# Copyright 2013 Thierry Carrez # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.shortcuts import render from django.views.decorators.http import require_POST from storyboard.projects.models import Milestone from storyboard.projects.models import Project from storyboard.projects.models import Series from storyboard.stories.models import Comment from storyboard.stories.models import Story from storyboard.stories.models import StoryTag from storyboard.stories.models import Task def dashboard(request): recent_bugs = Story.objects.order_by("-id")[:5] return render(request, "stories.dashboard.html", { 'recent_bugs': recent_bugs, }) def view(request, storyid): story = Story.objects.get(id=storyid) active_series = Series.objects.filter(status__gt=0) milestones = Milestone.objects.all() return render(request, "stories.view.html", { 'story': story, 'milestones': milestones, 'priorities': Story.STORY_PRIORITIES, 'taskstatuses': Task.TASK_STATUSES, 'active_series': active_series, }) @login_required @require_POST def comment(request, storyid): story = Story.objects.get(id=storyid) if request.POST.get('comment', False): newcomment = Comment(story=story, author=request.user, comment_type="comment", content=request.POST['content']) newcomment.save() return HttpResponseRedirect('/story/%s' % storyid) @login_required @require_POST def set_priority(request, storyid): story = Story.objects.get(id=storyid) if 'priority' in request.POST: priority = request.POST['priority'] if int(priority) != story.priority: pr = story.get_priority_display() story.priority = priority story.save() # We need to refresh the story to get get_priority_display to work story = Story.objects.get(id=storyid) msg = "Set priority: %s -> %s" % (pr, story.get_priority_display()) newcomment = Comment(story=story, action=msg, author=request.user, comment_type="random", content=request.POST.get('comment', '')) newcomment.save() return HttpResponseRedirect('/story/%s' % storyid) @login_required @require_POST def add_story(request): try: newstory = Story( title=request.POST['title'], description=request.POST['description'], creator=request.user, priority=0, ) newstory.save() proposed_projects = request.POST['projects'].split() if proposed_projects: series = Series.objects.get(status=2) tasks = [] for project in proposed_projects: tasks.append(Task( story=newstory, project=Project.objects.get(name=project), series=series, )) Task.objects.bulk_create(tasks) proposed_tags = set(request.POST['tags'].split()) if proposed_tags: tags = [] for tag in proposed_tags: tags.append(StoryTag(story=newstory, name=tag)) StoryTag.objects.bulk_create(tags) msg = 'Story created (%s)' % newstory.title newcomment = Comment(story=newstory, action=msg, author=request.user, comment_type="star-empty", content='') newcomment.save() except KeyError: pass return HttpResponseRedirect('/story/%s' % newstory.id) @login_required @require_POST def add_task(request, storyid): story = Story.objects.get(id=storyid) try: if request.POST['project']: if request.POST['series']: series = Series.objects.get(name=request.POST['series']) else: series = Series.objects.get(status=2) newtask = Task( story=story, title=request.POST['title'], project=Project.objects.get(name=request.POST['project']), series=series, ) newtask.save() msg = "Added %s/%s task " % ( newtask.project.name, newtask.series.name) newcomment = Comment(story=story, action=msg, author=request.user, comment_type="plus-sign", content=request.POST.get('comment', '')) newcomment.save() except KeyError: pass return HttpResponseRedirect('/story/%s' % story.id) @login_required @require_POST def edit_task(request, taskid): task = Task.objects.get(id=taskid) try: actions = [] if (task.title != request.POST['title']): actions.append("title") task.title = request.POST['title'] if not request.POST['milestone']: milestone = None milestonename = "None" else: milestone = Milestone.objects.get( id=int(request.POST['milestone'])) milestonename = milestone.name if (milestone != task.milestone): actions.append("milestone -> %s" % milestonename) task.milestone = milestone status = request.POST['status'] if (task.status != status): task.status = status actions.append("status -> %s" % task.get_status_display()) if not request.POST['assignee']: assignee = None assigneename = "None" else: assignee = User.objects.get(username=request.POST['assignee']) assigneename = assignee.username if (assignee != task.assignee): actions.append("assignee -> %s" % assigneename) task.assignee = assignee if actions: msg = "Updated %s/%s task " % (task.project.name, task.series.name) msg += ", ".join(actions) task.save() newcomment = Comment(story=task.story, action=msg, author=request.user, comment_type="tasks", content=request.POST.get('comment', '')) newcomment.save() except KeyError: pass return HttpResponseRedirect('/story/%s' % task.story.id) @login_required @require_POST def delete_task(request, taskid): task = Task.objects.get(id=taskid) task.delete() msg = "Deleted %s/%s task" % (task.project.name, task.series.name) newcomment = Comment(story=task.story, action=msg, author=request.user, comment_type="remove-sign", content=request.POST.get('comment', '')) newcomment.save() return HttpResponseRedirect('/story/%s' % task.story.id) @login_required @require_POST def edit_story(request, storyid): story = Story.objects.get(id=storyid) storytags = set(x.name for x in StoryTag.objects.filter(story=story)) onlytags = True try: actions = [] if (story.title != request.POST['title']): onlytags = False actions.append("title") story.title = request.POST['title'] if (story.description != request.POST['description']): onlytags = False actions.append("description") story.description = request.POST['description'] proposed_tags = set(request.POST['tags'].split()) if proposed_tags != storytags: actions.append("tags") StoryTag.objects.filter(story=story).delete() tags = [] for tag in proposed_tags: tags.append(StoryTag(story=story, name=tag)) StoryTag.objects.bulk_create(tags) if actions: msg = "Updated story " + ", ".join(actions) story.save() if onlytags: comment_type = "tags" else: comment_type = "align-left" newcomment = Comment(story=story, action=msg, author=request.user, comment_type=comment_type) newcomment.save() except KeyError as e: print(e) return HttpResponseRedirect('/story/%s' % story.id)