
325 lines
8.6 KiB

# == Class: graphite
class graphite(
$vhost_name = $::fqdn,
$storage_schemas = [
'name' => 'carbon',
'pattern' => '^carbon\.',
'retentions' => '60:90d',
'name' => 'stats',
'pattern' => '^stats.*',
'retentions' => '10s:8h,60s:7d,1h:1y,1d:5y',
'name' => 'default',
'pattern' => '.*',
'retentions' => '60:90d',
) {
$packages = [ 'python-django',
'nodejs' ]
include ::httpd
include ::pip
include ::httpd::mod::wsgi
package { $packages:
ensure => present,
vcsrepo { '/opt/graphite-web':
ensure => present,
provider => git,
# revision => '0.9.x',
# pin version because of https://github.com/graphite-project/graphite-web/issues/650
revision => '7f8c33da809e2938df55c1ff57ab5329d8d7b878',
source => 'https://github.com/graphite-project/graphite-web.git',
# Install data to /usr/local/share because it's example data and
# we don't want pip to know about our real data location
exec { 'install_graphite_web' :
command => 'pip install --install-option="--install-scripts=/usr/local/bin" --install-option="--install-lib=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages" --install-option="--install-data=/usr/local/share/graphite" /opt/graphite-web',
path => '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin',
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => Vcsrepo['/opt/graphite-web'],
require => [Exec['install_carbon'],
vcsrepo { '/opt/carbon':
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
revision => '0.9.x',
source => 'https://github.com/graphite-project/carbon.git',
# Install data to /usr/local/share because it's example data and
# we don't want pip to know about our real data location
exec { 'install_carbon' :
command => 'pip install --install-option="--install-scripts=/usr/local/bin" --install-option="--install-lib=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages" --install-option="--install-data=/usr/local/share/graphite" /opt/carbon',
path => '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin',
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => Vcsrepo['/opt/carbon'],
require => [Exec['install_whisper'],
vcsrepo { '/opt/whisper':
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
revision => 'master',
source => 'https://github.com/graphite-project/whisper.git',
exec { 'install_whisper' :
command => 'pip install /opt/whisper',
path => '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin/',
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => Vcsrepo['/opt/whisper'],
user { 'statsd':
ensure => present,
home => '/home/statsd',
shell => '/bin/bash',
gid => 'statsd',
managehome => true,
require => Group['statsd'],
group { 'statsd':
ensure => present,
file { '/var/lib/graphite':
ensure => directory,
file { '/var/lib/graphite/storage':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'www-data',
group => 'www-data',
require => [Class['httpd'],
file { '/var/lib/graphite/storage/log':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'www-data',
group => 'www-data',
require => File['/var/lib/graphite/storage'],
file { '/var/lib/graphite/storage/rrd':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'www-data',
group => 'www-data',
require => File['/var/lib/graphite/storage'],
file { '/var/lib/graphite/storage/whisper':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'www-data',
group => 'www-data',
require => File['/var/lib/graphite/storage'],
file { '/var/log/graphite':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'www-data',
group => 'www-data',
require => Class['httpd'],
file { '/var/log/graphite/carbon-cache-a':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'www-data',
group => 'www-data',
require => File['/var/log/graphite'],
include ::logrotate
logrotate::file { 'querylog':
log => '/var/log/graphite/carbon-cache-a/query.log',
options => [
'rotate 7',
logrotate::file { 'listenerlog':
log => '/var/log/graphite/carbon-cache-a/listener.log',
options => [
'rotate 7',
logrotate::file { 'createslog':
log => '/var/log/graphite/carbon-cache-a/creates.log',
options => [
'rotate 7',
file { '/etc/graphite':
ensure => directory,
exec { 'graphite_sync_db':
user => 'www-data',
command => 'python /usr/local/bin/graphite-init-db.py /etc/graphite/admin.ini',
cwd => '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/graphite',
path => '/bin:/usr/bin',
onlyif => 'test ! -f /var/lib/graphite/storage/graphite.db',
require => [ Exec['install_graphite_web'],
::httpd::vhost { $vhost_name:
port => 80,
priority => '50',
docroot => '/var/lib/graphite/webapp',
template => 'graphite/graphite.vhost.erb',
if !defined(Httpd::Mod['headers']) {
::httpd::mod { 'headers':
ensure => present,
vcsrepo { '/opt/statsd':
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
source => 'https://github.com/etsy/statsd.git',
file { '/etc/statsd':
ensure => directory,
file { '/etc/statsd/config.js':
owner => 'statsd',
group => 'statsd',
mode => '0444',
content => template('graphite/config.js.erb'),
require => File['/etc/statsd'],
file { '/etc/graphite/carbon.conf':
mode => '0444',
content => template('graphite/carbon.conf.erb'),
require => File['/etc/graphite'],
file { '/etc/graphite/graphite.wsgi':
mode => '0444',
content => template('graphite/graphite.wsgi.erb'),
require => File['/etc/graphite'],
file { '/etc/graphite/storage-schemas.conf':
mode => '0444',
content => template('graphite/storage-schemas.conf.erb'),
require => File['/etc/graphite'],
file { '/etc/graphite/storage-aggregation.conf':
mode => '0444',
content => template('graphite/storage-aggregation.conf.erb'),
require => File['/etc/graphite'],
file { '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/graphite/local_settings.py':
mode => '0444',
content => template('graphite/local_settings.py.erb'),
require => Exec['install_graphite_web'],
file { '/usr/local/bin/graphite-init-db.py':
mode => '0555',
source => 'puppet:///modules/graphite/graphite-init-db.py'
file { '/etc/graphite/admin.ini':
mode => '0400',
owner => 'www-data',
group => 'www-data',
content => template('graphite/admin.ini'),
require => [ File['/etc/graphite'],
file { '/etc/init.d/carbon-cache':
mode => '0555',
source => 'puppet:///modules/graphite/carbon-cache.init'
file { '/etc/init.d/statsd':
mode => '0555',
source => 'puppet:///modules/graphite/statsd.init'
file { '/etc/default/statsd':
mode => '0444',
source => 'puppet:///modules/graphite/statsd.default'
service { 'carbon-cache':
name => 'carbon-cache',
enable => true,
hasrestart => true,
require => [File['/etc/init.d/carbon-cache'],
service { 'statsd':
name => 'statsd',
enable => true,
hasrestart => true,
require => [File['/etc/init.d/statsd'],
# remove any stats that haven't been updated for ~9 months and
# remove empty dirs
cron { 'remove_old_stats':
user => 'root',
hour => '2',
minute => '0',
command => 'find /var/lib/graphite/storage/whisper -type f -mtime +270 -name \*.wsp -delete; find /var/lib/graphite/storage/whisper -depth -type d -empty -delete > /dev/null',
environment => 'PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin',