
159 lines
4.9 KiB

# Class: iptables
# http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/1/wiki/Module_Iptables_Patterns
# params:
# rules4: A list of additional iptables v4 rules
# eg: [ '-m udp -p udp -s --dport 8125 -j ACCEPT' ]
# rules6: A list of additional iptables v6 rules
# eg: [ '-m udp -p udp -s ::1 --dport 8125 -j ACCEPT' ]
# public_tcp_ports: List of integer TCP ports on which to allow all traffic
# public_udp_ports: List of integer UDP ports on which to allow all traffic
# allowed_hosts: An array of hashes in the form:
# hostname => str
# port => int
# protocol => 'udp' or 'tcp'
# All entries in allowed_hosts will be resolved to ip addresses and added as
# additional ACCEPT rules
class iptables(
$rules4 = [],
$rules6 = [],
$public_tcp_ports = [],
$public_udp_ports = [],
$snmp_v4hosts = [],
$snmp_v6hosts = [],
$allowed_hosts = [],
) {
include ::iptables::params
# This is to work-around rhbz#1327786 ; the iptables-service package
# incorrectly "provides" an old iptables version and confuses rpm,
# making it uninstallable (this was apparently done as part of a
# package-split). Pre-installing the iptables instead of leaving it
# up to the dependency resolver works-around this.
# 2016-12-20 : fixed in iptables-1.6.0-3.fc26 so we can remove this
# when we've moved past F25
if $::operatingsystem == 'Fedora' {
package { 'iptables-actual':
ensure => present,
name => 'iptables',
before => Package['iptables']
package { 'iptables':
ensure => present,
name => $::iptables::params::package_name,
if ($::in_chroot) {
notify { 'iptables in chroot':
message => 'Iptables not refreshed, running in chroot',
$notify_iptables = []
$notify_ip6tables = []
else {
# On centos 7 firewalld and iptables-service confuse each other and you
# end up with no firewall rules at all. Disable firewalld so that
# iptables-service can be in charge.
if ($::osfamily == 'RedHat') {
$notify_iptables = Service['iptables']
$notify_ip6tables = Service['ip6tables']
if ($::operatingsystemmajrelease >= '7') {
exec { 'stop-firewalld-if-running':
command => '/usr/bin/systemctl stop firewalld',
onlyif => '/usr/bin/pgrep firewalld',
package { 'firewalld':
ensure => absent,
require => Exec['stop-firewalld-if-running'],
before => Package['iptables'],
} else {
$notify_iptables = Service['iptables']
$notify_ip6tables = Service['iptables']
service { 'iptables':
ensure => running,
name => $::iptables::params::service_name,
require => Package['iptables'],
hasstatus => $::iptables::params::service_has_status,
status => $::iptables::params::service_status_cmd,
hasrestart => $::iptables::params::service_has_restart,
enable => true,
if ($::osfamily == 'RedHat') {
# NOTE(pabelanger): Centos-7 has a dedicated service for ip6tables. Aside
# from the different service name, we keep the same settings as iptables.
service { 'ip6tables':
ensure => running,
name => $::iptables::params::service6_name,
require => Package['iptables'],
hasstatus => $::iptables::params::service_has_status,
status => $::iptables::params::service_status_cmd,
hasrestart => $::iptables::params::service_has_restart,
enable => true,
subscribe => File["${::iptables::params::rules_dir}/rules"],
file { $::iptables::params::rules_dir:
ensure => directory,
require => Package['iptables'],
# This file is not required on Red Hat distros... but it
# won't hurt to softlink to it either
file { "${::iptables::params::rules_dir}/rules":
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0640',
content => template('iptables/rules.erb'),
require => [
# When this file is updated, make sure the rules get reloaded.
notify => $notify_iptables,
if $::osfamily == 'redhat' {
$seltype = 'etc_t'
} else {
$seltype = undef
file { $::iptables::params::ipv4_rules:
ensure => link,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
seltype => $seltype,
target => "${::iptables::params::rules_dir}/rules",
require => File["${::iptables::params::rules_dir}/rules"],
notify => $notify_iptables,
file { $::iptables::params::ipv6_rules:
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0640',
content => template('iptables/rules.v6.erb'),
require => [
# When this file is updated, make sure the rules get reloaded.
notify => $notify_ip6tables,
replace => true,