RETIRED, Puppet module for groups drupal portal
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Marton Kiss 6c5367cdbc Update drush dsd-tool of groups portal
The v0.10 version contains an important file permission fix.
Upgrading the site into slot1 not properly set the file permissions
of the symlinked vhost directory and apache failed to serve the
entire site. This issue affected every 2nd deployments and resulted
in a WSOD.

Change-Id: Iaab38356b98e09a0738547e7984bffe9b428398d
2014-10-28 15:32:43 +01:00
manifests Update drush dsd-tool of groups portal 2014-10-28 15:32:43 +01:00
templates Upgrade groups portal instances to use manifest based deployment 2014-10-20 15:16:37 +02:00 Add node 2013-09-17 11:43:00 +02:00


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Drupal module for Puppet

This module manages Drupal on Linux distros.




Install and configure a Drupal site, including Apache vhost entry, MySQL database, Pear and drush cli tool.


class { 'drupal':
  site_name            => '',
  site_docroot         => '/srv/vhosts/',
  site_mysql_host      => 'localhost',
  site_mysql_user      => 'myuser',
  site_mysql_password  => 's3cretPassw0rd',
  site_mysql_database  => 'example',
  site_vhost_root      => '/srv/vhosts',
  site_staging_tarball => 'example-dev.tar.gz',
  site_admin_password  => 'adminadmin',
  site_build_reponame  => 'example-master',
  site_makefile        => 'build-example.make',
  site_repo_url        => '',
  site_profile         => 'standard',
  site_base_url        => '',

Build process:

  • build a distribution tarball (drupal::distbuild)
  • deploy a site from scratch (drupal:sitedeploy)


Build a distribution from a git repository, using drush make command. Check out the git repository under site_sandbox_root and compare head commit with latest deployed version. If version is different, clean up the site_deploy_flagfile, and drush make building process start. The flag file site_build_flagfile always contains the version of built repository.


distbuild { "distbuild-${site_name}":
  site_sandbox_root    => '/srv/sandbox',
  site_staging_root    => '/srv/sandbox/release',
  site_repo_url        => '',
  site_build_repo_name => 'example-master',
  site_staging_tarball => 'example-dev.tar.gz',
  site_build_flagfile  => '/tmp/drupal-site-build',
  site_deploy_flagfile => '/tmp/drupal-site-deploy',
  site_makefile        => 'build-example.make',

Directory structure: /srv/sandbox/example-master local git repository clone build-example.make drupal-org-core.make drupal-org.make example.install example.profile /srv/sandbox/release distribution tarball directory example-dev.tar.gz

Flag files: /tmp/drupal-site-build Holds the version of information of latest successfull build # pack-refs with: peeled df23bc9510ac8406c33f896f824997a79d20d27d refs/remotes/origin/master

/tmp/drupal-site-deploy If missing, drupal:sitedeploy triggers a new deployment process.


Deploy and install a new site based on a previously built distribution tarball, using script.


sitedeploy { "sitedeploy-${site_name}":
  site_docroot         => '/srv/vhosts/',
  site_staging_root    => '/srv/sandbox/release',
  site_staging_tarball => 'example-dev.tar.gz',
  site_deploy_flagfile => '/tmp/drupal-site-deploy',
  site_name            => $site_name,
  site_profile         => 'standard',
  site_mysql_host      => 'localhost',
  site_mysql_user      => 'myuser',
  site_mysql_password  => 's3cretPassw0rd',
  site_mysql_database  => 'example',
  site_admin_password  => 'adminadmin',
  site_base_url        => '',

Directory structure: /srv/vhosts/ drupal site root /etc/drupal drupal site deploy script configuration