#! /usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2011 OpenStack, LLC. # Copyright (c) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # manage_projects.py reads a config file called projects.ini # It should look like: # [projects] # homepage=http://openstack.org # gerrit-host=review.openstack.org # local-git-dir=/var/lib/git # gerrit-key=/home/gerrit2/review_site/etc/ssh_host_rsa_key # gerrit-committer=Project Creator # gerrit-replicate=True # has-github=True # has-wiki=False # has-issues=False # has-downloads=False # acl-dir=/home/gerrit2/acls # acl-base=/home/gerrit2/acls/project.config # # manage_projects.py reads a project listing file called projects.yaml # It should look like: # - project: PROJECT_NAME # options: # - has-wiki # - has-issues # - has-downloads # - has-pull-requests # - track-upstream # homepage: Some homepage that isn't http://openstack.org # description: This is a great project # upstream: https://gerrit.googlesource.com/gerrit # upstream-prefix: upstream # acl-config: /path/to/gerrit/project.config # acl-append: # - /path/to/gerrit/project.config # acl-parameters: # project: OTHER_PROJECT_NAME import argparse import ConfigParser import glob import hashlib import json import logging import os import re import shlex import shutil import subprocess import tempfile import time import gerritlib.gerrit import github import jeepyb.gerritdb import jeepyb.log as l import jeepyb.utils as u registry = u.ProjectsRegistry() log = logging.getLogger("manage_projects") orgs = None # Gerrit system groups as defined: # https://review.openstack.org/Documentation/access-control.html#system_groups # Need to set Gerrit system group's uuid to the format it expects. GERRIT_SYSTEM_GROUPS = { 'Anonymous Users': 'global:Anonymous-Users', 'Project Owners': 'global:Project-Owners', 'Registered Users': 'global:Registered-Users', 'Change Owner': 'global:Change-Owner', } class FetchConfigException(Exception): pass class CopyACLException(Exception): pass class CreateGroupException(Exception): pass def run_command(cmd, status=False, env=None): env = env or {} cmd_list = shlex.split(str(cmd)) newenv = os.environ newenv.update(env) log.info("Executing command: %s" % " ".join(cmd_list)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=newenv) (out, nothing) = p.communicate() log.debug("Return code: %s" % p.returncode) log.debug("Command said: %s" % out.strip()) if status: return (p.returncode, out.strip()) return out.strip() def run_command_status(cmd, env=None): env = env or {} return run_command(cmd, True, env) def git_command(repo_dir, sub_cmd, env=None): env = env or {} git_dir = os.path.join(repo_dir, '.git') cmd = "git --git-dir=%s --work-tree=%s %s" % (git_dir, repo_dir, sub_cmd) status, _ = run_command(cmd, True, env) return status def git_command_output(repo_dir, sub_cmd, env=None): env = env or {} git_dir = os.path.join(repo_dir, '.git') cmd = "git --git-dir=%s --work-tree=%s %s" % (git_dir, repo_dir, sub_cmd) status, out = run_command(cmd, True, env) return (status, out) def fetch_config(project, remote_url, repo_path, env=None): env = env or {} # Poll for refs/meta/config as gerrit may not have written it out for # us yet. for x in range(10): status = git_command(repo_path, "fetch %s +refs/meta/config:" "refs/remotes/gerrit-meta/config" % remote_url, env) if status == 0: break else: log.debug("Failed to fetch refs/meta/config for project: %s" % project) time.sleep(2) if status != 0: log.error("Failed to fetch refs/meta/config for project: %s" % project) raise FetchConfigException() # Poll for project.config as gerrit may not have committed an empty # one yet. output = "" for x in range(10): status = git_command(repo_path, "remote update --prune", env) if status != 0: log.error("Failed to update remote: %s" % remote_url) time.sleep(2) continue else: status, output = git_command_output( repo_path, "ls-files --with-tree=remotes/gerrit-meta/config " "project.config", env) if output.strip() != "project.config" or status != 0: log.debug("Failed to find project.config for project: %s" % project) time.sleep(2) else: break if output.strip() != "project.config" or status != 0: log.error("Failed to find project.config for project: %s" % project) raise FetchConfigException() # Because the following fails if executed more than once you should only # run fetch_config once in each repo. status = git_command(repo_path, "checkout -B config " "remotes/gerrit-meta/config") if status != 0: log.error("Failed to checkout config for project: %s" % project) raise FetchConfigException() def copy_acl_config(project, repo_path, acl_config): if not os.path.exists(acl_config): raise CopyACLException() acl_dest = os.path.join(repo_path, "project.config") status, _ = run_command("cp %s %s" % (acl_config, acl_dest), status=True) if status != 0: raise CopyACLException() status = git_command(repo_path, "diff --quiet") return status != 0 def push_acl_config(project, remote_url, repo_path, gitid, env=None): env = env or {} cmd = "commit -a -m'Update project config.' --author='%s'" % gitid status = git_command(repo_path, cmd) if status != 0: log.error("Failed to commit config for project: %s" % project) return False status, out = git_command_output(repo_path, "push %s HEAD:refs/meta/config" % remote_url, env) if status != 0: log.error("Failed to push config for project: %s" % project) return False return True def _get_group_uuid(group): """ Gerrit keeps internal user groups in the DB while it keeps systems groups in All-Projects groups file (in refs/meta/config). This will only get the UUIDs for internal user groups. Note: 'Administrators', 'Non-Interactive Users' and all other custom groups in Gerrit are defined as internal user groups. Wait for up to 10 seconds for the group to be created in the DB. """ query = "SELECT group_uuid FROM account_groups WHERE name = %s" con = jeepyb.gerritdb.connect() for x in range(10): cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(query, (group,)) data = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() con.commit() if data: return data[0] time.sleep(1) return None def get_group_uuid(gerrit, group): uuid = _get_group_uuid(group) if uuid: return uuid if group in GERRIT_SYSTEM_GROUPS: return GERRIT_SYSTEM_GROUPS[group] gerrit.createGroup(group) uuid = _get_group_uuid(group) if uuid: return uuid return None def create_groups_file(project, gerrit, repo_path): acl_config = os.path.join(repo_path, "project.config") group_file = os.path.join(repo_path, "groups") uuids = {} for line in open(acl_config, 'r'): r = re.match(r'^.*\sgroup\s+(.*)$', line) if r: group = r.group(1) if group in uuids.keys(): continue uuid = get_group_uuid(gerrit, group) if uuid: uuids[group] = uuid else: log.error("Unable to get UUID for group %s." % group) raise CreateGroupException() if uuids: with open(group_file, 'w') as fp: for group, uuid in uuids.items(): fp.write("%s\t%s\n" % (uuid, group)) status = git_command(repo_path, "add groups") if status != 0: log.error("Failed to add groups file for project: %s" % project) raise CreateGroupException() def make_ssh_wrapper(gerrit_user, gerrit_key): (fd, name) = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True) os.write(fd, '#!/bin/bash\n') os.write(fd, 'ssh -i %s -l %s -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" $@\n' % (gerrit_key, gerrit_user)) os.close(fd) os.chmod(name, 0o755) return dict(GIT_SSH=name) def create_update_github_project( default_has_issues, default_has_downloads, default_has_wiki, github_secure_config, options, project, description, homepage, cache): created = False has_issues = 'has-issues' in options or default_has_issues has_downloads = 'has-downloads' in options or default_has_downloads has_wiki = 'has-wiki' in options or default_has_wiki needs_update = False if not cache.get('created-in-github', False): needs_update = True if not cache.get('gerrit-in-team', False): needs_update = True if cache.get('has_issues', default_has_issues) != has_issues: needs_update = True if cache.get('has_downloads', default_has_downloads) != has_downloads: needs_update = True if cache.get('has_wiki', default_has_wiki) != has_wiki: needs_update = True if not needs_update: return False secure_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() secure_config.read(github_secure_config) global orgs if orgs is None: if secure_config.has_option("github", "oauth_token"): ghub = github.Github(secure_config.get("github", "oauth_token")) else: ghub = github.Github(secure_config.get("github", "username"), secure_config.get("github", "password")) log.info('Fetching github org list') orgs = ghub.get_user().get_orgs() orgs_dict = dict(zip([o.login.lower() for o in orgs], orgs)) # Find the project's repo project_split = project.split('/', 1) org_name = project_split[0] if len(project_split) > 1: repo_name = project_split[1] else: repo_name = project try: org = orgs_dict[org_name.lower()] except KeyError: # We do not have control of this github org ignore the project. return False try: repo = org.get_repo(repo_name) except github.GithubException: repo = org.create_repo(repo_name, homepage=homepage, has_issues=has_issues, has_downloads=has_downloads, has_wiki=has_wiki) cache['created-in-github'] = True cache['has_wiki'] = has_wiki cache['has_downloads'] = has_downloads cache['has_issues'] = has_issues created = True kwargs = {} # If necessary, update project on Github if description and description != repo.description: kwargs['description'] = description if homepage and homepage != repo.homepage: kwargs['homepage'] = homepage if has_issues != repo.has_issues: kwargs['has_issues'] = has_issues if has_downloads != repo.has_downloads: kwargs['has_downloads'] = has_downloads if has_wiki != repo.has_wiki: kwargs['has_wiki'] = has_wiki repo.edit(repo_name, **kwargs) cache.update(kwargs) if cache.get('gerrit-in-team', False): if 'gerrit' not in [team.name for team in repo.get_teams()]: teams = org.get_teams() teams_dict = dict(zip([t.name.lower() for t in teams], teams)) teams_dict['gerrit'].add_to_repos(repo) cache['gerrit-in-team'] = True return created # TODO(mordred): Inspect repo_dir:master for a description # override def find_description_override(repo_path): return None def make_local_copy(repo_path, project, project_list, git_opts, ssh_env, upstream, GERRIT_HOST, GERRIT_PORT, project_git, GERRIT_GITID): # Ensure that the base location exists if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(repo_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(repo_path)) # Three choices # - If gerrit has it, get from gerrit # - If gerrit doesn't have it: # - If it has an upstream, clone that # - If it doesn't, create it # Gerrit knows about the project, clone it # TODO(mordred): there is a possible failure condition here # we should consider 'gerrit has it' to be # 'gerrit repo has a master branch' if project in project_list: run_command( "git clone %(remote_url)s %(repo_path)s" % git_opts, env=ssh_env) if upstream: git_command( repo_path, "remote add -f upstream %(upstream)s" % git_opts) return None # Gerrit doesn't have it, but it has an upstream configured # We're probably importing it for the first time, clone # upstream, but then ongoing we want gerrit to ge origin # and upstream to be only there for ongoing tracking # purposes, so rename origin to upstream and add a new # origin remote that points at gerrit elif upstream: run_command( "git clone %(upstream)s %(repo_path)s" % git_opts, env=ssh_env) git_command( repo_path, "fetch origin +refs/heads/*:refs/copy/heads/*", env=ssh_env) git_command(repo_path, "remote rename origin upstream") git_command( repo_path, "remote add origin %(remote_url)s" % git_opts) return "push %s +refs/copy/heads/*:refs/heads/*" # Neither gerrit has it, nor does it have an upstream, # just create a whole new one else: run_command("git init %s" % repo_path) git_command( repo_path, "remote add origin %(remote_url)s" % git_opts) with open(os.path.join(repo_path, ".gitreview"), 'w') as gitreview: gitreview.write("""[gerrit] host=%s port=%s project=%s """ % (GERRIT_HOST, GERRIT_PORT, project_git)) git_command(repo_path, "add .gitreview") cmd = ("commit -a -m'Added .gitreview' --author='%s'" % GERRIT_GITID) git_command(repo_path, cmd) return "push %s HEAD:refs/heads/master" def update_local_copy(repo_path, track_upstream, git_opts, ssh_env): # first do a clean of the branch to prevent possible # problems due to previous runs git_command(repo_path, "clean -fdx") has_upstream_remote = ( 'upstream' in git_command_output(repo_path, 'remote')[1]) if track_upstream: # If we're configured to track upstream but the repo # does not have an upstream remote, add one if not has_upstream_remote: git_command( repo_path, "remote add upstream %(upstream)s" % git_opts) # If we're configured to track upstream, make sure that # the upstream URL matches the config else: git_command( repo_path, "remote set-url upstream %(upstream)s" % git_opts) # Now that we have any upstreams configured, fetch all of the refs # we might need, pruning remote branches that no longer exist git_command( repo_path, "remote update --prune", env=ssh_env) else: # If we are not tracking upstream, then we do not need # an upstream remote configured if has_upstream_remote: git_command(repo_path, "remote rm upstream") # TODO(mordred): This is here so that later we can # inspect the master branch for