#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2015 Monty Taylor # Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import errno import json import logging import os import platform import re import subprocess import sys import time from glean import systemlock log = logging.getLogger("glean") post_up = " post-up route add -net {net} netmask {mask} gw {gw} || true\n" pre_down = " pre-down route del -net {net} netmask {mask} gw {gw} || true\n" # Type value for permanent mac addrs as defined by the linux kernel. PERMANENT_ADDR_TYPE = '0' def _exists_rh_interface(name): file_to_check = '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-{name}'.format( name=name ) return os.path.exists(file_to_check) def _write_rh_interface(name, interface): files_to_write = dict() results = """# Automatically generated, do not edit DEVICE={name} BOOTPROTO=static HWADDR={hwaddr} IPADDR={ip_address} NETMASK={netmask} ONBOOT=yes NM_CONTROLLED=no """.format( name=name, hwaddr=interface['mac_address'], ip_address=interface['ip_address'], netmask=interface['netmask'], ) if 'vlan_id' in interface: results += "VLAN=yes\n" routes = [] for route in interface['routes']: if route['network'] == '' and route['netmask'] == '': results += "DEFROUTE=yes\n" results += "GATEWAY={gw}\n".format(gw=route['gateway']) else: routes.append(dict( net=route['network'], mask=route['netmask'], gw=route['gateway'])) if routes: route_content = "" for x in range(0, len(routes)): route_content += "ADDRESS{x}={net}\n".format(x=x, **routes[x]) route_content += "NETMASK{x}={mask}\n".format(x=x, **routes[x]) route_content += "GATEWAY{x}={gw}\n".format(x=x, **routes[x]) files_to_write['/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-{name}'.format( name=name)] = route_content files_to_write['/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-{name}'.format( name=name)] = results return files_to_write def _write_rh_dhcp(name, interface): filename = '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-{name}'.format(name=name) results = """# Automatically generated, do not edit DEVICE={name} BOOTPROTO=dhcp HWADDR={hwaddr} ONBOOT=yes NM_CONTROLLED=no TYPE=Ethernet """.format(name=name, hwaddr=interface['mac_address']) if 'vlan_id' in interface: results += "VLAN=yes\n" return {filename: results} def _write_rh_manual(name, interface): filename = '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-{name}'.format(name=name) results = """# Automatically generated, do not edit DEVICE={name} BOOTPROTO=none HWADDR={hwaddr} ONBOOT=yes NM_CONTROLLED=no TYPE=Ethernet """.format(name=name, hwaddr=interface['mac_address']) if 'vlan_id' in interface: results += "VLAN=yes\n" if 'bond_master' in interface: results += "SLAVE=yes\n" results += "MASTER={0}\n".format(interface['bond_master']) return {filename: results} def write_redhat_interfaces(interfaces, sys_interfaces): files_to_write = dict() # Sort the interfaces by id so that we'll have consistent output order for iname, interface in sorted( interfaces.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['id']): if interface['type'] == 'ipv6': continue raw_macs = interface.get('raw_macs', [interface['mac_address']]) for mac in raw_macs: if mac not in sys_interfaces: continue if 'vlan_id' in interface: # raw_macs will have a single entry if the vlan device is a # phsical device and >1 when it is a bond device. if len(raw_macs) == 1: vlan_raw_device = sys_interfaces.get(raw_macs[0]) else: vlan_raw_device = interface['vlan_link'] interface_name = "{0}.{1}".format( vlan_raw_device, interface['vlan_id']) elif 'bond_mode' in interface: interface_name = iname else: interface_name = sys_interfaces[interface['mac_address']] if interface['type'] == 'ipv4': files_to_write.update( _write_rh_interface(interface_name, interface)) if interface['type'] == 'ipv4_dhcp': files_to_write.update( _write_rh_dhcp(interface_name, interface)) if interface['type'] == 'manual': files_to_write.update( _write_rh_manual(interface_name, interface)) for mac, iname in sorted( sys_interfaces.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): if _exists_rh_interface(iname): # This interface already has a config file, move on log.debug("%s already has config file, skipping" % iname) continue inter_macs = [intf['mac_address'] for intf in interfaces.values()] link_macs = [intf.get('link_mac') for intf in interfaces.values() if 'vlan_id' in interface] if mac in inter_macs or mac in link_macs: # We have a config drive config, move on log.debug("%s configured via config-drive" % mac) continue files_to_write.update(_write_rh_dhcp(iname, {'mac_address': mac})) return files_to_write def _exists_gentoo_interface(name): file_to_check = '/etc/conf.d/net.{name}'.format(name=name) return os.path.exists(file_to_check) def _enable_gentoo_interface(name): log.debug('rc-update add {name} default'.format(name=name)) subprocess.call(['rc-update', 'add', 'net.{name}'.format(name=name), 'default']) def _write_gentoo_interface(name, interfaces): files_to_write = dict() results = "" vlans = [] for interface in interfaces: iname = name if 'vlan_id' in interface: vlans.append(interface['vlan_id']) iname = "%s_%s" % (iname, interface['vlan_id']) if interface['type'] == 'ipv4': results += """config_{name}="{ip_address} netmask {netmask}" mac_{name}="{hwaddr}\"\n""".format( name=iname, ip_address=interface['ip_address'], netmask=interface['netmask'], hwaddr=interface['mac_address'] ) routes = list() for route in interface['routes']: if (route['network'] == '' and route['netmask'] == ''): # add default route if it exists routes.append('default via {gw}'.format( name=name, gw=route['gateway'] )) else: # add remaining static routes routes.append('{net} netmask {mask} via {gw}'.format( net=route['network'], mask=route['netmask'], gw=route['gateway'] )) if routes: routes_string = '\n'.join(route for route in routes) results += 'routes_{name}="{routes}"'.format( name=name, routes=routes_string # routes='\n'.join(str(route) for route in routes) ) results += '\n' elif interface['type'] == 'manual': results += """config_{name}="null" mac_{name}="{hwaddr}" """.format(name=iname, hwaddr=interface['mac_address']) _enable_gentoo_interface(iname) else: results += """config_{name}="dhcp" mac_{name}="{hwaddr}" """.format(name=iname, hwaddr=interface['mac_address']) _enable_gentoo_interface(iname) if 'bond_mode' in interface: slaves = ' '.join(interface['slaves']) results += """slaves_{name}="{slaves}" mode_{name}="{mode}" """.format(name=iname, slaves=slaves, mode=interface['bond_mode']) full_results = "# Automatically generated, do not edit\n" if vlans: full_results += 'vlans_{name}="{vlans}"\n'.format( name=name, vlans=' '.join(str(vlan) for vlan in vlans)) full_results += results files_to_write['/etc/conf.d/net.{name}'.format(name=name)] = full_results return files_to_write def _setup_gentoo_network_init(sys_interface, interfaces): for interface in interfaces: interface_name = '{name}'.format(name=sys_interface) if 'vlan_id' in interface: interface_name += ".{vlan}".format( vlan=interface['vlan_id']) log.debug('vlan {vlan} found, interface named {name}'. format(vlan=interface['vlan_id'], name=interface_name)) if 'bond_master' in interface: continue _create_gentoo_net_symlink_and_enable(interface_name) if not interfaces: _create_gentoo_net_symlink_and_enable(sys_interface) def _create_gentoo_net_symlink_and_enable(interface_name): file_path = '/etc/init.d/net.{name}'.format(name=interface_name) if not os.path.islink(file_path): log.debug('ln -s /etc/init.d/net.lo {file_path}'. format(file_path=file_path)) os.symlink('/etc/init.d/net.lo', '{file_path}'.format(file_path=file_path)) _enable_gentoo_interface(interface_name) def write_gentoo_interfaces(interfaces, sys_interfaces): files_to_write = dict() gen_intfs = {} # Sort the interfaces by id so that we'll have consistent output order for iname, interface in sorted( interfaces.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['id']): if interface['type'] == 'ipv6': continue raw_macs = interface.get('raw_macs', [interface['mac_address']]) for mac in raw_macs: if mac not in sys_interfaces: continue if 'bond_mode' in interface: interface['slaves'] = [ sys_interfaces[mac] for mac in interface['raw_macs']] if 'raw_macs' in interface: key = tuple(interface['raw_macs']) if key not in gen_intfs: gen_intfs[key] = [] gen_intfs[key].append(interface) else: key = (interface['mac_address'],) if key not in gen_intfs: gen_intfs[key] = [] gen_intfs[key].append(interface) for raw_macs, interfs in gen_intfs.items(): if len(raw_macs) == 1: interface_name = sys_interfaces[raw_macs[0]] else: interface_name = next( intf['id'] for intf in interfs if 'bond_mode' in intf) files_to_write.update( _write_gentoo_interface(interface_name, interfs)) _setup_gentoo_network_init(interface_name, interfs) for mac, iname in sorted( sys_interfaces.