# Define: apache::vhost::proxy # # Configures an apache vhost that will only proxy requests # # Parameters: # * $port: # The port on which the vhost will respond # * $dest: # URI that the requests will be proxied for # - $priority # - $template -- the template to use for the vhost # - $vhost_name - the name to use for the vhost, defaults to '*' # # Actions: # * Install Apache Virtual Host # # Requires: # # Sample Usage: # define apache::vhost::proxy ( $port, $dest, $priority = '10', $template = 'apache/vhost-proxy.conf.erb', $servername = '', $serveraliases = '', $ssl = false, $vhost_name = '*' ) { include apache $apache_name = $apache::params::apache_name $ssl_path = $apache::params::ssl_path $srvname = $name if $ssl == true { include apache::ssl } file { "${priority}-${name}": path => "${apache::params::vdir}/${priority}-${name}", content => template($template), owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0755', require => Package['httpd'], notify => Service['httpd'], } }