
335 lines
9.5 KiB

# Class: askbot::site
# This class installs an Askbot site.
# Parameters:
# - $slot_name: slot name under /srv/askbot-sites
# (Notice: don't use ask as a slot name)
# - $www_group: group name for web writeable directories like upfiles and log
# - $www_user: user name for web process
# - $askbot_debug: set to true to enable askbot debug mode
# Custom askbot theme settings:
# - $custom_theme_enabled: set to true to enable custom themes, default: false
# - $custom_theme_name: name of custom theme set to default
# Redis configuration:
# - $redis_enabled: set to true to use redis as cache backend
# - $redis_prefix: redis key prefix (required for multi-site setups)
# - $redis_port: port of redis service
# - $redis_max_memory: memory allocation for redis
# - $redis_bind: bind address of redis service
# - $redis_password: password required for redis connection
# SSL Settings:
# - $site_ssl_enabled: set to true for SSL based vhost
# - $site_ssl_cert_file_contents: x509 certificate in pem format
# - $site_ssl_key_file_contents: the key of site certificate in pem format
# - $site_ssl_chain_file_contents: the issuer certs of site cert (optional)
# - $site_ssl_cert_file: file name of site certificate
# - $site_ssl_key_file: file name of the site certificate's key file
# - $site_ssl_chain_file: file name of the issuer certificates
# Email configuration:
# - $smtp_host: hostname of smtp service used for email sending
# - $smtp_port: port of smtp service
# Database provider and connection details:
# - $db_provider: database provider (mysql or pgsql)
# - $db_name: database name
# - $db_user: user name required for db connection
# - $db_password: password required for db connection
# - $db_host: database host
# Actions:
# - Install an Askbot site
# - Sync and migrate database schema
# - Install askbot-celeryd daemon
# - Setup log rotatation for application logs
define askbot::site (
$www_user = 'www-data',
$www_group = 'www-data',
$slot_name = 'slot0',
$custom_theme_enabled = false,
$custom_theme_name = undef,
$askbot_debug = false,
$redis_enabled = false,
$redis_prefix = 'askbot',
$redis_port = undef,
$redis_max_memory = undef,
$redis_bind = undef,
$redis_password = undef,
$site_ssl_enabled = false,
$site_ssl_cert_file_contents = undef,
$site_ssl_key_file_contents = undef,
$site_ssl_chain_file_contents = undef,
$site_ssl_cert_file = '',
$site_ssl_key_file = '',
$site_ssl_chain_file = '',
$smtp_host = 'localhost',
$smtp_port = '25',
$db_provider = 'mysql',
$db_name = undef,
$db_user = undef,
$db_password = undef,
$db_host = 'localhost',
) {
# ensure askbot base class is included
if ! defined(Class['askbot']) {
fail('You must include the askbot base class before using any askbot defined resources')
case $db_provider {
'mysql': {
$db_engine = 'django.db.backends.mysql'
'pgsql': {
$db_engine = 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2'
default: {
fail("Unsupported database provider: ${db_provider}")
$askbot_site_root = "/srv/askbot-sites/${slot_name}"
# ssl certificates
if $site_ssl_enabled == true {
include apache::ssl
# site x509 certificate
if $site_ssl_cert_file_contents != '' {
file { $site_ssl_cert_file:
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0640',
content => $site_ssl_cert_file_contents,
before => Apache::Vhost[$name],
# site ssl key
if $site_ssl_key_file_contents != '' {
file { $site_ssl_key_file:
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0640',
content => $site_ssl_key_file_contents,
before => Apache::Vhost[$name],
# site ca certificates file
if $site_ssl_chain_file_contents != '' {
file { $site_ssl_chain_file:
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0640',
content => $site_ssl_chain_file_contents,
before => Apache::Vhost[$name],
# site directory layout
if ! defined(File[$askbot_site_root]) {
file { $askbot_site_root:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
file { "${askbot_site_root}/log":
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => $www_group,
mode => '0775',
require => File[$askbot_site_root],
# if not exists, create empty log file with
# www-data group write access
file { "${askbot_site_root}/log/askbot.log":
ensure => present,
replace => 'no',
owner => 'root',
group => $www_group,
mode => '0664',
require => File["${askbot_site_root}/log"],
file { "${askbot_site_root}/upfiles":
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => $www_group,
mode => '0775',
require => File[$askbot_site_root],
file { "${askbot_site_root}/static":
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
require => File[$askbot_site_root],
file { "${askbot_site_root}/config":
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
require => File[$askbot_site_root],
file { "${askbot_site_root}/cron":
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
require => File[$askbot_site_root],
# askbot setup_templates
# copy template files from askbot's setup_templates into site config
$setup_templates = [ '__init__.py', 'manage.py', 'urls.py', 'django.wsgi']
askbot::template_file { $setup_templates:
template_path => '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/askbot/setup_templates',
dest_dir => "${askbot_site_root}/config",
require => File["${askbot_site_root}/config"],
# askbot settings
file { "${askbot_site_root}/config/settings.py":
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
content => template('askbot/settings.py.erb'),
require => File["${askbot_site_root}/config"],
# cron jobs
file { "${askbot_site_root}/cron/send_email_alerts.sh":
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
content => template('askbot/cron/send_email_alerts.sh.erb'),
require => File["${askbot_site_root}/cron"],
file { "${askbot_site_root}/cron/clean_session.sh":
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
content => template('askbot/cron/clean_session.sh.erb'),
require => File["${askbot_site_root}/cron"],
# 0 3 * * *
cron { "${slot_name}-send-email-alerts":
name => "${slot_name}-send-mail-alerts.cron",
command => "/bin/bash ${askbot_site_root}/cron/send_email_alerts.sh",
user => root,
minute => '0',
hour => '3',
require => [
# 10 * * * *
cron { "${slot_name}-clean-session":
name => "${slot_name}-clean-session.cron",
command => "/bin/bash ${askbot_site_root}/cron/clean_session.sh",
user => root,
minute => '10',
require => [
# post-configuration
Exec {
path => ['/bin', '/usr/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/sbin'],
logoutput => on_failure,
$post_config_dependency = [
Askbot::Template_file[ $setup_templates ],
exec { "askbot-static-generate-${slot_name}":
cwd => "${askbot_site_root}/config",
command => 'python manage.py collectstatic --noinput',
require => $post_config_dependency,
subscribe => File["${askbot_site_root}/config/settings.py"],
refreshonly => true,
exec { "askbot-syncdb-${slot_name}":
cwd => "${askbot_site_root}/config",
command => 'python manage.py syncdb --noinput',
require => $post_config_dependency,
subscribe => File["${askbot_site_root}/config/settings.py"],
refreshonly => true,
exec { "askbot-migrate-${slot_name}":
cwd => "${askbot_site_root}/config",
command => 'python manage.py migrate --noinput',
require => Exec["askbot-syncdb-${slot_name}"],
subscribe => File["${askbot_site_root}/config/settings.py"],
refreshonly => true,
notify => [ Service['httpd'], Service['askbot-celeryd'] ],
apache::vhost { $name:
port => 80,
priority => 10,
docroot => $askbot_site_root,
require => Exec["askbot-migrate-${slot_name}"],
template => 'askbot/askbot.vhost.erb',
file { '/etc/init/askbot-celeryd.conf':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
content => template('askbot/celeryd.upstart.conf.erb'),
require => Exec["askbot-migrate-${slot_name}"],
service { 'askbot-celeryd':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
hasrestart => true,
require => File['/etc/init/askbot-celeryd.conf'],
include logrotate
logrotate::file { "askbot-${slot_name}.log":
log => "${askbot_site_root}/askbot.log",
options => [
'rotate 7',
require => [ Service['httpd'], File["${askbot_site_root}/log/askbot.log"] ],