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): if _exists_gentoo_interface(iname): # This interface already has a config file, move on log.debug("%s already has config file, skipping" % iname) continue if (mac,) in gen_intfs: # We have a config drive config, move on log.debug("%s configured via config-drive" % mac) continue interface = {'type': 'ipv4_dhcp', 'mac_address': mac} files_to_write.update(_write_gentoo_interface(iname, [interface])) _setup_gentoo_network_init(iname, []) return files_to_write def systemd_enable(service, args): log.debug("Enabling %s via systemctl" % service) if args.noop: return rc = os.system('systemctl enable %s' % service) if rc != 0: log.error("Error enabling %s" % service) sys.exit(rc) def _exists_debian_interface(name): file_to_check = '/etc/network/interfaces.d/{name}.cfg'.format(name=name) return os.path.exists(file_to_check) def write_debian_interfaces(interfaces, sys_interfaces): eni_path = '/etc/network/interfaces' eni_d_path = eni_path + '.d' files_to_write = dict() files_to_write[eni_path] = "auto lo\niface lo inet loopback\n" files_to_write[eni_path] += "source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*.cfg\n" # Sort the interfaces by id so that we'll have consistent output order for iname, interface in interfaces.items(): raw_macs = interface.get('raw_macs', [interface['mac_address']]) for mac in raw_macs: if mac not in sys_interfaces: continue vlan_raw_device = None if 'vlan_id' in interface: # raw_macs will have a single entry if the vlan device is a # phsical device and >1 when it is a bond device. if len(raw_macs) == 1: vlan_raw_device = sys_interfaces.get(raw_macs[0]) else: vlan_raw_device = interface['vlan_link'] interface_name = "{0}.{1}".format(vlan_raw_device, interface['vlan_id']) elif 'bond_mode' in interface: interface_name = iname else: interface_name = sys_interfaces[interface['mac_address']] if _exists_debian_interface(interface_name): continue iface_path = os.path.join(eni_d_path, '%s.cfg' % interface_name) if interface['type'] == 'ipv4_dhcp': result = "auto {0}\n".format(interface_name) result += "iface {0} inet dhcp\n".format(interface_name) if vlan_raw_device is not None: result += " vlan-raw-device {0}\n".format(vlan_raw_device) result += " hw-mac-address {0}\n".format( interface['mac_address']) if 'bond_mode' in interface: if interface['mac_address']: result += " hwaddress {0}\n".format( interface['mac_address']) result += " bond-mode {0}\n".format(interface['bond_mode']) result += " bond-miimon {0}\n".format( interface['bond_miimon']) slave_devices = [sys_interfaces[mac] for mac in interface['raw_macs']] slaves = ' '.join(slave_devices) result += " bond-slaves {0}\n".format(slaves) files_to_write[iface_path] = result continue if interface['type'] == 'manual': result = "auto {0}\n".format(interface_name) result += "iface {0} inet manual\n".format(interface_name) if 'bond_master' in interface: result += " bond-master {0}\n".format( interface['bond_master']) if 'bond_mode' in interface: if interface['mac_address']: result += " hwaddress {0}\n".format( interface['mac_address']) result += " bond-mode {0}\n".format(interface['bond_mode']) result += " bond-miimon {0}\n".format( interface['bond_miimon']) slave_devices = [sys_interfaces[mac] for mac in interface['raw_macs']] slaves = ' '.join(slave_devices) result += " bond-slaves {0}\n".format(slaves) files_to_write[iface_path] = result continue if interface['type'] == 'ipv6': link_type = "inet6" elif interface['type'] == 'ipv4': link_type = "inet" # We do not know this type of entry if not link_type: continue result = "auto {0}\n".format(interface_name) result += "iface {name} {link_type} static\n".format( name=interface_name, link_type=link_type) if vlan_raw_device: result += " vlan-raw-device {0}\n".format(vlan_raw_device) if 'bond_master' in interface: result += " bond-master {0}\n".format( interface['bond_master']) if 'bond_mode' in interface: if interface['mac_address']: result += " hwaddress {0}\n".format( interface['mac_address']) result += " bond-mode {0}\n".format(interface['bond_mode']) result += " bond-miimon {0}\n".format( interface['bond_miimon']) slave_devices = [sys_interfaces[mac] for mac in interface['raw_macs']] slaves = ' '.join(slave_devices) result += " bond-slaves {0}\n".format(slaves) result += " address {0}\n".format(interface['ip_address']) result += " netmask {0}\n".format(interface['netmask']) for route in interface['routes']: if route['network'] == '' and route['netmask'] == '': result += " gateway {0}\n".format(route['gateway']) else: result += post_up.format( net=route['network'], mask=route['netmask'], gw=route['gateway']) result += pre_down.format( net=route['network'], mask=route['netmask'], gw=route['gateway']) files_to_write[iface_path] = result for mac, iname in sorted( sys_interfaces.