meta-info # Checkout master and reset to the state of origin/master git_command(repo_path, "checkout -B master origin/master") def fsck_repo(repo_path): rc, out = git_command_output(repo_path, 'fsck --full') # Check for non zero return code or warnings which should # be treated as errors. In this case zeroPaddedFilemodes # will not be accepted by Gerrit/jgit but are accepted by C git. if rc != 0 or 'zeroPaddedFilemode' in out: log.error('git fsck of %s failed:\n%s' % (repo_path, out)) raise Exception('git fsck failed not importing') def push_to_gerrit(repo_path, project, push_string, remote_url, ssh_env): try: git_command(repo_path, push_string % remote_url, env=ssh_env) git_command(repo_path, "push --tags %s" % remote_url, env=ssh_env) except Exception: log.exception( "Error pushing %s to Gerrit." % project) def sync_upstream(repo_path, project, ssh_env, upstream_prefix): git_command( repo_path, "remote update upstream --prune", env=ssh_env) # Any branch that exists in the upstream remote, we want # a local branch of, optionally prefixed with the # upstream prefix value for branch in git_command_output( repo_path, "branch -a")[1].split('\n'): if not branch.strip().startswith("remotes/upstream"): continue if "->" in branch: continue local_branch = branch.split()[0][len('remotes/upstream/'):] if upstream_prefix: local_branch = "%s/%s" % ( upstream_prefix, local_branch) # Check out an up to date copy of the branch, so that # we can push it and it will get picked up below git_command(repo_path, "checkout -B %s %s" % ( local_branch, branch)) try: # Push all of the local branches to similarly named # Branches on gerrit. Also, push all of the tags git_command( repo_path, "push origin refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*", env=ssh_env) git_command(repo_path, 'push origin --tags', env=ssh_env) except Exception: log.exception( "Error pushing %s to Gerrit." % project) def process_acls(acl_config, project, ACL_DIR, section, remote_url, repo_path, ssh_env, gerrit, GERRIT_GITID): if not os.path.isfile(acl_config): return try: fetch_config(project, remote_url, repo_path, ssh_env) if not copy_acl_config(project, repo_path, acl_config): # nothing was copied, so we're done return create_groups_file(project, gerrit, repo_path) push_acl_config(project, remote_url, repo_path, GERRIT_GITID, ssh_env) except Exception: log.exception( "Exception processing ACLS for %s." % project) finally: git_command(repo_path, 'reset --hard') git_command(repo_path, 'checkout master') git_command(repo_path, 'branch -D config') def create_gerrit_project(project, project_list, gerrit): if project not in project_list: try: gerrit.createProject(project) return True except Exception: log.exception( "Exception creating %s in Gerrit." % project) raise return False def create_local_mirror(local_git_dir, project_git, gerrit_system_user, gerrit_system_group): git_mirror_path = os.path.join(local_git_dir, project_git) if not os.path.exists(git_mirror_path): (ret, output) = run_command_status( "git --bare init %s" % git_mirror_path) if ret: run_command("rm -rf git_mirror_path") raise Exception(output) run_command("chown -R %s:%s %s" % (gerrit_system_user, gerrit_system_group, git_mirror_path)) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Manage projects') l.setup_logging_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument('--nocleanup', action='store_true', help='do not remove temp directories') parser.add_argument('projects', metavar='project', nargs='*', help='name of project(s) to process') args = parser.parse_args() l.configure_logging(args) default_has_github = registry.get_defaults('has-github', True) LOCAL_GIT_DIR = registry.get_defaults('local-git-dir', '/var/lib/git') JEEPYB_CACHE_DIR = registry.get_defaults('jeepyb-cache-dir', '/var/lib/jeepyb') ACL_DIR = registry.get_defaults('acl-dir') GERRIT_HOST = registry.get_defaults('gerrit-host') GERRIT_PORT = int(registry.get_defaults('gerrit-port', '29418')) GERRIT_USER = registry.get_defaults('gerrit-user') GERRIT_KEY = registry.get_defaults('gerrit-key') GERRIT_GITID = registry.get_defaults('gerrit-committer') GERRIT_REPLICATE = registry.get_defaults('gerrit-replicate', True) GERRIT_OS_SYSTEM_USER = registry.get_defaults('gerrit-system-user', 'gerrit2') GERRIT_OS_SYSTEM_GROUP = registry.get_defaults('gerrit-system-group', 'gerrit2') DEFAULT_HOMEPAGE = registry.get_defaults('homepage') DEFAULT_HAS_ISSUES = registry.get_defaults('has-issues', False) DEFAULT_HAS_DOWNLOADS = registry.get_defaults('has-downloads', False) DEFAULT_HAS_WIKI = registry.get_defaults('has-wiki', False) GITHUB_SECURE_CONFIG = registry.get_defaults( 'github-config', '/etc/github/github-projects.secure.config') PROJECT_CACHE_FILE = os.path.join(JEEPYB_CACHE_DIR, 'project.cache') project_cache = {} if os.path.exists(PROJECT_CACHE_FILE): project_cache = json.loads(open(PROJECT_CACHE_FILE, 'r').read()) acl_cache = {} for acl_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(ACL_DIR, '*/*.config')): sha256 = hashlib.sha256() sha256.update(open(acl_file, 'r').read()) acl_cache[acl_file] = sha256.hexdigest() gerrit = gerritlib.gerrit.Gerrit(GERRIT_HOST, GERRIT_USER, GERRIT_PORT, GERRIT_KEY) project_list = gerrit.listProjects() ssh_env = make_ssh_wrapper(GERRIT_USER, GERRIT_KEY) try: for section in registry.configs_list: project = section['project'] if args.projects and project not in args.projects: continue try: log.info("Processing project: %s" % project) # Figure out all of the options options = section.get('options', dict()) description = section.get('description', None) homepage = section.get('homepage', DEFAULT_HOMEPAGE) upstream = section.get('upstream', None) upstream_prefix = section.get('upstream-prefix', None) track_upstream = 'track-upstream' in options repo_path = os.path.join(JEEPYB_CACHE_DIR, project) # If this project doesn't want to use gerrit, exit cleanly. if 'no-gerrit' in options: continue project_git = "%s.git" % project remote_url = "ssh://%s:%s/%s" % ( GERRIT_HOST, GERRIT_PORT, project) git_opts = dict(upstream=upstream, repo_path=repo_path, remote_url=remote_url) acl_config = section.get( 'acl-config', '%s.config' % os.path.join(ACL_DIR, project)) project_cache.setdefault(project, {}) # Create the project in Gerrit first, since it will fail # spectacularly if its project directory or local replica # already exist on disk project_created = project_cache[project].get( 'project-created', False) if not project_created: try: project_created = create_gerrit_project( project, project_list, gerrit) project_cache[project]['project-created'] = True except Exception: project_cache[project]['project-created'] = False continue pushed_to_gerrit = project_cache[project].get( 'pushed-to-gerrit', False) if not pushed_to_gerrit: # We haven't pushed to gerrit, so grab the repo again if os.path.exists(repo_path): shutil.rmtree(repo_path) # Make Local repo push_string = make_local_copy( repo_path, project, project_list, git_opts, ssh_env, upstream, GERRIT_HOST, GERRIT_PORT, project_git, GERRIT_GITID) description = ( find_description_override(repo_path) or description) fsck_repo(repo_path) if push_string: push_to_gerrit( repo_path, project, push_string, remote_url, ssh_env) project_cache[project]['pushed-to-gerrit'] = True if GERRIT_REPLICATE: gerrit.replicate(project) # Create the repo for the local git mirror create_local_mirror( LOCAL_GIT_DIR, project_git, GERRIT_OS_SYSTEM_USER, GERRIT_OS_SYSTEM_GROUP) # If we're configured to track upstream, make sure we have # upstream's refs, and then push them to the appropriate # branches in gerrit if track_upstream: # Do this again. Since we skip updating the local copy # If the project is already created, we need to do this # Here. The cost is a second update right after a first # clone, offset against not doing updates when we don't # need them. update_local_copy( repo_path, track_upstream, git_opts, ssh_env) sync_upstream(repo_path, project, ssh_env, upstream_prefix) if acl_config: acl_sha = acl_cache.get(acl_config) if project_cache[project].get('acl-sha') != acl_sha: process_acls( acl_config, project, ACL_DIR, section, remote_url, repo_path, ssh_env, gerrit, GERRIT_GITID) project_cache[project]['acl-sha'] = acl_sha else: log.info("%s has matching sha, skipping ACLs", project) if 'has-github' in options or default_has_github: created = create_update_github_project( DEFAULT_HAS_ISSUES, DEFAULT_HAS_DOWNLOADS, DEFAULT_HAS_WIKI, GITHUB_SECURE_CONFIG, options, project, description, homepage, project_cache[project]) if created and GERRIT_REPLICATE: gerrit.replicate(project) except Exception: log.exception( "Problems creating %s, moving on." % project) continue finally: with open(PROJECT_CACHE_FILE, 'w') as cache_out: log.info("Writing cache file %s", PROJECT_CACHE_FILE) cache_out.write(json.dumps( project_cache, sort_keys=True, indent=2)) os.unlink(ssh_env['GIT_SSH']) if __name__ == "__main__": main()