--- description: Frequently Asked Questions about StarlingX title: FAQs --- #### What are the advantages of StarlingX? #### Who uses StarlingX? StarlingX is suitable for a wide range of edge use cases and applications from Telecom, through retail to industrialIoT. #### What are the use cases for StarlingX? You can find example [use cases for StarlingX here](/learn). #### How does StarlingX integrate with other open source technologies? StarlingX integrates a number of upstream projects: CentOS, OvS-DPDK, Ceph, Kubernetes, OpenStack and so forth, usingindustry standard APIs and management tools to provide a turn key cloud solution for edge deployments. #### What is the operating system StarlingX is integrating and tested with CentOS and team is already working on multiOS support. Contributions arewelcome! #### How do I get started testing StarlingX? The [StarlingX wiki](https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StarlingX) contains documentation for how to download the sourcecode, build and test it in the "Documentation" section. #### What's the license for StarlingX? StarlingX is open source and licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, which means it is free to use, free to distribute,and does not require modifications to be contributed back to the project. [Read more about Apache2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). #### Where is the code? StarlingX is free and open source software available through git [git.starlingx.io](git.starlingx.io). #### Can I contribute to it? How? The [StarlingX wiki](https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StarlingX) contains documentation for how to download the sourcecode and build it in the "Documentation" section. Code contributions can be made through our[gerrit](https://git.starlingx.io/cgit). #### How is StarlingX governed? The proposed governance for StarlingX is here:[wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Starlingx/Initial_Governance](//wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Starlingx/Initial_Governance). #### Are there StarlingX meetings? Yes, StarlingX has a weekly project and Technical Steering Committee meeting and a number of sub-project team weeklymeetings. For more information see:[wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Starlingx/Meetings](//wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Starlingx/Meetings). #### I'm giving a presentation about StarlingX. Are there any templates I can use? Yes, here are links to a templates for both [Keynote](https://www.starlingx.io/templates/StarlingX_SlideDeck_Template_a.key/) and [PowerPoint](https://www.starlingx.io/templates/StarlingX_SlideDeck_Template_a.pptx/). The templates are just a place for you to start, so feel free to adjust the layouts to fit you needs. #### Is this an OpenStack project? StarlingX is a top-level pilot project supported by the OpenStack Foundation, but is not a part of the OpenStack cloudinfrastructure project. From a technical perspective StarlingX is both a development and integration project, whichincludes and uses many of the OpenStack services as well as other open source projects. Some of those projects areenhanced in the StarlingX build. The StarlingX community is actively working with upstream communities to contributethese changes. #### How does the StarlingX community collaborate with other open source projects? The StarlingX team is actively working with a number of other projects and communities, both within and outside of the OpenStack Foundation projects. The community is contributing to the Nova, Horizon, Keystone and Neutron projects withinOpenStack. Our teams are also involved in the OSF Edge Computing Group as well as the Akraino community and the EdgeXFoundry project. #### When is the first release of StarlingX? The first release will be in October 2018. The project will release on a 4 month cadence each March, July and Novemberin 2019. Releases are time based. #### Are there any commercial distributions of StarlingX? Wind River Titanium Cloud is currently based on StarlingX, and we are actively building a broad commercial ecosystem. Please contact if you are interested in getting involved from a commercial perspective.