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): if _exists_debian_interface(iname): # This interface already has a config file, move on continue inter_macs = [intf['mac_address'] for intf in interfaces.values()] link_macs = [intf.get('link_mac') for intf in interfaces.values() if 'vlan_id' in interface] if mac in inter_macs or mac in link_macs: # We have a config drive config, move on continue result = "auto {0}\n".format(iname) result += "iface {0} inet dhcp\n".format(iname) files_to_write[os.path.join(eni_d_path, "%s.cfg" % iname)] = result return files_to_write def write_dns_info(dns_servers): results = "" for server in dns_servers: results += "nameserver {0}\n".format(server) return {'/etc/resolv.conf': results} def get_config_drive_interfaces(net): interfaces = {} if 'networks' not in net or 'links' not in net: log.debug("No config-drive interfaces defined") return interfaces networks = {} for network in net['networks']: networks[network['link']] = network vlans = {} phys = {} bonds = {} for link in net['links']: if link['type'] == 'vlan': vlans[link['id']] = link elif link['type'] == 'bond': bonds[link['id']] = link else: phys[link['id']] = link for link in vlans.values(): if link['vlan_link'] in phys: vlan_link = phys[link['vlan_link']] link['raw_macs'] = [vlan_link['ethernet_mac_address'].lower()] elif link['vlan_link'] in bonds: vlan_link = bonds[link['vlan_link']] link['raw_macs'] = [] for phy in vlan_link['bond_links']: link['raw_macs'].append( phys[phy]['ethernet_mac_address'].lower()) link['mac_address'] = link.pop( 'vlan_mac_address', vlan_link['ethernet_mac_address']).lower() for link in bonds.values(): phy_macs = [] for phy in link.pop('bond_links'): phy_link = phys[phy] phy_link['bond_master'] = link['id'] if phy in phys: phy_macs.append(phy_link['ethernet_mac_address'].lower()) link['raw_macs'] = phy_macs link['mac_address'] = link.pop('ethernet_mac_address').lower() if link['id'] not in networks: link['type'] = 'manual' interfaces[link['id']] = link for link in phys.values(): link['mac_address'] = link.pop('ethernet_mac_address').lower() if link['id'] not in networks: link['type'] = 'manual' interfaces[link['id']] = link for i, network in networks.items(): link = vlans.get(i, phys.get(i, bonds.get(i))) if not link: continue link.update(network) link['id'] = i interfaces[i] = link return interfaces def get_dns_from_config_drive(net): if 'services' not in net: log.debug("No DNS info available from config-drive") return [] return [ f['address'] for f in net['services'] if f['type'] == 'dns' ] def write_static_network_info( interfaces, sys_interfaces, files_to_write, args): if args.distro in ('debian', 'ubuntu'): files_to_write.update( write_debian_interfaces(interfaces, sys_interfaces)) elif args.distro in ('redhat', 'centos', 'fedora', 'suse', 'opensuse'): files_to_write.update( write_redhat_interfaces(interfaces, sys_interfaces)) # glean configures interfaces via # /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts, so we have to ensure that # the LSB init script /etc/init.d/network gets started! systemd_enable('network.service', args) elif args.distro in 'gentoo': files_to_write.update( write_gentoo_interfaces(interfaces, sys_interfaces) ) else: return False finish_files(files_to_write, args) def finish_files(files_to_write, args): files = sorted(files_to_write.keys()) log.debug("Writing output files") for k in files: if not files_to_write[k]: # Don't write empty files log.debug("%s is blank, skipped" % k) continue if args.noop: sys.stdout.write("### Write {0}\n{1}".format(k, files_to_write[k])) continue retries = 0 while True: try: log.debug("Writing output file : %s" % k) with open(k, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(files_to_write[k]) log.debug(" ... done") break except IOError as e: # if we got ELOOP the file was a dangling or bad # symlink. We're taking