
119 lines
3.5 KiB

# class: apps_site::plugins::glare
class apps_site::plugins::glare (
$vhost_name = $::fqdn,
$memcache_server = '',
$cookie_name = 's.aoo',
$use_ssl = false,
$ssl_cert_file_content = undef,
$ssl_key_file_content = undef,
$ssl_ca_file_content = undef,
$ssl_cert_file_location = '/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem',
$ssl_key_file_location = '/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key',
$ssl_ca_file_location = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt',
$extra_params = '--config-file /usr/local/etc/glare/glare.conf'
) inherits ::apps_site::params {
package { 'glare_dev':
ensure => present,
provider => 'pip',
service { 'glare-api':
ensure => 'running',
provider => base,
start => "nohup glare-api ${extra_params} &",
restart => "killall glare-api; nohup glare-api ${extra_params} &",
stop => 'killall glare-api',
exec { 'glare-db-sync':
command => "glare-db-manage ${extra_params} upgrade",
path => [ '/bin/', '/usr/bin/' , '/usr/local/bin' ],
refreshonly => true,
try_sleep => 5,
tries => 10,
logoutput => on_failure,
Package['glare_dev'] ~> Exec['glare-db-sync'] -> Service['glare-api']
# include ::glare::params
# include ::glare::db::sync
# if $use_ssl {
# if $ssl_cert_file_content != undef {
# file { $ssl_cert_file_location:
# owner => 'root',
# group => 'root',
# mode => '0640',
# content => $ssl_cert_file_content,
# }
# }
# if $ssl_key_file_content != undef {
# file { $ssl_key_file_location:
# owner => 'root',
# group => 'ssl-cert',
# mode => '0640',
# content => $ssl_key_file_content,
# }
# }
# if $ssl_ca_file_content != undef {
# file { $ssl_ca_file_location:
# owner => 'root',
# group => 'root',
# mode => '0640',
# content => $ssl_ca_file_content,
# }
# }
# }
# #at the moment the package is located in the experimental repository
# #for debian, should be removed when it will be switched to stable
# if $::os_package_type == 'debian'{
# Package<|title == 'glare'|> {
# name => 'glare-api',
# install_options => ['-t', 'experimental'],
# }
# }
# glare_paste_ini {
# 'filter:session/paste.filter_factory':
# value => 'openstack_app_catalog.middlewares:SessionMiddleware.factory';
# 'filter:session/memcached_server':
# value => $memcache_server;
# 'filter:session/session_cookie_name':
# value => $cookie_name;
# 'filter:cors/allowed_origin':
# value => "http://${vhost_name}";
# }
# file { '/etc/glare/glare-policy.json':
# content => "{\n \"context_is_admin\": \"role:app-catalog-core\" \n}",
# require => Package[ 'glare' ],
# }
# glare_config {
# 'oslo_policy/policy_file': value => 'glare-policy.json';
# }
# if $use_ssl {
# class { '::glare':
# pipeline => 'session',
# allow_anonymous_access => true,
# auth_strategy => 'none',
# cert_file => $ssl_cert_file_location,
# key_file => $ssl_key_file_location,
# ca_file => $ssl_ca_file_location,
# }
# }else{
# class { '::glare':
# pipeline => 'session',
# allow_anonymous_access => true,
# auth_strategy => 'none',
# }
# }