require 'spec_helper_acceptance' describe 'puppet-jenkins slave module', :if => ['debian', 'ubuntu'].include?(os[:family]) do def pp_path base_path = File.dirname(__FILE__) File.join(base_path, 'fixtures') end def preconditions_puppet_module module_path = File.join(pp_path, 'preconditions.pp') end def jenkins_slave_puppet_module module_path = File.join(pp_path, 'slave.pp') end before(:all) do apply_manifest(preconditions_puppet_module, catch_failures: true) end it 'should work with no errors' do apply_manifest(jenkins_slave_puppet_module, catch_failures: true) end it 'should be idempotent' do apply_manifest(jenkins_slave_puppet_module, catch_changes: true) end describe 'required files' do describe file('/home/jenkins/.gitconfig') do it { should be_file } its(:content) { should match '[user]' } its(:content) { should match 'name = OpenStack Jenkins' } its(:content) { should match 'email =' } its(:content) { should match '[gitreview]' } its(:content) { should match 'username = jenkins' } end describe file('/home/jenkins/.m2/settings.xml') do it { should be_file } its(:content) { should match 'jenkins' } its(:content) { should match '' } end describe file('/home/jenkins/.ssh/config') do it { should be_file } its(:content) { should match 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' } end jenkins_user_directories = [ file('/home/jenkins/.pip'), file('/home/jenkins/.config'), ] jenkins_user_directories.each do |directory| describe directory do it { should be_directory } it { should be_owned_by 'jenkins' } it { should be_grouped_into 'jenkins' } end end jenkins_user_files = [ file('/home/jenkins/.bash_logout'), file('/home/jenkins/.bashrc'), file('/home/jenkins/.profile'), file('/home/jenkins/.ssh/authorized_keys'), ] jenkins_user_files.each do |file| describe file do it { should be_file } end end describe 'symlinkies' do symlinkies = { file('/usr/local/bin/c++') => '/usr/bin/ccache', file('/usr/local/bin/cc') => '/usr/bin/ccache', file('/usr/local/bin/g++') => '/usr/bin/ccache', file('/usr/local/bin/gcc') => '/usr/bin/ccache', } symlinkies.each do |link, destination| describe link do it { should be_symlink } it { should be_linked_to destination } end end end describe file('/usr/local/jenkins') do it { should be_directory } it { should be_owned_by 'root' } it { should be_grouped_into 'root' } end end describe 'required packages' do if ['ubuntu', 'debian'].include?(os[:family]) then required_packages = [ package('build-essential'), package('ccache'), package('maven2'), package('openjdk-7-jdk'), package('python-netaddr'), package('ruby1.9.1'), ] elsif ['centos', 'redhat'].include?(os[:family]) then required_packages = [ package('ccache'), package('java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel'), package('python-netaddr'), ] end required_packages.each do |package| describe package do it { should be_installed } end end unnecessary_packages = [ package('openjdk-6-jre-headless') ] unnecessary_packages.each do |package| describe package do it { should_not be_installed } end end pip_packages = [ package('git-review'), package('tox'), ] pip_packages.each do |package| describe package do it { should'pip') } end end end describe 'required users and groups' do describe group('jenkins') do it { should exist } end describe user('jenkins') do it { should exist } it { should belong_to_group 'jenkins' } it { should have_home_directory '/home/jenkins' } it { should have_login_shell '/bin/bash' } end end end describe 'puppet-jenkins jenkins-job-builder module', :if => ['debian', 'ubuntu'].include?(os[:family]) do describe 'required files' do describe file('/etc/jenkins_jobs/jenkins_jobs.ini') do its(:content) { should match '[jenkins]' } its(:content) { should match 'user=jenkins' } its(:content) { should match 'password=secret' } its(:content) { should match 'url=' } end describe file('/etc/jenkins_jobs/config') do it { should be_directory } it { should be_owned_by 'root' } it { should be_grouped_into 'root' } end end describe 'required packages' do describe package('python-jenkins') do it { should'pip') } end describe package('python-yaml') do it { should be_installed } end end end