ownership of this, so # overwrite it. if e.errno == errno.ELOOP and retries < 1: log.debug("Dangling symlink <%s>; " "unlinking and trying again" % k) os.unlink(k) retries = 1 continue elif e.errno == errno.EACCESS: log.debug(" ... is read only, skipped") break else: raise def is_interface_live(interface, sys_root): try: if open('{root}/{iface}/carrier'.format( root=sys_root, iface=interface)).read().strip() == '1': return True except IOError as e: # We get this error if the link is not up if e.errno != 22: raise return False def interface_live(iface, sys_root, args): if is_interface_live(iface, sys_root): return True if args.noop: return False subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'link', 'set', 'dev', iface, 'up']) # Poll the interface since it may not come up instantly for x in range(0, 50): if is_interface_live(iface, sys_root): return True time.sleep(.1) return False def is_interface_vlan(iface): file_name = '/etc/network/interfaces.d/%s.cfg' % iface if os.path.exists(file_name): return 'vlan-raw-device' in open(file_name).read() return False def get_sys_interfaces(interface, args): log.debug("Probing system interfaces") sys_root = os.path.join(args.root, 'sys/class/net') ignored_interfaces = ('sit', 'tunl', 'bonding_master', 'teql', 'ip6_vti', 'ip6tnl', 'bond', 'lo') sys_interfaces = {} if interface is not None: log.debug("Only considering interface %s from arguments" % interface) interfaces = [interface] else: interfaces = [f for f in os.listdir(sys_root) if not f.startswith(ignored_interfaces)] for iface in interfaces: # if interface is for an already configured vlan, skip it if is_interface_vlan(iface): log.debug("Skipping vlan %s" % iface) continue mac_addr_type = open( '%s/%s/addr_assign_type' % (sys_root, iface), 'r').read().strip() # TODO why? is it not valid to configure randomly assigned mac addrs? if mac_addr_type != PERMANENT_ADDR_TYPE: continue mac = open('%s/%s/address' % (sys_root, iface), 'r').read().strip() if interface_live(iface, sys_root, args): sys_interfaces[mac] = iface log.debug("Adding system interface %s (%s)" % (iface, mac)) return sys_interfaces def get_network_info(args): """Retrieves network info from config-drive. If there is no meta_data.json in config-drive, it means that there is no config drive mounted- which means we know nothing. """ config_drive = os.path.join(args.root, 'mnt/config') network_info_file = '%s/openstack/latest/network_info.json' % config_drive network_data_file = '%s/openstack/latest/network_data.json' % config_drive vendor_data_file = '%s/openstack/latest/vendor_data.json' % config_drive network_info = {} if os.path.exists(network_info_file): log.debug("Found network_info file %s" % network_info_file) network_info = json.load(open(network_info_file)) # network_data.json is the file written by nova that should be there. # Other cloud deployments may use the above network_info.json or # vendor_data.json but the canonical location is this one. if os.path.exists(network_data_file): log.debug("Found network_info file %s" % network_data_file) network_info = json.load(open(network_data_file)) elif os.path.exists(vendor_data_file): log.debug("Found vendor_data_file file %s" % vendor_data_file) vendor_data = json.load(open(vendor_data_file)) if 'network_info' in vendor_data: log.debug("Found network_info in vendor_data_file") network_info = vendor_data['network_info'] else: log.debug("Did not find vendor_data or network_info in config-drive") if not network_info: log.debug("Found no network_info in config-drive! " "Asusming DHCP interfaces") return network_info def write_network_info_from_config_drive(args): """Write network info from config-drive. If there is no meta_data.json in config-drive, it means that there is no config drive mounted- which means we know nothing. Returns False on any issue, which will cause the writing of DHCP network files. """ network_info = get_network_info(args) dns = write_dns_info(get_dns_from_config_drive(network_info)) interfaces = get_config_drive_interfaces(network_info) sys_interfaces = get_sys_interfaces(args.interface, args) write_static_network_info(interfaces, sys_interfaces, dns, args) def write_ssh_keys(args): """Write ssh-keys from config-drive. If there is no meta_data.json in config-drive, it means that there is no config drive mounted- which means we do nothing. """ config_drive = os.path.join(args.root, 