shells out to equery, it could be changed to eix to be
faster but that would add another dependency and eix's cache would need to
be updated before this is run.
def get_pkg_version(self, pkg_name):
output = subprocess.check_output(
['equery', 'l', '--format=\'$version\'', pkg_name],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if e.returncode == 3:
return None
# output looks like
# version
output = output.strip()
elements = output.split(' ')
return elements[0]
class Pacman(Platform):
"""pacman specific implementation.
This shells out to pacman
def get_pkg_version(self, pkg_name):
output = subprocess.check_output(
['pacman', '-Q', pkg_name],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
eoutput = e.output.decode(getpreferredencoding(False))
if e.returncode == 1 and eoutput.endswith('was not found'):
return None
# output looks like
# version
elements = output.strip().split(' ')
return elements[1]
def _eval_diff(operator, diff):
"""Return the boolean result for operator given diff.
:param diff: An int with negative values meaning the right most parameter
to the _eval function was greater than the left most parameter.
:return: True if the operator was satisfied.
if operator == "==":
return diff == 0
if operator == "!=":
return diff != 0
if operator == "<":
return diff < 0
if operator == "<=":
return diff <= 0
if operator == ">":
return diff > 0
if operator == ">=":
return diff >= 0
def _to_ord(character):
# Per
# The lexical comparison is a comparison of ASCII values modified so that
# all the letters sort earlier than all the non-letters and so that a
# tilde sorts before anything, even the end of a part.
# ord(~) -> 126
# ord('A') -> 65
# ord('Z') -> 90
# ord('a') -> 97
# ord('z') -> 122
# ord('+') -> 43
# ord('-') -> 45
# ord('.') -> 46
# ord(':') -> 58
if not character or character.isdigit(): # end of a part
return 1
elif character == '~':
return 0
ordinal = ord(character)
if ordinal < 65:
# Shift non-characters up beyond the highest character.
ordinal += 100
return ordinal
def _cmp_nondigit(left, right):
l_ord = _to_ord(left)
r_ord = _to_ord(right)
return l_ord - r_ord
def _find_int(a_str, offset):
"""Find an int within a_str.
:return: The int and the offset of the first character after the int.
if offset == len(a_str):
return 0, offset
initial_offset = offset
while offset < len(a_str):
offset += 1
except ValueError:
# past the end of the decimal bit
offset -= 1
return int(a_str[initial_offset:offset]), offset
def _eval(installed, operator, constraint):
if operator == "==":
return installed == constraint
if operator == "!=":
return installed != constraint
constraint_parsed = debversion_compiled(constraint).debversion()
installed_parsed = debversion_compiled(installed).debversion()
diff = int(installed_parsed[0]) - int(constraint_parsed[0])
if diff:
return _eval_diff(operator, diff)
diff = _cmp_segment(installed_parsed[1], constraint_parsed[1])
if diff:
return _eval_diff(operator, diff)
diff = _cmp_segment(installed_parsed[2], constraint_parsed[2])
return _eval_diff(operator, diff)
def _cmp_segment(l_str, r_str):
r_offset = 0
l_offset = 0
while (r_offset < len(r_str)) or (l_offset < len(l_str)):
r_char = r_str[r_offset:r_offset + 1]
l_char = l_str[l_offset:l_offset + 1]
if ((not r_char or r_char.isdigit())
and (not l_char or l_char.isdigit())):
l_int, l_offset = _find_int(l_str, l_offset)
r_int, r_offset = _find_int(r_str, r_offset)
diff = l_int - r_int
if diff:
return diff
diff = _cmp_nondigit(l_char, r_char)
if diff:
return diff
if not l_char.isdigit() and l_offset < len(l_str):
l_offset += 1
if not r_char.isdigit() and r_offset < len(r_str):
r_offset += 1
return 0