'mnt/config') ssh_path = os.path.join(args.root, 'root/.ssh') meta_data_path = '%s/openstack/latest/meta_data.json' % config_drive if not os.path.exists(meta_data_path): return 0 meta_data = json.load(open(meta_data_path)) if 'public_keys' not in meta_data: return 0 keys_to_write = [] # if we have keys already there, we want to preserve them if os.path.exists('/root/.ssh/authorized_keys'): with open('/root/.ssh/authorized_keys', 'r') as fk: for line in fk: keys_to_write.append(line.strip()) for (name, key) in meta_data['public_keys'].items(): key_title = "# Injected key {name} by keypair extension".format( name=name) if key_title not in keys_to_write: keys_to_write.append(key_title) if key not in keys_to_write: keys_to_write.append(key) files_to_write = { '/root/.ssh/authorized_keys': '\n'.join(keys_to_write) + '\n', } try: os.mkdir(ssh_path, 0o700) except OSError as e: if e.errno != 17: # not File Exists raise finish_files(files_to_write, args) def set_hostname_from_config_drive(args): if args.noop: return config_drive = os.path.join(args.root, 'mnt/config') meta_data_path = '%s/openstack/latest/meta_data.json' % config_drive if not os.path.exists(meta_data_path): return meta_data = json.load(open(meta_data_path)) if 'name' not in meta_data: return hostname = meta_data['name'] log.debug("Got hostname from meta_data.json : %s" % hostname) # underscore is not a valid hostname, but it's easy to name your # host with that on the command-line. be helpful... if '_' in hostname: hostname = hostname.replace('_', '-') log.debug("Fixed up hostname to %s" % hostname) ret = subprocess.call(['hostname', hostname]) if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError('Error setting hostname') else: # gentoo's hostname file is in a different location if args.distro is 'gentoo': with open('/etc/conf.d/hostname', 'w') as fh: fh.write("hostname=\"{host}\"\n".format(host=hostname)) else: with open('/etc/hostname', 'w') as fh: fh.write(hostname) fh.write('\n') # generate the lists of hosts and ips hosts_to_add = {'localhost': ''} # get information on the network hostname_ip = '' network_info = get_network_info(args) if network_info: interfaces = get_config_drive_interfaces(network_info) keys = sorted(interfaces.keys()) for key in keys: interface = interfaces[key] if interface and 'ip_address' in interface: hostname_ip = interface['ip_address'] break # check short hostname and generate list for hosts hosts_to_add[hostname] = hostname_ip short_hostname = hostname.split('.')[0] if short_hostname != hostname: hosts_to_add[short_hostname] = hostname_ip for host in hosts_to_add: host_value = hosts_to_add[host] # See if we already have a hosts entry for hostname prog = re.compile('^%s .*%s\n' % (host_value, host)) match = None if os.path.isfile('/etc/hosts'): with open('/etc/hosts') as fh: match = prog.match(fh.read()) # Write out a hosts entry for hostname if match is None: with open('/etc/hosts', 'a+') as fh: fh.write(u'%s %s\n' % (host_value, host)) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Static network config") parser.add_argument( '-n', '--noop', action='store_true', help='Do not write files') parser.add_argument( '--distro', dest='distro', default=platform.dist()[0].lower(), help='Override distro (detected "%s")' % platform.dist()[0].lower()) parser.add_argument( '--root', dest='root', default='/', help='Mounted root for config drive info, defaults to /') parser.add_argument( '-i', '--interface', dest='interface', default=None, help="Interface to process") parser.add_argument( '--ssh', dest='ssh', action='store_true', help="Write ssh key") parser.add_argument( '--hostname', dest='hostname', action='store_true', help="Set the hostname if name is available in config drive.") parser.add_argument( '--skip-network', dest='skip', action='store_true', help="Do not write network info") parser.add_argument( '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', help="Enable debugging output") args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) log.debug("Starting glean") log.debug("Detected distro : %s" % args.distro) with systemlock.Lock('/tmp/glean.lock'): if args.ssh: write_ssh_keys(args) if args.hostname: set_hostname_from_config_drive(args) if args.interface != 'lo' and not args.skip: write_network_info_from_config_drive(args) log.debug("Done!") return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())